
  • 网络Equity Loans
  1. 允许中国商业银行对符合条件的中方股东发放股本贷款。

    Chinese commercial banks may issue equity loans to Chinese shareholders meeting clearly-defined conditions .

  2. 收购公司高管们目前预计,各银行目前仍试图出售出现问题的2000亿美元杠杆收购债务,这可能意味着在未来18-24个月内,银行将削减新的私人股本贷款。

    The $ 200bn of impaired LBO debt that banks are still trying to sell may mean they cut back on new private - equity loans for 18-24 months , buy-out executives now forecast .

  3. 这是什么样的家庭列为股本贷款。

    It is categorized as the kind of home equity loan .

  4. 一个最好的是股本贷款扣税。

    One of the best is the equity loan tax deduction .

  5. 经常置股本贷款是一个固定的数额,借款利率固定一段时间。

    A regular home equity loan is a fixed sum borrowed at a fixed rate over a period of time .

  6. 在美国,它有时也可能宣布股本贷款利息的扣税。

    In the United States , it is also sometimes possible to declare the equity loan interest as tax deductible .

  7. 但是,你必须使用一个家股本贷款,以改善你的家,以符合申请扣税?

    But do you have to use a home equity loan to improve your home in order to qualify for the tax deduction ?

  8. 如果您跟踪特定账户的变动情况,如固定资产、股本、贷款等,在Excel中您还可以创建其他的报告比如现金流量表。

    You may also build other reports in excel like cash flow if you track the movements of specific accounts , like fixed assets , share capital , loans , etc.

  9. 我怀疑,这主要是因为经济形势恶化,使企业所有者对募集股本或贷款的信心越来越低。

    I suspect that much of the reduction is because economic conditions have deteriorated , and so owners feel less confident about raising equity or borrowing money .

  10. 减少杠杆意味着规模更小的潜在资产负债表、更低的净利润和股本回报,贷款受到抑制。

    Less leverage equals smaller potential balance sheets as well as lower net income and returns on equity . Lending is constrained .

  11. 不过,上述的一切都不能完全解释美国银行家向私人股本发放软贷款的行为。

    None of the above , though , accounts wholly for the behaviour of us bankers in extending soft loans to private equity .

  12. 新规定将要求银行持有相当于风险加权资产至少7%的股本,抵押贷款支持证券等风险较高的资产则需要较多资本。

    The new regime will require banks to hold at least 7 per cent of equity as a ratio of risk-weighted assets , with riskier assets such as mortgage-backed securities requiring more ­ capital .

  13. 私人银行正争相涌入一个令人惊讶的新市场,向亟需现金投资于其所在基金的知名私人股本行业高管提供贷款。

    Private banks are rushing into a surprising new market for lending to high-flying private equity executives who are strapped for cash to invest in their own funds .