
ɡōnɡ yǒu zhì jīnɡ jì
  • Public ownership economy;publicly-owned economy
  1. 随着我国以公有制经济为主体的多种所有制经济共同发展的经济制度的确立,社会主义市场经济呈现出蓬勃发展的良好态势。

    At present , the economic system has been established in China , in which multiple ownership economies , with the publicly-owned economy as the main body , develop together . The socialist market economy is growing vigorously .

  2. 中国证券市场的发展和壮大具有重要的意义,它巩固和增强了公有制经济的主体地位;

    It has consolidated the dominant role of public ownership economy ;

  3. 初级阶段理论是全面认识公有制经济的根本依据

    Primary Stage Theory - Essential Foundation of Understanding Public Ownership Economy

  4. 关于巩固和发展社会主义公有制经济的思考

    Thinking On How to Solidify and Improve Socialist Public Ownership Economy

  5. 这一阶段,税收成了与公有制经济和社会主义分配关系不相融的异物,税制简化,税收理论削弱。

    The taxation system was simplified and the taxation theory was weakened .

  6. 公有制经济在我国历史及现实中的地位再认识

    Reconsidering the Public Economy and Its Status in Chinese History and Reality

  7. 它有利于公有制经济的实现和发展。

    Fixed assets contributes state assets to realize and develop .

  8. 对社会主义公有制经济的理论和现实思考

    On the Theory and Reality of the Public Ownership of Socialist Economy

  9. 国有企业是社会主义公有制经济的核心力量。

    The national business are the heart power of the socialism economy .

  10. 调整和完善所有制结构推进公有制经济健康发展

    Adjusting and Perfecting the Ownership Structure Promoting the State-owned Economy 's Healthy Development

  11. 非公有制经济是相对于公有制经济而产生的一个名词。

    Non-public ownership economy is relative to the public economy and a term .

  12. 私营经济与公有制经济是两种不同性质的经济成分,二者之间的关系也具有两重性。

    Private and public are two different economic systems .

  13. 公有制经济与社会经济的和谐发展

    The Harmonious Development of Public-owned Economy and Social Economy

  14. 巩固和发展社会主义公有制经济是全国人民的共同事业

    Strengthening and Developing Socialist Public Ownership Economy-Our Common Cause

  15. 公有制经济及其实现形式

    The Public Ownership Economy and Its Practicing Form

  16. 优化农业产业结构。现代公有制经济论

    Improve the composition of agricultural use . The Discussing of Modern Common Property System

  17. 私营经济是社会主义公有制经济的补充。

    The private economy is a supplement to the socialist economy under the public ownership .

  18. 按劳分配是社会主义公有制经济的基本分配原则。

    Distribution according to work is the fundamental principle of the socialist public ownership economy .

  19. 高度集权的计划体制,一是封闭性;二是单一的公有制经济。

    The main characteristics of central highly planned system are two of closing and single-public economy .

  20. 在公有制经济进一步发展的同时,私营、个体经济有了较快发展。

    While public sectors of the economy further developed , private and individual sectors also grew rapidly .

  21. 第一,必须毫不动摇地巩固和发展公有制经济。

    First , it is necessary to consolidate and develop unswervingly the public sector of the economy .

  22. 在理论与现实之间&社会主义公有制经济中劳动力属性问题探析

    Between the Theory and the Reality & About the Attribute of Labor in Socialist Public Ownership System

  23. 公有制经济数量与质量之间辨证关系问题再反思

    Re-consideration on the Issue of the Dialectical Relation Between Quantity and Quality in the Economy of Public Ownership

  24. 二是国企改革要坚持公有制经济的主体地位和国有经济的主导作用;

    Second , adhering to public Ownership Economy and upholding the leading role of the state owned Economy ;

  25. 现代企业制度的建立与我国公有制经济的深层调整

    The Establishment of a Modern Corporate System and the Profound Adjustment of the Public Owned Economy of Our Country

  26. 随着经济体制改革,我国逐步形成了以公有制经济为主体、多种所有制经济共同发展的基本经济制度。

    With economic reform , China has formed a co-existence of public ownership economy and other diverse economic sectors .

  27. 公有制经济特别是国有经济,一直是中国国民经济的支柱。

    The public economy , particularly the State-owned economy , has remained as a pillar of the national economy .

  28. 一是以社会主义公有制经济为主体,一是共同富裕。

    One is the predominance of the socialist public sector of the economy , the other is common prosperity .

  29. 当前,我国的公有制经济仍占主体地位,但其主体地位正越来越受到挑战。

    Currently , China still the dominant position of public ownership economy , but its dominant position is increasingly threatened .

  30. 它是我国现阶段除了公有制经济形式以外的所有经济结构形式。

    It is at this stage apart from the public economy in China outside of all forms of economic structure .