
  • 网络career counselor;vocational counselor
  1. 他们非常依赖职业咨询师提供的建议。

    They relied heavily on the advice of their professional advisers

  2. 你可以向导师、职业咨询师或亲友寻求建议。

    Seek the advice of mentors7 , career counsellors or friends and family .

  3. 职业咨询师、《如何故任何专业获得任何工作》(TenSpeedPress出书)一书的作者唐纳德•埃舍说,职业开展中最大一个机密就是占有任何一个专业都能获得一份工作。

    The biggest secret in career development is that you can get a job with any major , according to Donald Asher , career consultant and author of " How To Get Any Job With Any Major "( Ten Speed Press ) .

  4. 关于你应该怎样做职业咨询师是怎样建议的呢?

    What are some career consulters suggesting in terms of what you should do ?

  5. 请进,请坐。我是职业咨询师。你是凯西,是吗?

    Officer Come in , please take a seat . I 'm the careers officer . You 're Cathy , aren 't you ?

  6. 职业咨询师崔双称,一个人要想在一份工作中积累足够的工作经验,至少需要两年时间。

    Career counselor Cui Shuang said it takes at least two years for a person to gather adequate working experience at a job .

  7. 明智的职业咨询师应该审慎对待这类测试,仅仅把它当作众多探索人类奥秘的方式之一来采用。

    Wise career counsellors should treat such tests with caution , using them as only one of many ways of exploring who you are .

  8. 职业咨询师建议求职者先在网上调查一下某一具体行业的平均薪酬范围,以及该公司的薪资在业内所处的水平。

    Career consultants advise job seekers to do research online about the average salary range in a specific sector and a company 's level within the industry .

  9. 职业咨询师和老员工称,最重要的是表现出你仍在辛勤工作——并且表现出色。

    Career coaches and employees who have been there say the first priority should be conveying that you are still working hard -- and good at your job .

  10. 贝缇娜·塞得蔓说:这就是为什么你要全力以赴的原因了,一们职业咨询师可以帮助你在第一次时表现得很好。

    That 's why it 's important to have your act together ," says Bettina Seidman . " A career coach can help you do it right the first time .

  11. 驻纽约的职业咨询师约斯科特·图尔科说,穿牛仔裤在媒体、制造业和创新行业中通常没大不了的,但在金融服务和律师事务所中就。

    New York-based career adviser Jonscott Turco says jeans are generally a " no-brainer " in the media , manufacturing and creative industries , but not in financial services and law firms .

  12. 黛布拉·达文波特是一名高管职业顾问,职业咨询师和猎头,她将告诉大家在面试结束时如何收尾。

    Debra Davenport ( Executive Professional Mentor , Licensed Career Counselor & Employment Agent ) gives expert video advice on : How do I handle the end of the interview ?