
  • 网络decent work
  1. 加强社会保障法制建设维护劳动者体面劳动

    Strengthen Social Security System to Safeguard Labors ' Decent Work

  2. 体面劳动:劳动的伦理批判

    Decent Work : The Ethical Criticism of Labor

  3. 金融危机下实现女职工体面劳动探析

    Analysis on the Realization of the Decent Work of Female Employees under the Financial Crisis

  4. 国际金融危机对中国劳动就业的影响与体面劳动的实现

    On the Impacts of the International Financial Crisis on Employment and Decent Work of China

  5. 渔民体面劳动问题探析

    Analysis on Decent Work of Fisherman

  6. 用劳动的正义捍卫体面劳动,实现劳动权益的合法性;

    Defend " decent work " and establish legitimacy of labor rights & interests labor justice ;

  7. 经济全球化与体面劳动

    Economic Globalization and Decent Work

  8. 实现体面劳动,工会组织承担着重要责任,也有着广阔的工作领域。

    It 's incumbent on the trade union organization to give the respectable labor for the laborers .

  9. 体面劳动理念由此不断得以传播、发展,并得到各国政府和人民的广泛认可。

    And the concept continued to be spread , developed and widely recognized by more governments and people .

  10. 实现体面劳动,构建和谐的劳动关系,更应成为社会主义社会的自觉追求。

    Realizing decent work , building a harmonious labor relations should more become a self-conscious pursuit of socialist society .

  11. 将该评价模型应用于五家生产型服装企业,探寻实现员工体面劳动存在的问题,并提出改进建议。

    Applied the evaluation model to five apparel manufactures , explore the problems of decent work and make recommendations for improvement .

  12. 在发展态势上从核心国际劳工标准、体面劳动和全球协议三个方面不断强化。

    In development situation , the enhancement should be from the core international labor standard , honorable labor and world negotiation .

  13. 自此,该组织及其成员国为实现世界范围内的体面劳动进行着不懈努力。

    Since then , the organization and its members are making unremitting efforts to achieve the worldwide " Decent Work " .

  14. 发挥工会组织在实现体面劳动中的作用,必须紧密联系工会自身特点和工作实际,积极开展工作。

    The trade union organization should take an active part in carrying out the respectable labor in the light of concrete conditions .

  15. 办法是在经济和社会政策方面投资,促进创造就业机会;促进体面劳动条件,深化社会保障制度。

    By investing in economic and social policies that foster job creation ; promoting decent labour conditions and deepening social protection systems .

  16. 体面劳动由国际劳工组织首次提出,旨在维护全世界劳动者的各项基本权利。

    Decent work was first put forward by International Labor Organization , designed to protect the workers ' basic rights all over the world .

  17. 作为国际劳工组织成员国之一,体面劳动也成为我国社会关注的重要议题。

    As one of the member countries of International Labor Organization , decent work has also been the important subject of Chinese social concern .

  18. 经济社会可持续发展的直接受益者,无疑应当是广大的劳动者,尤其是劳动者能够在物质生产领域获得体面劳动的尊严。

    Laborers will directly benefit from the sustainable development of society and economy , especially obtain the decent work in the area of material production .

  19. 体面劳动是健康安全的劳动,是有人格尊严的劳动,是有权利保障的劳动,是自我实现的劳动。

    Decent work is the work of health and safety , the work of dignity , the work of rights , and the work of self-realization .

  20. 马克思指出,只有自由自觉的、真正人的劳动才是最体现伦理本性的劳动。自由自觉的、真正人的劳动的伦理本性在本质上是一种体面劳动。

    Karl Marks suggested it was the labor with freedom and awareness as a human being that demonstrated best the essence of the ethics of labor .

  21. 体面劳动被提出之后,便成为国际社会关注的焦点,世界各国也纷纷将其作为一项战略计划纳入发展规划之中。

    Meanwhile , as one of the strategic plans , decent work has been brought into the national development programs by countries all over the world .

  22. 平等的就业权是劳动者的基本权利,也是社会正义的保证,是体面劳动的一部分。

    The equal employment right , aiming to protect the social fair and justice , is one of the basic labour rights , and part of the decent work .

  23. 另外,体面劳动只在不同企业规模间呈现出显著差异,其它如教育程度、工作年限、工作层级等均对体面劳动无明显影响。

    Furthermore , decent works of enterprises in different sizes are significantly different , but education degree , work seniority and work hierarchy etc. have no significant effect on decent work .

  24. 实质平等就业权的基本内容包括:提供体面劳动;反就业歧视;加强职业培训;强化社会保障。

    The substantial equal employment right includes the following basic elements : the provision of " decent work "; anti-discrimination in employment ; promoting vocational training ; and strengthening social security .

  25. 为了提高农业生产者体面劳动水平,采取有效的措施,实现农业生产者收入增长是最有效的路径。

    In order to improve the level of agricultural producers ' decent work , the most effective strategy is to achieve the revenue growth of agricultural producers by taking some effective measures .

  26. 体面劳动与尊严生活是道德认知与道德情感的统一、道德意志与道德行为的统一以及道德人格与道德责任的统一。

    Decent work and dignity of life are the moral unity of cognition and moral emotion , moral unity of will and moral behavior and moral unity of personality and moral responsibility .

  27. 国际劳工组织提出的体面劳动是要保障劳动者的权益,包括促进劳动者在工作中的权利、就业、社会保护和社会对话四个方面。

    The decent work put forward by the international society is to ensure the rights and interests of laborer and consists of promoting the right , obtaining employment , social protection and social dialog .

  28. 特别是1999年国际劳工大会上体面劳动概念的提出,更是指明了未来劳动安全卫生权发展的任务和方向。

    Especially the conception of " decent work " which proposed in International Labor Conference in 1999 indicates the task and direction of development of the right of labor security and health protection in the future .

  29. 根据国际劳工保护中“体面劳动”的新理念并结合中国实际情况,对女性行业禁入问题进行探讨。

    The paper focused on the combination of the new ideas " decent work " of international labor protection with the current situation of China and the issue of no access to certain industries of females .

  30. 劳动者在人格上的平等性以及劳动在财富增长上的唯一性,既是体面劳动存在的伦理依据,也使体面劳动获得了理论的正当性和实践的有效性。

    The equality of personality and the increase of property for laborers are the two ethical foundations of decent work , and they also provide the basis for the realization of decent work in theory and practice .