
zhí yè zī ɡé zhènɡ shū zhì dù
  • Vocational qualification certificate system;professional qualification certificate system;system of certification for vocational qualifications
  1. 就业导向与大学生职业资格证书制度

    Orientation of Employment and the Professional Qualification Certificate System of College Students

  2. 实施大学生职业资格证书制度的实践与探索

    Implementation and Exploration of Professional Qualification Certificate System in Colleges and Universities

  3. BQ分类作为国标,具有普适性。在企业中推行国家职业资格证书制度的思考

    As national standard of China , BQ qualification is ubiquitous . The Popularization of National Professional Qualification Certificates System in Enterprises

  4. 对高职院校推行职业资格证书制度的思考

    Thinking on Introducing the Professional Credential System in Higher Vocational School

  5. 立足本职贯彻执行好国家的职业资格证书制度

    Based on Own Duty Carrying Out the Vocational Qualification Certificate System

  6. 我国职业资格证书制度的走向及其政策研究

    Study of the Trend and Policy of Our Professional Qualification Certificate

  7. 关于建立我国图书馆职业资格证书制度的可行性分析

    Feasibility Analysis of Establish Library Vocational Qualification Certificate Institution in China

  8. 完善职业资格证书制度和就业准入制度。

    Perfecting the system of technical credential and the system of employment .

  9. 高职教育教学要与职业资格证书制度接轨

    The Joint of High Vocational Educational Teaching and Vocational Qualification Certificate System

  10. 升学就业辅导教师证书推行职业资格证书制度

    Certificate in Careers Teachers Training to introduce a vocational qualification credentials system

  11. 职业资格证书制度下的对证施教&社会行业对高职院校教学改革的具体要求

    Certificate-oriented Teaching in Professional Certificate System & Reform requirements of higher vocational teaching

  12. 高职教育必须与职业资格证书制度结合。

    Higher vocational education must combine with the system of professional qualification certificate .

  13. 英国国家职业资格证书制度概述

    Brief Introduction to British National Vocational Qualification Certification System

  14. 关于职业资格证书制度和劳动预备制度的思考

    Thinking on Occupation Credentials Regulation and Labour Preparation System

  15. 对我国引进英国国家职业资格证书制度的研究

    Study on the Introduction of the UK National Vocational Qualifications System To China

  16. 教师职业资格证书制度是国家对教师实行的一种法定的职业许可制度,规定了从事教师职业必须具备的基本条件。

    A teacher certificate is a competent professional licence .

  17. 图书馆应尽快建立职业资格证书制度

    Accelerating the Establishment of Professional Qualifications System in Library

  18. 加快图书馆职业资格证书制度的建立

    Accelerating the Establishment of National Vocational Qualifications ( NVQ ) System in Library

  19. 摘要职业资格证书制度是一项职业准入和晋升制度。

    Vocational qualification system is a system of vocational accession and vocational promotion .

  20. 图书馆职业资格证书制度与图书馆学教育

    On library accreditation system and library science education

  21. 推行职业资格证书制度

    To introduce a vocational qualification credentials system

  22. 建立社会化的职业资格证书制度体系

    Establishing Socialized System for Professional Qualification Certificate

  23. 推行职业资格证书制度的几大障碍

    Major Obstacles in Effecting Professional Credentials System

  24. 论保卫职业资格证书制度

    Discussion on Guards ' Professional Credentials

  25. 实施职业资格证书制度的困惑和对策研究

    The Puzzlement on Implementing the System of Vocational Qualification Certificate and the Research on the Countermeasure

  26. 推行职业资格证书制度,完善就业准入制度;

    Pursue the professional qualification certification system , improve and obtain employment the system of entry ;

  27. 建立图书馆职业资格证书制度,有利于提高图书馆工作人员素质,提高图书馆工作水平。

    To establish the Librarian Credentials System can improve the librarian qualification and the service of library .

  28. 这些问题意味着我国职业资格证书制度某种变革的可能。

    All these problems mean it possible that some of our vocational qualification certificate system may be transformed .

  29. 目前,我国仍存在着职业资格证书制度、教育制度不完备和供需错位的问题,因此,推进职业资格证书制度和劳动预备制度,必须加强政府干预职能,提供行业保障和教育保证。

    So , governments at various levels must strengthen intervention function to provide professional as-surame and educational assurance .

  30. 体育行业职业资格证书制度研究基础&体育职业开发的分类模型

    The Research Foundation of Vocational Qualification Certificate System in Sports Industry & the Classification Model for Sports Jobs