
  • 网络Logistics Cost Analysis
  1. 昆明机车厂物流成本分析及改进

    Analyze and Improve the Logistics Cost of Kunming Locomotive Factory

  2. 生产企业的物流成本分析与控制

    Analysis and Control of Logistics Costs in Manufacturing Enterprises

  3. 制药公司的物流成本分析与管理研究

    Analysis and Management of Logistics Cost in Pharmacy Company

  4. 作业成本法下农产品批发市场物流成本分析与应用

    The Analysis and Application of Agricultural Products Logistics Cost in Wholesale Market with the ABC Method

  5. 在对产品生命周期物流成本分析的基础上,引出逆向物流成本的概念与内容,并把逆向物流成本与正向物流成本作了比较,研究了逆向物流的成本组成,成本核算等内容。

    Concept and contents of reverse logistics cost are put forward on the basis of analyzing the product life span to logistics cost .

  6. 中美物流成本对比分析

    Analysis of the Logistics Cost in China and US by Comparison

  7. 上海市某医院医疗器械物流直接成本分析

    Analysis on direct logistics cost of medical devices in one hospital in Shanghai

  8. 基于价值链的企业物流一体化成本分析方法研究

    Research on cost analysis method of enterprise 's integrated logistics based on value chain

  9. 第四部分,港口物流成本控制分析。

    Chapter IV : Cost control method for load and unload , which is emphasized .

  10. 日本的物流成本政策分析

    Japan 's Logistics Cost Policy Analysis

  11. 循环物流的成本分析

    Cost Analysis of Circular Logistics

  12. 首先,基于价值链对农产品物流成本的分析,从内外价值链两个角度对农产品物流成本进行控制分析。

    Firstly , based on the value chain of agricultural products logistics cost analysis , from two angles to analysis agricultural products logistics and cost control .

  13. 基于GRA的中美物流业成本对比分析

    A Comparative Analysis of Logistics Cost in China and the USA Based on GRA

  14. 物流成本统计和分析。

    Collect and analyze the data on logistic cost .

  15. 粮食物流企业战略成本分析

    Strategic Cost Analysis of Foodstuff Logistics Enterprise

  16. 最后以实例对物流企业进行成本分析,验证了动态环境物流网络模型的有效性。(4)建立有效的物流网络绩效评价模型,实现物流网络的排序选择。

    At last the example validates the dynamic model with certainty figures . ( 4 ) It studies the performance evaluation model of logistic network to queue all of logistic network .

  17. 最后,指出第三方物流的成本收益分析是进行第三方物流有效成本控制、进一步发展第三方物流的重要手段。

    Finally , it points out that cost income analysis of third party logistics is an important means of proceeding cost control of third party logistics and of further developing third party logistics .

  18. 医药品逆向物流的运输成本模型分析

    Reverse Logistics Model for Pharmaceuticals Transport Costs

  19. 从阐述物流成本的概念入手分析了物流成本管理方法。

    Starting with the concept of logistics cost , this article analyses the methods of logistics cost management .

  20. 在此基础上,重点对物流成本控制过程展开分析与研究。

    Base on the above , the thesis laid a study emphasis on the process of logistics cost control .

  21. 重点对烟草行业物流成本核算过程展开分析与研究,并给出了作业成本控制与管理的模式。

    The process of tobacco logistics cost accounting was focused on . Finally , the mode of Activity-Based Costing Control and Management was discussed .

  22. 本文通过利用作业成本法对企业物流成本进行核算和分析,然后从作业管理等方面提出企业物流成本控制的思路和具体措施。

    And on the perspective of business process , the paper analyzes logistics cost control of Chinese manufacturing enterprises in detail by constructing through creating logistics cost control model .

  23. 最后以中油吉林石化公司为例,对如何有效控制成品油物流成本作了案例分析。

    In the end , the paper will take the China National Petroleum Corporation as an example to illustrate how to control effectively the logistics cost of the refined oil .

  24. 而从国内外的差异和混乱中理出头绪,探索科学实用的物流成本宏观和微观分析框架与核算方法,是实现这一目标的先决条件和基础性工作。

    Furthermore , a precondition and fundamental work to realize this purpose is to find clues from the differences and chaos domestically and abroad and to explore scientific and practical macro and micro analytical framework and accounting method of logistics cost .

  25. 第三章对整个物流链成本进行综合分析,通过理论化的抽象来建立一种效益与成本、服务质量均衡的多目标优化的物流成本模型。

    In the third chapter , Based on the synthetic analysis of logistic cost , a multi-objective optimizing model of logistic cost is established to provide a decision-making method for logistic enterprise to achieve its optimum management of goods stream process .

  26. 首先介绍了物流作业成本法,分析了物流成本的作业构成以及物流作业与物流成本的相关关系,引入线性回归预测与控制原理来预测物流作业成本和控制物流作业量。

    This paper introduced Activity-Based Costing of logistics , analyzed cost constitutes and the related relation between Activity-Based Costing and the cost of logistics , used linear regression forecast and control principle to foresee the logistics cost and control the quantity of logistics activity .

  27. 区域物流成本的测量与分析是考察一个地区物流水平的关键问题,合理地计算和预测物流成本可以使各级政府对物流发展采取有效的宏观调控措施。

    It is a crucial problem to measure and analyze the regional logistics cost for investigating the regional logistics degree . Reasonable calculation and forecasting for logistics cost can make government from different levels adopt the effective macroscopic measures to adjust control for logistics development .

  28. 在总成本最优化的思想指导下拓宽物流成本的概念,分析了物流客户服务成本的形成过程,并运用客户生命周期理论和有关方法,探索性地提出了估算物流客户服务成本的两个理论模型。

    The concept of logistics cost is enlarged under the thought of minimizing the total cost . The form process of logistics consumer service cost is analyzed , and through using consumer lifecycle theory and relevant methods , two theoretical models are explosively developed to evaluate logistics consumer service cost .

  29. 然后提出了物流及物流成本的概念,分析了物流成本的构成,指出了物流成本冰山特性、二律背反特性以及乘数效应。

    Then puts forward the concepts of logistics and logistics cost , analyzes the constitution of logistics cost .

  30. 具体做了以下工作:首先,文章从物流服务和物流成本两个角度分析COFCO公司的物流运作中存在的问题和原因。

    The paper presents us : First , the article analyses the problems existing in logistics management from two dimensions of logistics services and logistics cost .