
  • 网络Material Management;MRP;PMC
  1. 在SAPR/3中实现物料管理与财务管理的集成

    The Integration of Material Management and Financial Management in SAP R / 3

  2. 基于库存ABC分类法的矿山物料管理

    Mine 's Material Management Based on ABC Inventory Classification

  3. 基于WEB方式的企业物料管理软件

    Management Software Based on WEB for Enterprise Material

  4. 拉链行业ERP多属性物料管理的研究与设计

    Research and Design of Multi-Attribute Material in ERP System for Zipper Industry

  5. 基于AHP算法的模具企业物料管理系统的设计

    The Design of Inventory Management System Based on AHP for Mould Enterprise

  6. 企业资源计划(ERP)的物料管理主要包括库存管理和采购管理,对于车间层物料管理基本没有涉及;

    Enterprise Resource Planning ( ERP ) mostly includes inventory management and procurement management ;

  7. 面向CIMS的工具/物料管理系统的研究与开发

    Study and Development of the Tool / Material Managing System in CIMS

  8. 基于RFID的物料管理系统的应用

    RFID-based Material Management System

  9. 在第五章中对在C/S模式下用PowerBuilder开发的管理模块(主要对B、C类物料管理控制)进行了详细地说明。

    In the fifth chapter , an explication on management module developed with PowerBuilder in the C / S pattern is put forward .

  10. 提出一种基于企业资源计划(ERP)的工业条码信息采集与物料管理相结合的制造业物料管理系统。

    Presents a manufacturing material management system based on ERP which is combined with industrial bar code information collection and material management .

  11. 其中,精益生产管理方式和MRP物料管理方式的应用较为普遍。

    Among which , lean production and MRP management are widely used in China .

  12. 从我国药品GMP的修订看物料管理的动向

    Study the trend of materials management according to the revision of China 's GMP of Drugs

  13. 本课程旨在培养执行MRP的概念和实施过程中的物料管理功能。

    This course aims to train executive in the Material Management function on MRP concept and implementation process .

  14. 结合注射模生产企业物料管理特点,介绍了基于AHP算法的物料管理系统的设计和实现过程。

    This article introduces the design and implement process of the inventory management system linked with the characteristic of mould & die enterprise 's produce management ?

  15. 根据钢铁行业对物料管理的需求,本文提出了面向ERP和MES的集成化物料管理系统。

    ERP & MES oriented integrated material management system is put forward in this paper according to the requirement of material management for steel industry .

  16. 物料管理作为车间生产管理的重要环节,需要在MES环境下采用统一、有效的跟踪和管理模式。

    As an important part of production management , material management needs a unified and effective method of tracking and management in MES .

  17. 第三部分运用了先进的供应链管理思想分析了物料管理的一些基本策略,诸如供应商选择策略,ABC库存分类策略,订购策略,库存管理策略以及物料移动策略。

    Thirdly , this paper analyzes some basic tactics applying with advanced supply chain management concept , including vendor choosing methods ABC inventory method , order tactics .

  18. 本文采用先进的建模工具和J2EE四层体系结构,开发了支持ERP/MES集成的钢铁行业集成化物料管理系统。

    Material management system of steel industry supporting the integration of ERP and MES is developed in the paper , adopting advanced modeling tools and J2EE 4 tiers architecture .

  19. 本论文结合武钢金属结构公司的ERP系统实施,对钢结构企业的排料优化与物料管理系统进行了研究和应用。

    According to the ERP implement of WuHan Iron & Steel Group Metal Structure Company Ltd. , the cutting stock and material management of steel structure enterprise are studied in this paper .

  20. 在本系统的开发过程中由于利用UML建模,大大提高了开发效率,同时开发过程也更规范,实践证明基于UML的建模技术对高效地开发和实施物料管理系统有很大的帮助。

    Because of using UML , the process of this system 's development becomes more formal and faster . The practice proves the modeling technology based on UML was a good technology .

  21. 从快速、准确地响应客户的需求出发,探讨了基于个性化产品定制的机制,以及基于个性化产品定制对于扁平式企业的生产采Web购、物料管理的业务流程系统,并且提出了一个原型系统。

    It 's crucial for enterprise to rapidly response the requirements of customers . This paper proposes the mechanism and one realization of Web-based individual product customization system and a related production and stock management system for small middle enterprises ( SMEs ) .

  22. 本文结合大连机车厂机二车间的生产现状,在ERP理论以及企业信息系统管理知识基础上,分析了目前在机车厂运行的物料管理系统。

    Machine shop of Dalian Locomotive Factory , this dissertation analyzes its actual MM system based on ERP theory and the relevant knowledge of information management . The operation flow of Materiel Room in NO.

  23. 第五部分是运用MRP的物料管理思想,结合企业的实际情况,通过加强企业的物资采购管理和仓库管理,解决原材料库存管理问题。

    At last , material requirement planning and storeroom regulation are made to solve the problems of inventory management of raw materials in the fifth section .

  24. 本文第五章以BOM遍历的改进算法和宏观成本统计法为基础,开发了适合于冷却塔产品的ERP系统中的物料管理和成本管理子系统。

    In the fifth chapter , a practical software for the material and cost management is developed on the base of improved traversal algorithm of BOM and macros cost calculation method .

  25. 车间生产管理数字化解决方案包括车间计划、单元加工作业、生产现场数据采集、刀具和物料管理及与总厂MIS系统和产品设计系统接口。

    Digital scheme about workshop production includes workshop production plan , cell work job , product scene data collection , cutter and material management , and interface with factory MIS and production design system .

  26. 基于对SAPERP系统的物料管理模式的研究,得出物料库存管理是围绕BOM来进行的,其关键在于需求计划的制定和整个供应链的集成管理。

    Based on the SAP ERP system , BOM is the basis for material management , Material requirements planning and Integrated management of the entire supply chain is the key to material management .

  27. 造船材料费跟踪系统的建立体现了现代物料管理与ERP系统的成功运用,对于其他造船企业控制材料费方面提供了新的思路。

    The materials cost F / U information management system is the embodiment of the succeed application with modern materials management and ERP system management , which is beneficial for shipbuilding enterprises ' materials cost control development .

  28. 针对大连钢铁集团物料管理的现状和特点,对支持ERP/MES集成的物料管理系统进行了详细的分析和设计,并开发了钢铁行业集成化物料管理系统。

    According to the actuality and characteristics of Dalian steel Corporation , material management system supporting the integration of ERP and MES is analyzed and designed in detail , and material management system of steel industry is also developed .

  29. 由于EMS企业不涉及新产品的研究和开发,而是将更多的主要精力于企业运营管理、物料管理、质量管理和制程控制。

    Due to the special operating environment of EMS Company , they would not focus on new product research & development or marketing development , they may pay more attention to operation management , material management , quality control and process control .

  30. 在此基础上,开发了工装MES物料管理系统,实现与工装MES外部的PDM/CAPP系统和内部其它子系统的集成,并通过了企业典型工装数据的功能测试。

    On this basis , material management information system in MES of fixtures and tool was developed . The integration between internal sub-systems of MES and PDM / CAPP are realized . The system has passed the functional test with the typical data of fixtures and tools .