
zhí yè bìnɡ
  • industrial disease;occupational disease
职业病 [zhí yè bìng]
  • [occupational disease] 由特殊的劳动性质或劳动环境引起的慢性病,如矿工的尘肺、吹玻璃工人的肺气肿

  1. 我国工业基础薄弱,生产工艺落后,卫生防护设施差,工作场所普遍存在职业病危害因素。

    In China , the foundation of industry is weak , techniques of production is laggard , and the safeguard of sanitation is bad , so the dangerous factors of industrial disease exist universally .

  2. 某制药厂GMP改造工程的职业病危害控制效果评价

    The assessment on Control Effects of Occupational Disease Hazards for GMP Reforming Project in A Pharmaceutical Factor

  3. 目的探讨在职业病防治中肺内炎性肿块的CT诊断及鉴别诊断。

    [ Objective ] To explore the CT diagnosis and differentiation of lung inflammatory masses .

  4. 尘肺病是我国职业病中发病例数最多危害最严重的疾病,从业者胸部高千伏X射线摄片是尘肺职业病体检必检项目之一。

    Dust pulmonary disease is the most serious disease with the highest incidence in occupational diseases and the high-KV X-ray shoot is an indispensable medical examination for it .

  5. 某药厂GMP改造前后职业病危害因素控制效果分析

    Evaluation of the control effect of GMP reformation on occupational hazards in a certain pharmaceutical factory

  6. 探讨职业病工作人员甲胎蛋白(AFP)、癌胚抗原(CEA)及CA199在各年龄段的变化。

    To discuss AFP , CEA and CA199 change in every age group of occupational disease staffs .

  7. 某新区1焦炉工程职业病危害预评价MACS系统在煤焦炉工艺中的应用

    Pre-evaluation of Occupational Hazards of 1 # Coal Coking Project in A New Developed Region The application of MACS DCS in the coking plant

  8. 方法对该电厂300MW燃煤发电机组进行职业病危害因素监测和职业卫生学调查。

    Method The occupational hygienic survey and hazard factor monitoring were done in the workplaces of300MW coal power generator set .

  9. 青岛市某火力发电厂2×135MW发电机组职业病危害因素调查

    Investigation of Occupational Hazards of 2 × 135 MW Set in Qingdao Power Plant

  10. 外周血异常和职业病与肿瘤的ACPR与RR:混苯>X射线>对照组。

    ACPR and RR of peripheral blood abnormality , occupational disease and tumor were mix-benzene > X-ray > control .

  11. 切实加强甲型H1N1流感等重大传染病防控和慢性病、职业病、地方病防治,提高突发公共卫生事件应急处置能力。

    We will strengthen prevention and control of infiuenza A ( H1N1 ) and other major communicable diseases as well as chronic , occupational , and endemic diseases , and enhance our ability to handle public health emergencies .

  12. 术后因患者职业病所致骨髓抑制和多囊肾及肾功能减退影响了免疫抑制剂的应用,曾发生二次排斥反应,经MP冲击治疗很快控制。

    Because the patient had depressed marrow induced by occupational disease and polycystic kidney , So the postoperative immunosuppressive therapy was interfered , that the patient oc-cured two rejection , but they were controled rapidly by the treatment of large dosage methy prednisolone .

  13. 某村石英加工存在投资小、规模分散、工艺设计不合理、设备简陋等问题,造成当地空气环境PM10超标严重,并引发矽肺职业病。

    There exist some problems in quartz processing in one village , such as low investment , dispersed scale , unreasonable design and crude equipment , and so on all of which make local air environment greatly exceed the standards and cause occupational diseases .

  14. 企业职工职业病防治知识知晓率调查

    Survey on knowledge about occupational disease prevention among workers in enterprises

  15. 职业病危害项目申报中存在的问题及对策

    Problems in the Occupational Disease Hazard Program Reports and Relevant Countermeasures

  16. 深圳市镍镉电池行业职业病危害防护效果的调查

    Investigation on Protective effect on Occupational Hazards in Nickel-cadmium Battery Industry

  17. 安徽省职业病危害特点与控制策略探讨

    Characteristics of Occupational Disease in Anhui Province and Its Control Tactics

  18. 高原地区某铜矿开采项目职业病危害预评价

    Pre-evaluation on occupational hazards of copper mine exploitation in plateau area

  19. 某汽车改装厂迁建项目职业病危害预评价

    Pre-Evaluation of Occupational Hazards in Construction Project of Modified Car Factory

  20. 陕西某煤矿职业病危害控制效果评价

    Evaluation of occupational disease control in one coal firm in Shaanxi

  21. 某家具制造企业职业病危害因素控制效果分析

    Control Effect Analysis of Occupational Hazards in A furniture Manufacturing Enterprise

  22. 某冷库改扩建项目职业病危害预评价

    Pre-assessment on occupational hazards in construction project of a cold storage

  23. 568例煤工尘肺职业病诊断资料分析

    Analysis on occupational disease diagnosis data of 568 cases of CWP

  24. 某镉镍电池生产企业职业病危害调查

    Investigation of Some Cadmium Nickel Battery Production Enterprise Occupational Disease Harms

  25. 集成电路芯片生产的职业病危害特点

    Characteristics of occupational disease hazards in the production of integrated circuit chips

  26. 某化工企业新建聚乙烯装置职业病危害卫生学评价

    Hygienic evaluation of occupational hazards of polyethylene device in a chemical factory

  27. 尘肺是目前中国最严重的一种职业病。

    Pneumoconiosis is the most serious occupational diseases in China .

  28. 两种方法测算职业病危害防制工作的经费配置

    Estimating outlay budget for occupational disease prevention and control by two methods

  29. 职业病:与特定职业或行业有关的疾病。

    Occupational disease : Illness associated with a particular occupation .

  30. 有与职业病危害防护相适应的设施;

    There are facilities commensurate with the prevention of occupational disease hazards ;