
  • 网络social work value
  1. 社会工作价值观本土化过程中的文化解读

    Cultural Interpretation of the Localization of the Values of Social Work

  2. 中西传统文化与社会工作价值观的构建

    The Construction of Chinese and Western Traditional Culture and Social Work Values

  3. 只有本土的老年社会工作价值观才能更好的指导老年社会工作的开展。

    Only the native geriatric social work values to better guide geriatric social work .

  4. 孝文化在老年社会工作价值观中的融入,本质是老年社会工作价值观的本土化,目的在于更好的指导老年社会工作的实践。

    The integration of filial piety culture in the ode age social woke values , in essence , is the localization of the elderly social work values , the purpose lies in the better guide the elderly social work practice .

  5. 并在此基础探寻孝文化基本内容:赡养父母、尊敬父母、顺亲无违、光亲显亲、葬亲祭亲分别与老年社会工作价值观体系的融合点。

    And on this basis to explore the basis contents of filial piety culture : support their parents , respect their parent , obey their parents , honor their parents , bury and sacrifice their parents in the system of old age social work values fit point .

  6. 关于我国社会工作专业价值观教育困境的思考

    Reflection on the Education of Social Work Professional Value Predicament in China

  7. 职业化背景下社会工作专业价值观认同教育分析

    Analysis on Identification Education of Professional Value of Social Work under Professionalization

  8. 引入西方社会工作的价值观和提炼传统文化的助人理念并举是中国社会工作良好发展的基础。

    In all , eclecticism of the helping ideas of traditional culture and the ethics of professional social work is the base of success of social work in China .

  9. 然而,当下我国社会工作的发展遇到许多困境,最困难的便是源于西方社会的社会工作价值观本土化,这不利于我国的和谐发展。

    The moment the development of social work in China , however , encountered many difficulties , the most difficult is originated from western society values of social work in the localization of the unfavorable to the harmonious development of our country .

  10. 社会工作是一门以价值为主导的专业,因此,在我国老年社会工作发展的初期就应该注重本土老年社会工作价值观的构建。

    Social work is a value-oriented professional . so , in our country social work for the elderly in an early stage of development should pay more attention to the local elderly social work values construction .