
  1. 关于科研单位职称评定制度的几点思考

    Some Considerations about Academic Titles Conferring System of R & D Institutions

  2. 而导致人际关系紧张的原因则是并不完善的教师考核制度和职称评定制度。

    The cause of interpersonal tension is not perfect teacher evaluation system and job classification system .

  3. 高校学报的发展在市场经济条件和现有职称评定制度下已面临多种困境。

    Under the present market economy conditions and with the technical title assessment system , the development of journals of colleges and universities has encountered a dilemma .

  4. 中科院将率先取消这种中国知识分子熟悉而关心的职称评定制度。

    The professional title appraisal system , which is familiar to and concerned by the Chinese intellectual , will first quit the historic arena from the Chinese Academy of Sciences .

  5. 探讨了现行科研单位职称评定制度的特点、作用及目前存在的问题,提出了解决这些问题的思路。

    This paper probes into the features , functions and existing problems of academic titles conferring system in force in R & D institutions , and puts forward some ideas of solving these problems .

  6. 文章提出,法学教育应当有明确的定位,进而整合法学教育资源,改革职称评定制度,进行教学内容和方法的改革,使法学教育与法律职业有机地结合起来。

    This paper holds that our jurisprudence education should have a clarified locating , thereby integrate its educational resources , reform the evaluation institution of professional titles , improve the teaching content and methodology , so that the jurisprudence education can be well combined with the law profession .

  7. 第七章创新型企业员工的职业生涯发展,介绍了专为专业技术人员设计的双梯阶机制,并通过案例研究的方式讨论创新型企业研发人员的职称评定与职业发展制度。

    Chapter seven introduces dual ladders mechanism designed exclusively for professionals , and discusses the assessment of the title of a technical post and the system of career development of RD personnel in innovative enterprise .