
  • 网络Preferential trade agreement;PTA;Preferential Trade Arrangements
  1. 在特惠贸易协定签署的前提下,解决服务贸易争端仍然难以取得进展,这就很值得引起我们的重视了。

    It is noteworthy that precious little progress has been made in tackling this issue in the context of preferential trade agreements .

  2. 对中方来说,该项目的吸引力部分在于埃及与欧洲、非洲和中东国家签订的大量特惠贸易协定。

    The attraction for the Chinese is partly the large number of preferential trade agreements Egypt has with Europe , Africa and the Middle East .

  3. 经济上,两个大国都是菲律宾最大的贸易伙伴,由于自由贸易协定和特惠贸易协定也是最大的利益方。

    Economically , both are the top trading partners of the Philippines and greatly benefits thereto and also by virtue of a FTA and Preferential Trade Agreements .

  4. 90年代以前,《特惠贸易安排协定》(简称PTA)作为东盟经济合作的主要机制,对东盟经济合作曾起到一定的推动作用。

    Before 1990s , Special preferential trade arrangement pact ( shortened form PTA ) as the main mechanism of economic cooperation of ASEAN exerted some driving forces to the economic cooperation of ASEAN .

  5. 从1977年的《东盟特惠贸易安排协定》开始,东盟各国围绕商品关税减让等主要方法,对增加东盟区内的贸易往来作出了持久的努力。

    Guided by the Agreement on ASEAN Preferential Trading . Arrangements in 1977 , ASEAN countries made consistent efforts to promote the intra - regional trade , mainly by cutting the tariff of selected goods .