
  1. 首先从自由贸易区制度构建的理论基础入手,分别阐述公平互利原则、国家经济主权原则和国际合作原则对自由贸易区建立的指导意义。

    It started from an elaboration of the theoretical foundation of the establishment of the FTA , expounding the role of the principles of equality and mutual benefit , national economic sovereignty and international cooperation .

  2. 它是基于发展中国家在多边贸易体制下的历史和现状而提出并符合国际法所遵循的公平互利原则。

    As a fair and mutual benefit principle which is in accordance with the international law , SDT was put forward on the history and status quo of developing countries under the multilateral trade system .

  3. 经济主权原则和有约必守原则是国际经济法的基本原则,公平互利原则和全球合作原则只是具体原则。

    Principle of economic sovereignty and principle of abiding by agreements are general principles of international economic law . Nevertheless , principle of mutual benefit and principle of global collaboration are principles of specific fields in international economic law .

  4. 鼓励中国航天企业在平等、公平、互利的原则下积极参与国际航天商业发射服务。

    The Chinese Government encourages space enterprises to take part in international commercial launching service under the principles of equality , fair and mutual benefit .

  5. 指出了信息披露的伦理要求,应根据各种具体问题的不同适当地在公平原则和互利原则之间定位。

    Based on various specific problems , the author points out that the moral principles of information announcement should be decided properly between the fairness doctrine and the principle of mutual benefit .

  6. 本文通过对销售商向消费者披露产品的信息的责任和义务的分析,比较了信息披露道德的公平原则和互利原则。

    By analyzing the responsibility and obligation of the sellers who announce information of their products to the consumers , the author compare the fairness doctrine with the principle of mutual benefit concerning the morality of information announcement .

  7. GATS中的特别优惠待遇体现了经济主权、公平互利和全球合作原则,同时也蕴含了自由、安全、公平和整体利益等法律理念。

    The special preferential in GATS embodies not only principles of economy sovereignty , equality , mutual benefit , and global cooperation , but also the law idea of freedom , security , e-quality and whole interest .

  8. 并通过分析一系列的道德原则和规范,如集体主义原则、效率优先、兼顾公平的原则、互利原则等对以上观点进行了论证。

    These viewpoints are proved through the analysis of some moral principles and standard , such as the principle of collectivism , the principle of efficiency prior to being fair and the principle of mutual benefit .