
  • 网络The Public Interest Theory
  1. 在公共利益理论的探讨上,看到公共利益应该有两层含义,作为公共利益的主体,不能错误地把国家利益或集体利益等同于公共利益。

    In the public interest theory discussion , we see that public interests have two layers of meaning . As the main bodies of public interests , we cannot treat the interests of the state and collective interests equally to the public interests .

  2. 西方规制理论的演进经历了五个阶段,它们分别是规制公共利益理论、规制俘虏理论、规制经济理论、可竞争市场理论以及激励规制理论。

    The evolution of western regulation theory contains five stages , which are the public interest theory of regulation , the capture theory of regulation , the economic theory of regulation , the theory of contestable markets and the incentive theory of regulation .

  3. 金融监管公共利益理论及其质疑

    Theory and Question of the Public Interest of Financial Monitoring

  4. 政府规制中的公共利益理论与部门利益理论

    Public interests theory and department interests theory in Government 's standard and controlling

  5. 其中传统规制理论包括公共利益理论、规制俘获理论和规制经济理论等;

    The traditional regulation theory includes pubic interest theory , capture theory of regulation and economic theory of regulation .

  6. 公共利益理论、公共选择理论、规制俘虏理论、激励性规制理论等都只能对出租车市场的局部现象做出合理解释。

    Public interest theory , public choice theory , regulatory capture theory , incentive regulation theory can only explain partial phenomena of taxi market .

  7. 私人利益理论弥补了传统公共利益理论的缺陷,形成对监管制度不同的理论研究进路。

    Private interest principles can cover the deficiency of the traditional public interest principles and thus will help forward different studies of a supervision system .

  8. 经济法是社会法,是以社会公共利益理论为理论依归,但经济法的社会公共利益的外延与公法或私法的利益外延不完全相同。

    Economic law is based on social and public interests in mind theory . The concept of public interest or private interests epitaxial not identical .

  9. 按照公共利益理论、部门利益理论、可竞争市场理论、新管制经济学的发展脉络,对管制理论进行梳理总结。

    The theory of regulation has been organized and reviewed according to the development trend of the public interest theory , sectional interest theory and new regulation economics .

  10. 在资产评估基本准则评价的经济学分析部分,文章对于评估人员对具体条款的评价和基本准则存在的问题,运用规制经济学的公共利益理论和新制度经济学的有关理论进行了分析。

    In the part of analysis on appraisal , this paper uses relevant theories of Regulation Economics and New Institutional Economics to analyze the appraisal and these problems .

  11. 第一部分,简要阐释证券监管的涵义及最优监管规则理论、公共利益理论、监管经济学等相关理论,指出证券公司监管的重要意义。

    In the first part , I explain the theories of securities company supervision such as supervision theory , public interest theory , economic supervision theory and so on .

  12. 公共利益理论假定政府规制以公共利益最大化为目标,监管的目的是为了提高资源配置效率,增进社会公众的福利。

    Public interest theory assumes government regulation to public benefit maximization as the goal , regulatory aims to improve the resource allocation efficiency , improve the social public benefits .

  13. 监管理论的发展总体上是沿着从公共利益理论逐步向私人利益理论的嬗变展开的,并对证券监管制度的构建与实践产生了明显的影响。

    Generally speaking , supervision theories gradually deviate from public interests to private interests , which has exerted prominent influence on the establishment and operation of the securities supervision system .

  14. 这里介绍了公共利益理论、管制俘虏理论,并指出了这两种理论的缺陷和不足。

    The author introduces the theory of public interest and economic theory of regulation including capture theory of regulation and life-cycle theory , and pionts out the defects of these theories .

  15. 这一部分回顾了公司治理和保险监管的相关理论,着重讨论了利益相关者理论和公共利益理论对保险公司治理监管研究的重要意义,并以此为基础论证了保险公司治理监管的逻辑起点。

    Reviewing the related theories of corporate governance and insurance regulation , this part gives attention to the significance of public interest theory and stakeholders theory , and demonstrates the logic starting point of supervision on insurers ' corporate governance .

  16. 市场规制理论演进中的三个阶段理论,包括公共利益理论、俘虏理论和新兴市场规制理论。

    Based on the explanation of the concept of market regulation , the paper explicates the three stages in the development of market regulation theories , including the public value theory , the capture theory and the new market regulation theories .

  17. 在规制理论中分析了规制公共利益理论、规制俘虏理论和规制经济论;还分析了马克思的微观规制理论和可竞争市场理论。

    As to the regulation theories , the analysis is about the public interest regulation theory , the regulation capture theory and the theory on regulatory economy , as well as the micro regulation theory and contestable market theory of Karl Marx .

  18. 本文详细介绍了规制经济理论发展、演化的脉络。对传统的规制公共利益理论、规制俘虏理论、规制经济理论及其主要代表人物的观点予以评述;

    This paper introduces in great detail the development and evolution of the theory of economic regulation , and makes a commentary on traditional theories of public interest regulation , of regulatory capture , of economic regulation and their representative figures ' viewpoints .

  19. 本部分主要对征收与补偿的基本理论进行了探析,主要介绍了征收与补偿的基本概念、行政征收理论、公共利益理论等;第四章是房屋征收补偿的原则。

    This part researches some basic theories of expropriation and compensation , including the definition of expropriation and compensation and the theories of administrative expropriation , the definition of public interest . The fourth part is the principles of compensation in house expropriation on state owned land .

  20. 本章第二节界定了什么是群体纠纷诉讼机制,并进而论述了群体纠纷一次性救济的法理基础:诉讼效率理论、接近正义与公民诉权理论和公共利益理论。

    In section 2 the author gives a definition of civil procedural mechanism for group dispute and discusses the theoretical basis for resolving group dispute in one single procedure , which are theory of procedural efficiency , access to justice and civil litigation right , public interest .

  21. 第二章阐述了灾害、救灾捐赠、监管和行政监管的相关概念与理论,并结合治理理论、公共利益理论、监管政治理论、财政监督理论等监管相关的理论进行简单的介绍。

    The second chapter illustrated the relevant concepts and theories of the disaster , the disaster relief donations , supervision and administrative supervision , with the combining introduction of the theories of the governance , the public interest , the supervision policy , the financial supervision and other related theories .

  22. 论经济法保障社会公共利益的理论基础

    Feasibility analysis of the economic law to safeguard the social public interests

  23. 第五部分主要论述公共利益界定理论的立法表达。

    The fifth part mainly discuss legislative expression of definitive theory to public interest .

  24. 进一步讲,在理论上要有公共利益规制理论、放松规制理论和激励性规制理论三个理论要求。

    Further speak , in theory must have the public interest regulation theory , deregulating theory and incentive regulation theory three theory demands .

  25. 反倾销中公共利益问题的理论探讨

    A Theoretic Analysis of the Public Interest Principle in Antidumping

  26. 论社会公共利益社会性别理论初探

    On Social Public Interest Gender Theory Discuss

  27. 第三部分讨论了公共利益界定的理论基础,为本文的立论提供理论依据。

    The third part discusses the theoretical basis for defining the public interests , providing theoretical basis for this paper .

  28. 首先从经济学和法学两个角度对反倾销制度中的公共利益原则进行理论分析,进而得出其内涵及外延。

    Firstly , the thesis derives denotations and connotations of the public interest principle in anti-dumping system from an analysis from the economic and judicial points of view .

  29. 第一章对行政公益诉讼的基本制度进行了考证,介绍了域外行政公益诉讼制度的概况,并对行政公益诉讼中公共利益等相关理论进行了探讨。

    In the first chapter , the basic system of administrative public welfare litigation is textually researched , and the profile about the system of extraterritorial administrative public welfare litigation is introduced , and public welfare in administrative public welfare litigation and other related theories are discussed .

  30. 公共利益法律化:理论、路径与制度完善

    The Legalization of Public Interest : Its Theory , Path and Institutional Improvement