
  • 网络Commercial and Industrial Loans;C&I Loans;Commercial & Industrial Loans;C&Iloan
  1. 银行研究公司Bankregdata.com的统计显示,过去两年工商业贷款余额增长了27%。

    The volume of commercial and industrial loans outstanding is up 27 % in the past two years , according to bankregdata .

  2. 因此,大多数有担保的短期工商业贷款将盘存和应收账款作为抵押品。

    Therefore , most secured short-term business borrowing involves the use of accounts receivable and inventories as collateral .

  3. 在跨国资产证券化的基础资产选择上,主要可以从工商业贷款、住房贷款、基础设施收费和贸易应收款等方面考虑着手进行。

    In the choice of basic asset of cross-border securitization , we can consider in several aspects such as collateralized loan obligations , mortgage-backed securitization , basic infrastructure charge , trade credit and so on .