
  1. 第二章为相关理论研究述评,对于作为全文的理论基础的胜任特征理论、职业生涯管理理论进行了回顾和述评。

    Secondly , the thesis discusses and reviews the relevant theories , including competency-based theory and organizational career management theory .

  2. 根据组织职业生涯管理理论,很多学者提出组织的晋升和薪酬等与员工职业发展有关的因素影响员工的离职倾向,建议利用组织职业成长资源进行员工保持。

    According to Organizational Career Management Theory , many scholars suggest manager using promotion or high payment to maintain excellent staff .

  3. 现有的职业生涯管理理论都是在传统组织模式的基础上发展起来的,知识经济时代的环境变迁必然对其提出新要求。

    The existing theories of career management are based on the traditional organizational mode . The changes of environment will surely bring in new requirements in knowledge economy era .

  4. 如何将职业生涯管理理论与员工培训结合起来成为企业必须考虑的问题,需要构建基于员工职业生涯管理的培训体系。

    How to combine the career with the employee training becomes the question which the enterprise must consider and enterprise need to build a training system based on the career management .

  5. 本文立足职业生涯管理理论的发展和应用,以高校应届毕业生的择业作为切入点,分析组织职业生涯管理对毕业生择业产生的重大影响,以及毕业生择业和职业生涯管理的相互作用。

    The thesis bases on the development and implementation of career management theory , analyzes the effect of organization career management on the vocation choice of graduates and the interaction between career management and graduates .

  6. 最后,结合职业生涯管理理论研究,针对银行女性员工人力资源管理中存在的问题,提出国有商业女性员工职业生涯管理的对策。

    Finally , Based on the career management theory research , aiming at the bank women employees in human resources management , and puts forward the existing problems of state-owned commercial female employee career management countermeasures .

  7. 然后,文章简要介绍了国外关于职业生涯管理理论发展及实践,指出在我国的绝大多数航空企业的人力资源管理中,尚未普遍引入职业生涯规划和管理这一概念。

    Therefore , the article introduced the overseas development and practice of occupation management theory , which demonstrated that in our country , the human resource management in most of the airline companies has not introduced into the conception of occupation layout and management in deed .

  8. 目前,我武警部队警官职业生涯管理的理论研究和实践活动几乎处于空白状态。

    Currently , armed police officers career management theory and practice is nearly blank .

  9. 文章首先从职业生涯管理的理论入手,简单介绍了职业生涯发展的内涵、特点及影响因素。

    Firstly , the article introduces the content and influential factors of the employee career development .

  10. 第二章文献综述,阐明组织职业生涯管理相关理论基础以及职业生涯管理中的新理念、新工具。

    Chapter ⅱ Literature Review , to clarify the theory of organizational career management and career based on new thinking , new tools , and new ideas .

  11. 本篇论文通过分析职业生涯管理相关理论和国有商业银行人力资源管理不足,研究国有商业银行员工职业生涯管理的对策。

    Upon analysis on the relevant career management theories and the insufficiency of career management of state-owned commercial banks , the thesis gives researches into the managing tactics of state-owned commercial banks .

  12. 然后针对问题,慎重借鉴职业生涯管理有关理论,分别探讨了职位变动管理、轮岗培训、动态导师制、挂职和评估反馈等对策。

    Then aims at the problems , and under the direction of career management theories , probes the measures of management of position transfer , training with position transfer , system of dynamic tutor , hang the job and evaluation and feedback etc.

  13. 其次,介绍职业生涯管理的主要理论。

    Secondly , this thesis introduces the main theoretical about professional career management .

  14. 本文主要采用理论研究的方法,在梳理职业生涯管理的相关理论和国内外学者相关研究成果的基础上,进行定性研究。本文首先阐述了知识经济对职业生涯管理的影响;

    On the basis of the relevant career management theory and the research results written by domestic and foreign scholars , the thesis mainly use the qualitative research .

  15. 利用绩效管理及组织职业生涯规划与管理理论进行事业单位的岗位管理,能够实现事业单位与员工的共同发展。

    Post management study based on performance management theory and organizational careers planning and management theory , can bring about the common development of the staff and public institutions .

  16. 探讨了应用职业生涯开发与管理理论开展就业指导工作的模式及操作方法,并提出了建议。

    The thesis also discusses the new mode and its operating methods of the employment guide work based on the theory of career development and management , and puts forward some suggestions .

  17. 而能够充分发挥人这一因素在企业发展中支撑作用的职业生涯规划与管理理论,成为备受学术界与企业界广泛关注的重要研究课题之一。

    How to give full play of " human " factor in enterprise development career planning and management theory became one of the most important research topic in academia and the business community .

  18. 文章分析了大学生就业指导工作的现状,阐述了职业生涯开发与管理理论对指导学生就业的重要意义。

    The thesis analyzes the present condition of employment guide work in colleges and universities , and expatiates the important meaning of using the theory of career development and management for the employment guide work .

  19. 主要研究思路有:第一章节为前言,介绍了论文选题的背景和意义,并对国内外高校辅导员职业生涯管理的相关理论进行了梳理。

    The main content and research way of this paper are : The first chapter is about the background and meanings of the paper as well as the related concepts and theories at home and abroad .

  20. 另一方面,职业生涯管理也需要素质理论来补充。

    On the other hand , career management also needs to add competence theory .

  21. 到目前为止,尚没有从此角度将权变理论纳入职业生涯管理领域内的理论研究或相关实证研究。

    So far , no theoretical studies and related empirical studies have yet been made to incorporate contingency management into the field of career management from this standpoint .

  22. 本文通过对组织生命周期理论和个人职业生涯周期理论的学习与研究,对职业生涯管理理论的内容、方法予以全面、系统的阐述和分析。

    Through studying the Organizational Life Cycle theory and Personal Career Cycle theory , this paper comprehensively and systematically observes and analyzes the contents and the methods of the Career Management .

  23. 本文为我国企业应如何导入员工早期职业生涯管理提供了一套较为完整的设计思路和实施对策,以期对我国企业改善员工早期职业生涯管理提供理论和实践上的指导。

    The article offers a set of comparatively intact mentality of designing and implementation countermeasure so as to offer the guidance improve of early careers management on the theory and practice .