
  • 网络Joint-stock economy;share holding
  1. 而那些传统词汇包括:“'refugee(难民)”、“sharingeconomy(股份制经济)”和“fleek(连连)”。

    Among them were ' refugee ' , ' sharing economy ' and ' on fleek ' .

  2. 股份制经济不断扩大。

    The joint-stock company sector of the economy expanded continuously .

  3. 并提出机构投资者主导模式的设想,将进一步推动股份制经济的发展。

    It promotes the development of shareholding system economy further .

  4. 我国的职工持股是股份制经济发展的产物。

    Employee stock ownership is the achievement of stock system development in China .

  5. 股份制经济是社会所有制经济

    Stock System Economy Is Society Ownership One

  6. 随着改革的进一步深化,私有经济和股份制经济得到了较大的发展,一些技术人员在自己擅长的领域采用股份制这种形式组建了企业。

    With the further deepening of reform , the private economy and stock economy have made great progress .

  7. 股本权益是股份制经济理论中的重要课题,其研究尚不多见。

    Equity interests is one of the important topics in shareholding economic theory . Nowadays the study on equity capital is seldom .

  8. 我国的职工持股制度一开始具有自发性,随着我国股份制经济的发展,我国的职工持股制度得以进一步的发展和完善。

    ESOP in China was born of spontaneity and has been further developed and improved along with the development of Chinese shareholding economy .

  9. 职工持股制度是现代股份制经济中一项非常重要的制度,但其内涵与外延在学术界仍处于众说纷纭的争论中。

    Employee stock ownership plans ( ESOP ) is a important institute of modern stock economy , but its definition is still confusion .

  10. 在同是半封建半殖民地的国家,其它国家想方设法保护和促进本国的股份制经济,而我国的政府不但不尽力地去支持和保护它们,反而处处与它们为难。

    However , the stock economy in other semi-feudal and semi-colonial countries was well protected and promoted while it was firmly constrained in China .

  11. 特别是当代中国,在股份制经济中断几十年后又重新实行,这些特色现象更值得我们去研究和思考。

    What is more worth thinking and researching in current China is the restoration of stock economy that has been interrupted for decades of years .

  12. 随着市场经济的建立和股份制经济的迅速发展,我国企业掀起了并购和资产重组的浪潮。

    Along with foundation of market economy and development of joint-stock economy , there are lots of merger , acquisition and reorganization in China enterprises .

  13. 大力发展股份制经济,实现投资主体多元化,是国有施工企业改革发展的正确选择。

    So it is correct for them to develop the stock economy and realize diversified sources of investment in the process of reform and development .

  14. 这种现象反映之于股份制经济,便是无论从它的产生、内部运作还是发展等各方面,都具有典型的中国特色。

    The above phenomenon mentioned also makes the stock economy in China full of typical Chinese characteristic in terms of its formation , internal operation and development .

  15. 劳动产权严格地说只能是劳动力产权,它是社会主义公有制主导的股份制经济条件下出现的新问题。

    Strictly speaking , the labor property right can only be the labor force property right , which is the new problem appeared under the condition of joint-stock system economy leading by socialist public ownership .

  16. 伴随计划经济时期单位体制的衰落,非公有制经济和股份制经济的发展,城市社区作用日益重要。

    With the decline of the " unit system " of the planned economy period and with the development of the non-publicly-owned economy and joint stock economy , the function of community has become more and more important .

  17. 目前中国经济增长的拉动力三分之二来自非国有经济,其中个体民营经济已同外资经济、股份制经济一起成为推动中国经济持续增长的三大非公经济力量。

    At present , two thirds of pulling power for our economic growth is derived from non-state-owned economy . Private economy with foreign economy and shareholding economy together are major non-public economic power pushing the national economy to grow continuously .

  18. 伴随股份制经济的蓬勃发展,因股权、债权、技术、土地使用权、劳务等出资标的适格问题引起的法律纠纷日益增多。

    With the vigorous development of joint-stock economy , the legal disputes are getting increase , which are caused by the qualification problems of invested objective such as stock right , creditor 's right , technology , land-use right and labor services and so on .

  19. 混合股份制经济的发展,可以促进公有制经济和非公有制经济的发展,并把两者的发展统一起来,只有发展混合经济才能使股份制成为公有制的主要实现形式。

    The development of mixed economy can promote the development of public economy and make the development of public economy goes parallel with that of non-public economy . Only when the mixed economy developed , can the shared ownership be the manifestation of public ownership .

  20. 进一步分析了股份合作制经济组织、有限责任公司、股份有限公司三种组织的优势及弊端,得出了成立土地股份公司的优越性。

    It analyzes the advantage and disadvantage of stock cooperative economic organizations , limited liability companies and companies , and obtains the superiority of setting up land share companies .

  21. 农村土地股份合作制的经济解释与分析

    Economic Analysis on Land Joint - stock Cooperation System in the Village

  22. 股份制理论的经济法律思考

    Some Economic and Legal Considerations on the stock System Theory

  23. 合作制与股份制:不同经济背景下农村信用社的制度选择

    Cooperative System or Shareholding System : the Institutional Logic of Rural Credit Cooperatives Development

  24. 国内外银行业产权制度改革的实践证明,股份制作为市场经济条件下比较灵活有效的产权组织形式,是我国国有商业银行产权制度改革的最优选择。

    The property rights system reform of domestic and foreign banks have proved that the shareholding system is a more flexible and effective property rights organizational form in market economy , and it is the optimum choice of the state-owned commercial banks of our country .

  25. (二)设立或者改制为股份制企业以及其他经济组织的。

    Those which establish or are restructured into joint-stock enterprises or other economic organization .

  26. 股份制与社会主义市场经济

    Share & holding System And Socialist Market Economy

  27. 但是,国有银行的规模经济有渐渐改善的趋势,而股份制银行的规模经济却在渐渐恶化。

    However , the stated-owned banks ' scale economics are being improved , the shareholding banks ' are being worse .

  28. 由于目的、方式及时期的不同,这些国家资本股份制企业在社会经济生活中发挥的作用也并非一致。

    Because of differences in goals , methods and timing , these state capital joint stock companies had a far from consistent effect on socio-economic life .

  29. 在经济高速发展的今天,股份制适应了市场经济的发展需要,成为企业组织的重要形式。

    Nowadays , with the development of economics rapid , the joint stock system to adapt to the needs of economic development has become an important form of business organization .

  30. 在以股份制公司为主要经济单元的社会,公司治理已成为经济学理论界和实践中市场参与者密切关注的话题。

    In the society with joint-stock company as the main social and economic unit , corporate governance has become the topic of economics in theory and practice , which market participants pay close attention to .