
  • 网络The College of William and Mary;William & Mary;The College of William & Mary
  1. 佛吉尼亚州威廉玛丽学院的JohnMcGlennon说,现在要了解这一点还为时过早。

    Political scientist John McGlennon at the College of William and Mary in Virginia says it is too soon to know .

  2. 比如来自佛吉尼亚威廉斯堡威廉玛丽学院的学生RyanKrysiak。

    Like Ryan Krysiak , a student at the College of William and Mary , in Williamsburg , Viriginia .

  3. 因加卡尔博尼(IngaCarboni)是威廉玛丽学院梅森商学院(CollegeofWilliamandMaryMasonSchoolofBusiness)一名助理教授,她禁止学生将手提电脑与手机带入自己的课堂。

    Inga Carboni , an assistant professor at the College of William and Mary Mason School of Business , has banned laptops and mobile phones in her classroom .

  4. 从威廉玛丽学院(CollegeofWilliamandMary)获得MBA学位后,佩里(ChrisPerry)知道他必须去弗吉尼亚州威廉斯堡以外的地方闯一闯,才能找到一份与营销和品牌有关的好工作。

    After getting his M.B.A. from the College of William and Mary , Chris Perry knew he 'd have to venture beyond Williamsburg , Va. , to find a good job in marketing and branding .

  5. 施赖伯任教于维吉尼亚州的威廉玛丽学院。

    Schreiber teaches at the College of William and Mary in Virginia .

  6. 它是威廉玛丽学院、哈佛、罗格斯还是普林斯顿?

    Is it William and Mary , Harvard , Rutgers or Princeton ?

  7. 我与妻子开车送丹尼尔到维吉尼亚州的威廉玛丽学院读书。

    With his mother , I drove him to William and Mary College in Virginia .

  8. 问题:从对话中我们能获知关于威廉玛丽学院的什么信息?

    Q : What do we learn from this conversation about the College of William and Mary ?

  9. 作家兼威廉玛丽学院神经系统多样性常驻研究学者约翰o埃尔德o罗宾逊指出,全世界约有2%的人拥有异常的神经系统结构,这个比例和犹太人在美国人口当中的比例相同。而在选聘人才时,没有雇主敢忽视犹太人群体。

    About 2 % of the population has an atypical neurological structure , the same percentage within the U.S. as the Jewish population , a group that no recruiter would consider discounting in a talent search , points outs John Elder Robison , author and neurodiversity scholar-in-residence at The College of William & Mary .

  10. WilliamVanAlstyne是佛吉尼亚州威廉玛丽法学院的教授。

    William Van Alstyne is a professor at the William and Mary Law School in Virginia .

  11. 但弗吉尼亚州威廉与玛丽学院的经济学家德博拉·休伊特(DeborahHewitt)表示,埃及的外国私人投资依然疲软。

    But economist Deborah Hewitt at the College of William & Mary in Virginia says private foreign investment remains weak .

  12. 爱打高尔夫的威廉与玛丽学院的优等生

    from William and Mary and loves to golf .

  13. 威廉和玛丽学院,威廉斯堡,弗吉尼亚州。

    College of William and Mary , Williamsburg , VA.

  14. 女:威廉与玛丽学院是这个国家所成立的第二所高等学府。

    W : The College of William and Mary is the second oldest institution of higher learning in this country .

  15. 鲍威尔取得预备军官训练团的奖学金,进入威廉与玛丽学院主修政治学,之后取得少尉军阶。

    After studying government at the College of William and Mary on an ROTC scholarship , he was commissioned as a second lieutenant .

  16. 但部署士兵,同时努力保护人权是有问题的的,根据威廉与玛丽学院墨西哥问题专家乔治格雷森。

    But deploying soldiers while trying to protect human rights is problematic , according to Mexico expert George Grayson of the College of William and Mary .

  17. 威廉与玛丽学院的乔治·格雷森说,墨西哥的上层和中产阶级需要付出更多。

    George Grayson says Mexicans in the upper and middle classes , who have been absent from this effort , need to do more and pay more .

  18. 同样,有些大学和研究生院(威廉与玛丽学院梅森商学院就是一家)还为找工作的学生提供交通补助费。

    Likewise , some colleges and graduate programs ( William and Mary 's Mason School of Business is one ) have stipends available for job-hunting transportation costs .

  19. 但是,因为历史原因,有些实际上是大学的学校仍叫做学院,例如波士顿学院和威廉与玛丽学院。

    However , for historical reasons , some universities ( such as Boston College and The College of William & Mary ) have retained the term college as their name .

  20. 约翰·莫利尔是威廉与玛丽学院幽默研究的先驱,他发现,笑声是对违反常规的不协调的故事的一个十分有趣的反映。

    John Morreall , who is a pioneer of humor research at the college of William and Mary , has found that laughter is a playful response to incongruities-stories that disobey conventional expectations .

  21. 威廉与玛丽学院公共健康与营养教授斯科特o伊克斯指出,东非等地的一些拥有土地的农民经常面临这种浮士德式的交易。

    Farmers who do have land in areas like East Africa often face a Faustian bargain , said Scott Ickes , a professor of public health and nutrition at the College of William Mary .