
  • 网络LOGISTICS SCHEDULER;logistics scheduling
  1. 多配送中心(也即多供货场)车辆路径问题(Multiple-DepotVehicleRoutingProblem,MDVRP),逐渐成为智能物流调度中的一个研究热点问题。

    Multi Distribution Center ( ie more supply market ) Vehicle Routing Problem ( Multiple-Depot Vehicle Routing Problem , MDVRP ), become intelligent logistics scheduling of a research hot spots .

  2. 首先对OKP生产模式的基本内容进行了描述,总结了以前对物流调度问题的各种求解方法,构建了OKP企业物流调度模型。

    Firstly , the thesis introduces the basic content of OKP , summarizes up the previous solution of logistics scheduling problem and builds logistics scheduling model of OKP enterprise .

  3. 通过扩展KQML语言的语义,定义了物流调度系统中Agent间通信的语法和语义,并通过合同网,实现了Agent间竞争和协作的机制。

    Through the extending of KQML semantic , the grammar and semantic of inter-agent communication in the system are defined . And the competition and cooperation mechanism can be reached by contract net .

  4. 在物流调度系统中,应用人工智能和多Agent技术能够大大提高系统调度的智能化和自动化水平,从而降低人工调度处理的复杂度,优化调度策略,提高物流资源的利用率。

    Artificial Intelligence and Multi-Agent technologies greatly improve the abilities of intelligence and automation in logistic scheduling application , so the complicacy of human scheduling process is decreased , the strategy of scheduling is optimized and the utilization of the logistic resources is improved .

  5. 在BDI模型的基础上,根据物流调度系统对业务实体的操作模式和相互间的关系,建立了物流调度系统Agent的概念模型和物理模型。

    Based on the BDI model , the concept and physical model of the agent in logistic scheduling system is setup , according to the operating mode and relations between business entities in the system .

  6. 研究了启发式调度算法和C-W算法对物流调度策略的作用,提出了一种混合式的物流调度策略。

    The effect of heuristic scheduling algorithm and C-W algorithm on scheduling strategy is researched , and a hybrid scheduling strategy is proposed .

  7. 物流调度是OKP企业运作中的一个重要环节,对提升整个OKP企业的竞争力、增加其经济效益有着十分重要的影响。

    The logistics scheduling is an important aspect of OKP enterprise operation , it has an important impact to elevate the competitiveness of enterprises and increase their economic efficiency for the OKP enterprise .

  8. 最后设计了应用于求解OKP企业物流调度问题的基本蚁群算法、蚁群优化算法和自适应蚁群算法,通过仿真实验对其进行了实现并验证了其应用的可行性和有效性。

    Finally , this paper designs the three algorithms to solve the logistics scheduling problem of OKP enterprise , which are basic ant colony algorithm , ant colony optimization algorithm and adaptive ant colony algorithm .

  9. 经本论文研究证明,在求解OKP企业物流调度问题时,蚁群优化算法和自适应蚁群算法的性能都优于基本蚁群算法,且自适应蚁群算法的性能最优。

    Also proved by this paper , in solving the issue of OKP enterprises logistics scheduling , ant colony optimization algorithm and adaptive ant colony algorithm is superior to the performance of the basic ant colony algorithm , and the adaptive ant colony algorithm has optimal performance .

  10. 一类生产物流调度优化与仿真设计研究

    Study on the Optimal Regulation in Production Logistics and Its Simulation Design

  11. 根据订单进行货物的分拣是物流调度环节中重要的一环。

    The order-picking is an important part of logistics scheduling .

  12. 物资配送中心的物流调度与优化研究

    Study of Optimization and Stream Scheduling of Goods Distributing Center

  13. 基于工作流物流调度系统的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation for the planned logistics based on workflow model

  14. 基于蚁群优化的物流调度算法研究

    Study of Logistic Scheduling Algorithm Based on Ant Colonies Optimization

  15. 基于节点流的流程工业生产物流调度方法及应用

    Production logistics scheduling method and its application for process industries based on node-flow control

  16. 区域配送中心物流调度模型

    Logistics Scheduling Modle of Region Distribution Center

  17. 瓶颈约束理论下城建公司的生产物流调度优化研究

    Optimal Regulation in Production Logistics by the Theory of Bottleneck Restriction in Urban Construction Companies

  18. 基于实时智能方法的港口物流调度问题研究

    Port Scheduling Model Based on Real-time Intelligence

  19. 路径规划与避撞技术是自动化车间中完成物流调度的关键技术。

    Path planning and block avoiding are key technologies to finish resource transmission in auto factory .

  20. 现代物流调度系统是与其它信息系统广泛交互,并协同工作的信息处理系统。

    Modern logistic scheduling system is a complicate information processing system interacting and cooperating with other information systems .

  21. 最后对港口智能物流调度系统车辆实时诱导的路径优化作了一个完整的评价。

    Finally , the thesis evaluate route optimization of the vehicles real-time guidance in the port intelligent logistics dispatching system .

  22. 设计结构合理、开放的物流调度体系结构,是构建现代物流调度系统的重要基础。

    Designing of the architecture of logistic scheduling system with appropriate structure and openability is the essence of success in constructing a modern logistic scheduling system .

  23. 论文重点以上航承运的水产品为例,研究了联合营销平台中的物流调度与成本结构模型分析。

    The article put an emphasis on the seafood as an example for the study of joint marketing platform in logistics scheduling model and cost structure model .

  24. 本文的研究有利于改善物流调度监控过程中的服务管理模式,具有较为实际的应用价值及意义。

    This study will help to improve the service management model in the logistics and scheduling of monitoring process , with a more realistic value and significance .

  25. 基于企业的生产和仓储执行的分析,设计并建立了标准化立体仓库管理策略知识库和通用的物流调度策略知识库,实现参数化的仓储管理和物流调度。

    Standard AS / RS ( Automatic Storage and Retrieve System ) management strategy KBS and general logistics dispatching KBS are established by analyzing manufacture and stock information .

  26. 该系统依据用户提交的订货数量不同采取不同的物流调度策略,从而能在指定时间和地点迅速将订货送到用户手中。

    This system chooses scheduling policy of flow depending on user 's numbers of back-order , and delivers the back-order into the user in fixed time and place .

  27. 适用于公共交通、物流调度和危险品运输车辆、运钞车跟踪等智能交通系统领域。

    It is greatly fixed for Intelligent Transport System fields , for example , the control of public bus and goods flowing , tracking of cash or danger carrying vehicle .

  28. 港口智能物流调度系统作为港口物流系统的重要组成部分,一方面应与港口物流系统的其它子系统相适应,同时也不可能脱离城市交通系统而独立存在。

    The port intelligent logistics dispatching system as an important component of the port logistics system , should adapt with other port logistics subsystem , and also need adapt with the urban traffic system .

  29. 对于物流调度问题,主要是研究在炼钢-精炼工序之间的吊机何时搬运盛有高温钢水的钢包,以达到缩短工件等待时间,降低能源消耗的目的。

    The logistics scheduling problem mainly studies on when to handle the ladle with high temperature molten steel . The purpose of the scheduling is to shorten waiting time and reduce energy consumption at the same time .

  30. 本文在赤天化集团调度管理现状研究的基础上,对调度管理进行了优化研究,即利用工作流技术对集团物流调度管理平台进行了开发设计。

    Based on the study of current scheduling management situation of Chi Tian Hua Group , this paper has an optimization research on scheduling management . A scheduling management platform is developed and designed by workflow technology .