
  • 网络The University of Toledo
  1. 解读盖里的设计&托莱多大学视觉艺术中心

    Formative Analysis of the New Art Building in the University of Toledo

  2. 但是一项重大的工程成就,他的同事、托莱多大学的地质学家詹姆斯·哈勒尔说道。

    but it is a major engineering achievement , " said his colleague , geologist James Harrell of the University of Toledo .

  3. 托莱多大学的研究人员在报告中曾提到过一个44岁的女性,该女性在熟睡时还能写电子邮件。

    Researchers at the University of Toledo reported the case of a woman , 44 , who would compose emails while sound asleep .

  4. 托莱多大学的研究者们接到一例报告,有位44岁的女性在熟睡的状态下写了一份邮件,而当她醒来后完全想不起来发了邮件这件事。

    Researchers at the University of Toledo reported the case of a woman , 44 , who would compose emails while sound asleep . She had no recollection of sending the emails when awake .