
  • 网络franchise bidding
  1. 自然垄断行业的有效竞争机制主要有:特许投标竞争、区域间比较竞争和剥离直接竞争等。

    There are some useful mechanisms that can promote workable competition in natural monopoly such as franchise bidding competition , yardstick competition and direct competition .

  2. 西方国家在自然垄断产业的规制实践中,采用了多种多样的激励性规制形式,如价格上限规制、社会契约制度、特许投标规制、标尺竞争规制等。

    In the regulation practice of natural monopoly industry , the western countries have adopted various incentive regulation forms , such as price cap regulation , social contract system , franchise bidding regulation and yardstick competition regulation .

  3. 出售国有资产、放松政府管制和特许投标是英国公用事业民营化的主要措施。

    It is the main measures of Britain 's public utilities privatization to sell state-run assets , relax the government control and license submitting a tender .

  4. 于是,西方学者从政府监管的角度提出了激励性管制,如价格上限规制、区域间标尺竞争、特许投标制等多种思路,对于促进企业削减成本、提高效率具有积极意义。

    Western scholars proposed incentive regulation from the prospective of government regulation , such as price cap , regional ruler competition , concession and bidding system , which had positive effects on enterprises in terms of cost control and efficiency enhancement . 2 .