
  • 网络the industrial injury insurance system;the on-job injury insurance system
  1. 第一节对工伤保险制度进行了简要的介绍。

    Section I made a brief presentation about the industrial injury insurance system .

  2. 工伤保险制度是社会保障制度的重要组成部分,是世界上实行最早、最广泛的社会保险。

    The Industrial Injury Insurance System is the important component of social security systems , which was carried out the earliest and the widest in the world .

  3. 对完善和落实工伤保险制度的探讨

    Discussion on the Improvement and Fulfilling of the Industrial Insurance System

  4. 世界上最早的工伤保险制度是德国建立的。

    The first industrial injury insurance system of the world is established in Germany .

  5. 我国工伤保险制度的突破与未来发展&《工伤保险条例》评析

    A Breakthrough and Future Development of Insurance of Injuries Suffered at Work in China

  6. 完善失业保险和工伤保险制度。

    We will improve the system of unemployment insurance and insurance against workplace injury .

  7. 一些国家工伤保险制度概况

    Status of industrial injury Insurance in Some Countries

  8. 中国工伤保险制度预防机制的不足及完善

    The Problems and Consummation of Prevention Mechanism of China 's Work Injury Insurance System

  9. 第一章研究工伤保险制度与民事侵权损害赔偿制度的基本问题。

    In Chapter 1 , I analyzed the basic problems of industrial insurance system and tort compensation .

  10. 工伤保险制度建立的基础是劳动者的生命权和健康权。

    Workers ' compensation system was established based on the right to life and health of workers .

  11. 推行企业工伤保险制度是建立健全社会保障体系的一项重要内容。

    Promoting the enterprise industrial injury insurance system is an important content that establishes the society guarantee system .

  12. 城镇化视野下完善我国农民工工伤保险制度的思考

    Pondering on the Complement of Peasant Workers ' Industrial Injury Insurance System under the View of Urbanization in China

  13. 为此,本文主要对我国工伤保险制度尚存的具体问题进行分析,并提出完善工伤保险制度的建议。

    Therefore , this article mainly analyzes industrial injury insurance system of our country and put forward some useful advice .

  14. 保护弱势群体利益,积极推行企业职工工伤保险制度

    Protect the Benefits of the Minority Community and Promote the System of the Enterprise Officers and Workers Industrial Injury Insurance

  15. 分别阐述劳灾补偿的产生和发展、雇主责任险的基本内涵以及工伤保险制度的特点。

    Separately discussing the basic connotation of employer ' liability insurance and the initiation and advantages of the industrial injury insurance .

  16. 有2000多个县、市建立了工伤保险制度,覆盖职工4200万人;

    Over 2,000 counties and cities had established the system of insurance against injuries at work , covering 42 million workers ;

  17. 虽然我国的工伤保险制度有了很大的进步和发展,但仍然还存在很多问题。

    Although the workers ' compensation system in China has been great progress and development , there are also many problems .

  18. 工伤保险制度建立之前,法院通常将工伤案件当作普通民事侵权案件来裁判。

    Before the establishment of the work-related injury insurance system , the court usually referees work-related injury cases as ordinary civil infringement ones .

  19. 首先从工伤保险制度的历史沿革来探讨工伤保险制度与民事赔偿制度之间的渊源;

    Firstly , this chapter discusses the source of Civil Compensation and Industrial Injury Insurance , based on its historical origin and development ;

  20. 现代国家普遍建立了工伤保险制度,以及时、有效地补偿受害人的损失。

    Modern countries have commonly established the industrial accident insurance system in the hope to compensate the victims ' lose timely and effectively .

  21. 而我国原有的工伤保险制度仅仅覆盖城镇的企事业单位的公民,将这些城镇居民之外的边缘人群的农民工排除在安全网之外。

    But our original industrial injury insurance system only covered the citizens of the town enterprises and institutions and was exclusive to the rural migrant workers .

  22. 针对我国现行工伤保险制度三个功能中存在的问题,结合理论以及司法实践,提出完善的建议。

    Based on the existing problems of our present work injury insurance system and combined with theories and judicial practice , it puts forward sound advice .

  23. 第二部分依次从农民工工伤保险制度的时效性、内容、覆盖范围、与其他制度的兼容性等四个方面阐述该制度建设和实施过程中的各种矛盾。

    The second part lists the various contradictions in the system construction and implementation including the timeliness content , coverage , and compatibility with other systems .

  24. 但总体而言,农民工工伤保险制度的建设仍然十分薄弱,实施效果也不尽如人意。

    But on the whole the construction of work-related injury insurance system for the migrant workers is still weak and the implementation effect is not completely satisfying .

  25. 工伤保险制度伴随工业现代化机器大生产的到来,成为调节劳资关系的重要发明创造。

    Accompanied by the arrival of industrial modernization and large-scaled machine production , the work injury insurance system has become an important invention in regulating labor relationships .

  26. 解决矿工工伤保险制度存在的缺陷,既是完善工伤保险制度的必要,也是坚持以人为本的和谐社会主张。

    To solve the shortcomings of Mine industrial injury insurance system is to improve the work injury insurance system , but also to adhere to people-centered harmonious society .

  27. 为分化风险,保障社会和谐稳定,各国纷纷建立了工伤保险制度,将劳动者在工作中遭受的伤害纳入到社会保障的范畴。

    Many various countries have established the Industrial Injury Insurance system to undertake the risk together , and then taken the workers injury into the social security system .

  28. 我国的工伤保险制度建立时间不长,不能充分保障职工的权益,需要确立预防为主的理念,不断改进制度设计。

    In our country , the industrial accident insurance system has just been set up . Therefore the right and interest of the worker could not be fully guaranteed .

  29. 然而,随着我国社会主义市场经济的发展和经济体制改革的深入,最初建立的工伤保险制度已经无法适应经济发展要求。

    However , the primary Industrial Injury Insurance System did not meet the requirements of economic development along with the development of socialist market and further reform of economic systems .

  30. 完善工伤保险制度,明确规定与劳动者建立双重劳动关系的每个用人单位都负有缴纳工伤保险的义务。

    Improve the work injury insurance system , clear that the establishment of a dual labor relations and workers of each employer are obligated to pay industrial injury insurance obligations .