
  • 网络public journalism;public news
  1. 二十世纪末美国公共新闻运动研究

    The Research of American Public Journalism Movement in 20th Century Late

  2. 公共新闻业与传统新闻业的差异比较

    A Comparison between Public Journalism and Traditional Journalism

  3. 美国公共新闻的历史与现状(上)&对美国公共新闻的实地观察与分析

    History and status quo of public news in the United States

  4. 公共新闻:发展中的理论与探索中的实践&探析美国公共新闻及其研究高校要重视人心经营工程

    Colleges and Universities Must Pay Attention to the Engineering of Public Feeling

  5. 积极开展公共新闻运动为公众参与公共事务创造机会。

    Actively facilitating the movement of public news .

  6. 中国公共新闻及发展趋势研究

    Public Journalism Its Development Trend Research in China

  7. 公共新闻理论在我国的实践

    Practical Significance of Public Journalism Theories in China

  8. 公共新闻:崛起的背景与前景

    The Public Journalism : the Background and Prospect

  9. 公共新闻(或称公民新闻)在美国的兴起,引起国内学者的关注。

    The rise of public journalism ( civil news ) attracts domestic scholars ' attention .

  10. 美国公共新闻理论探析

    On Theory of American Public Journalism

  11. 美国公共新闻运动研究

    Study on American Public Journalism Movement

  12. 第三章就公共新闻所倡导的参与与批判精神,对于我国社会的重要意义做了肯定。

    Chapter 3 expounds on the importance of the Public / Civil Journalism for our society .

  13. 第三章是对我国公共新闻发展面临的问题、相应对策与发展前景的分析。

    The third chapter is the analysis of our public journalism 's questions , countermeasures and prospects .

  14. 公共新闻于1990年前后在美国提出,是美国新闻实践中一种崭新的理论。

    In USA , Public journalism was put forward about 1990 in media practices as an entirely new theory .

  15. “公共新闻”运动要提倡的恰恰是这样一种公民意识,一种公民责任感。

    " Public journalism " is no other than a sense of citizenship and a sense of citizen responsibility .

  16. 拓展报道领域,从民生新闻到公共新闻;

    To expand news report channels by enlarging report from news on people 's livelihood to news on public news ;

  17. 其中,公众、记者与公众生活的关系是公共新闻理论的重点和核心。

    Relation of the publics , reporters and public life is the focal point and core of theories of public journalism .

  18. 近年来传入中国后,在国内新闻界形成一股公共新闻热。本文主要研究公共新闻理论从美国传入中国后对我国新闻写作产生的影响。

    In recent years , it came to China and form a " Public Journalism trend " in the national press .

  19. 公共新闻运动兴盛于1990年代的美国,是新闻界对当代公共生活的危机的反应。

    Public Journalism springs up in1990s in American , which could be considered as journalistic response to the crisis of public life .

  20. 中国公共新闻时代的到来,有现实基础,也面临严峻挑战。

    The arrival of the age of public news in China is based on reality but is also confronted with serious challenges .

  21. 确立公共新闻的概念,明确公共新闻业与传统新闻业的差异,是这类研究不可或缺的命题。

    It is necessary for us to define ″ public news ″ and know the deference between public journalism and traditional journalism .

  22. 摘要20世纪末,公共新闻运动虽经10年之久,却依然无法根本改变普通市民无法获取近用权、参与公共生活的状况。

    At the end of the20th century , the unavailability of accessing rights made the ordinary citizens unable to participate in public life .

  23. 电视民生新闻与公共新闻作为当前两大备受关注的新闻形态,因各种原因而面临发展瓶颈。

    As the two current noteworthy news , television livelihood news and public news are faced with the development bottleneck for various reasons .

  24. 公共新闻运动不但在实践中取得了一定的积极效果,在新闻理论上也提出了一些新的观念。

    Public journalism have not only obtained certain positive results in its practices , but also have put forward some new ideas to the journalism .

  25. 公共新闻是一种互动式的新闻形式,以公共事务为报道对象、以新闻媒体与公众互动为报道方式。

    Public journalism ( PJ ) is a form of interactive journalism , focusing on reporting public affairs and interaction between news media and audience .

  26. 对于学界及新闻业界存在的不同观点,笔者认为,公共新闻与民生新闻两者并不冲突,公共新闻是对民生新闻的继承与发展。

    To the controversy of the academe between the two kinds of news , the author thinks that there is no conflict between the two journalisms .

  27. 这个结果将会发表在《过敏与临床免疫学杂志》上,美国肺脏学会在今天的一个公共新闻专线上的声明中宣布了这一决定。

    The findings will be published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology , the American Lung Association said in a statement on PRNewswire today .

  28. 现阶段,我们传媒人的媒介素养现状如何?近年来的一些公共新闻事件,折射出了传统媒介尤其是纸质报刊从业人员自身媒介素养的匮乏。

    In recent years , some of the public news events reflect the lack of media literacy of traditional media workers , especially the paper-based newspapers workers .

  29. 在公共新闻的实践及其研究继续向前推进的今天,公共新闻还出现了与参与式新闻融合的新趋势。

    With going ahead of practices and researches nowadays , there also be a new trend of blending " Public news " with " participation news " looms .

  30. 公共新闻运动的出现对一些传统的新闻理念提出了挑战,在美国新闻学教授和记者中引起了不小的争议。

    The emergence of public journalism has offered a challenge to some traditional news principles , it has also caused many discussions and controversies among journalists and professors .