
  • 网络material economy
  1. 同时,知识经济必须以物质经济为基础,以高科技产业为导向,以全面创新为灵魂。

    And knowledge economy must be taken material economy as the base .

  2. 循环经济是不同于传统物质经济模式的功能经济。

    Circular economy is different from the traditional line and material economy .

  3. 不管它最后能不能变成切实的物质经济利益,我不确定。

    Whether that actually translates specifically to material gains , I 'm not sure .

  4. 非物质经济是实现循环经济的关键。

    Dematerialization was the key to circular economy .

  5. 基于代谢视角的物质经济代谢分析框架研究

    Analytical Framework of Economic Metabolism and Management

  6. 物质经济的生产方式不同,必然产生大相径庭的思想观念。

    The material economy production method is different , has the widely divergent thought idea inevitably .

  7. 随着高新技术的广泛运用,全球经济正由物质经济向知识经济转变。

    The world economy is shifting from material economy into economy of knowledge with the wide application of high-tech.

  8. 现代经济正经历着由物质经济向知识经济转变;工业文明向生态文明转变和可持续发展转变。

    There are three changes of modern economy : substance economy is turning to knowledge economy and sustainable development .

  9. 全球经济正由物质经济向知识经济转变。文化成为经济发展的动力。

    The global economy is transferring from material economy to knowledge-based economy , with culture being the major driving force .

  10. 关心帮助这些学生,不仅要从物质经济上,而且要从精神心理上进行帮助。

    It is necessary to show concern with and help these students mentally and psychologically as well as materially and economically .

  11. 这主要有物质经济条件、个人法律意识水平的高低等原因。

    This has reasons , such as level of economic condition , personal legal consciousness level of material . etc. mainly .

  12. 李觏十分注重生民实际经济利益,关心万民物质经济生活。

    Li Gou paid special attention to people ′ s practical economic benefit and cared for people ′ s material and economic life .

  13. 1984年,美国有人提出了信息经济的概念以对立于物质经济的概念。

    In 1984 , the concept of an " information economy " as opposed to " material economy " was proposed in the US .

  14. 同时,因为哲学基垫的缺乏、物质经济上的巨大差异以及作家们主观追求上的原因,西方现代主义在被新感觉派移植的过程中也发生了一些不可忽视的变形与断裂。

    At the same time , the New Sensation School transformed the western Modernism during transplant , which produced some important difference from the western Modernism .

  15. 随着信息化时代的到来,非物质经济异军突起,动画产品作为文化产品的一种,同时具有经济属性和文化属性。

    Animation , one of the cultural products , processes economic attribute and cultural attribute simultaneously in the age of information during the raise of non-substance economy .

  16. 他们在物质经济、生活照料和精神慰藉方面存在的问题已经逐渐显现,并严重影响着老年人的生活质量和身心健康。

    The problem of empty-nester in economic , social and spiritual has been gradually revealed , which has seriously affected the physical and mental health of the elderly .

  17. 语言的发生与发展决不是一个孤立的现象,每当社会经济发生变革时,必然在语言中有所反映。入关前满族语言中的物质经济文化基因实际上就是物质经济发展注入的。

    In fact , the cultural elements of material economy in Manchu language before the Manchu entering the Shanhai Pass were resulted from the development of material economy .

  18. 目前,全球的经济发展己经从工业化时代向信息化时代过渡,从物质经济时代向以精神经济为导向的新经济时代过渡,对于幸福的研究愈来愈引起外国政府和专家的重视。

    Nowadays , the global economy was developing from the industrial age to information age , the research to the happiness was attracting more and more governments and experts .

  19. 唯物史观告诉我们,公正原则根源于一定社会的物质经济基础,同时又反作用于经济和社会。

    History view of materialism tell us : justice roots from the very economic basis of some society , at the same time , it has reaction on economy and society .

  20. 伴随着现代化城市的迅猛发展,物质经济的高度繁荣,人们对于其生活的公共环境的品质要求也日益提高,这不可避免地推动了公共艺术的发展。

    The requirements of public environment are increasing with the rapid development of modern cities and the high level of economic prosperity . It will promote the development of public art inevitably .

  21. 客观物质经济条件对社会形态历史演化和整体进步的基础决定性和最终制约作用决定了社会形态的历史演变是一个自然历史过程。

    The condition of material economy restricts objectively to the whole development of mankind history , so the historical evolution of social forms is the one of the historical process of nature .

  22. 近年来,特别是90年代以来,经济全球化,资本经济变为知识经济,物质经济变为信息经济,经济结构快速调整和重组。

    In recent years , especially since 90 decade , economic globalizations , capital economy changing into knowledge economic and material economy changing into information economy are accelerating economic structural adjustment and reshuffle .

  23. 本文首先介绍循环经济理论及其原则、模式,在对循环经济理论渊源进行追溯的基础上提出功能经济的概念,并分析它与传统物质经济的区别。

    This article introduces briefly the circular economy theory and its principles and modes . Then function economy is put up , and the differences between which and traditional material economy are analyzed .

  24. 环境产权是从制度角度界定自然环境和生态环境的权利束。包括物质经济、非物质经济和环境经济在内的“立体经济论”是其存在的理论基础。

    The environmental equity limits the right of natural environment and ecological environment from the angle of system ," Stereoeconomic theory " is the theoretical base complete with material economy , non-material economy and environmental economy .

  25. 社会形态历史演变的物质经济条件性变革,表征着社会运动是物质运动的一种高级形式。

    The revolutions of the characteristic of material economy condition , which occur in the course of the historical development of the social forms , demonstrate that the social movement belongs to the one of material movements .

  26. 竞争情报在现代企业发展过程中发挥着重要作用,但同时存在着不足,随着物质经济向知识经济转变,知识管理作为知识经济社会的一种新型管理模式,必将成为推动现代企业发展的主流模式。

    The paper discusses the development and functions of the competitive intelligence and knowledge management , and points out that as a new management model , knowledge management must be the main force for the modern enterprises .

  27. 一个民族在其语言形成过程中,生存环境、物质经济文化等因素所产生的影响是垂直的、直接的。满族语言在发展成长初期,从各方面印证了这一点。

    In the forming process of a nationality 's language survival environments , material economy culture have vertical and direct influence on it , which had been proved in every aspect in the early days of the Manchu Language .

  28. 本文以设计伦理学为理论基础,从物质经济的发展对人类的功利主义价值观的所产生蛊惑作用的现实状况出发,倡导设计师应当在从事制品设计时承担更多的责任。

    When designing products , it should be advocated that we ought to take the design ethic as a base and bear more responsibility from the reality of which the economic development affects the human material values of utilitarianism confusedly .

  29. 知识经济已经来临,世界经济正从物质经济向知识经济转变,它一改过去那种依靠资源、资本总量和增量决定管理模式,更加依赖于知识的积累和应用。

    It has been agreed that the knowledge-based economy will prevail , the world economy has corrected the mistake that depends on the resources , increasing and total capital , and it is changing from material economy to knowledge economy now .

  30. 科技的高速发展已成为现代社会一个重要的时代特征,无论是人们的物质经济生活,还是精神文化生活都处于现代科技的统治之下。

    The high speed of the development of science and technology ( S & T ) has been an important feature of contemporary society . Not only people 's material-economic life , but also cultural life has been under the domination of modern science .