
  • 网络shippers liabilities;shipper's liabilities;shier's liabilities
  1. 这种以托运人严格责任原则为基础,以通过“知识权衡”与因果分析确定的“未能提醒”的过失责任原则为补充的思路,对中国的立法和司法实践具有一定的借鉴意义。

    The new way based on the theory of " balance of knowledge "," causation analysis " and " failure to warn " can be used for reference by the legislation and maritime trial of China .

  2. 在阐述无船承运人作为托运人的责任时,通过对不同国家的案例进行分析,明确无船承运人支付运费的义务和责任,以及法律制度在司法实践中的运用。

    When it expounds the liabilities of NVOCC as a shipper , the article analyzes the cases in different nations to make clear the obligation and liability of NVOCC to pay freight charges and the use of legislation in judicial practice .

  3. 海上危险货物托运人通知义务和责任

    Shippers ' Duty of Notice and Related Liability in Shipment of Dangerous Goods by Sea

  4. 因办理各项手续的有关单证送交不及时、不完备或者不正确,使承运人的利益受到损害的,托运人应当负赔偿责任。

    The shipper shall be liable for any damage to the interest of the carrier resulting from the inadequacy or inaccuracy or delay in delivery of such documents .