
tuō yùn dān
  • Consignment note;waybill;consignment bill
  1. 该文通过对航运托运单的结构分析,提出了一个集装箱运输的DTD文档定义。

    By analyzing the structural data of shipping order in container transportation industry , a usable DTD standard is brought forward .

  2. 行李员:请填写行李托运单和货签。

    Please fill in the luggage consignment notes and labels .

  3. 托运单是托运人签发给承运人要求分配舱位的单证。

    A shipping note is issued by the shipper to the carrier requesting allocation of shipping space .

  4. 乙方应直接向托运单中确认的托运人开具发票并结算有关运输服务的款项。

    Party B shall directly issue invoices to and settle transportation charges with the shipper which is indicated in consignment note .

  5. 船期表是向不特定的社会公众发出的,它是要约邀请,而非要约;托运单或订舱单才是要约。

    Line schedule is issued to the public , which is the invitation to an offer , but not the offer and the Ship List or the Booking Note is an offer .

  6. 我方想了解航期、航行时间以及是否需预订货舱,如需预定货舱请提供所需的托运申请单。

    We shall be glad to know the time of transit and frequency of sailings , and whether cargo space must be reserved ; if so please send us the necessary application forms .