
  • 网络Physical cost;Energy Cost;Psychic Cost;physical strength cost
  1. 这成本包括时间成本、金钱成本、精力、体力成本等。

    The cost includes time , money , energy , physical costs .

  2. 同时,采取竞争导向定价法和顾客差异定价法,为顾客降低货币成本、时间成本精力成本和体力成本,最终给顾客提供最大化的让渡价值。

    Meanwhile , we try to reduce the customer 's currency cost , time cost , energy cost and physics cost . Ultimately , it will offer the maximized delivered value to the customers .

  3. 结果发现,货币成本、体力精力成本和社会心理成本都会影响消费者的渠道偏好,其中影响最大的是社会心理成本。

    The findings indicate many reasons contribute to this preference such as curreney cost , physical or intellectual cost and soci-psychological cost , of which the last one has the largest influence .

  4. 对心血管疾病中、高危成年人进行3年生活方式干预,同期进行标准护理并增强与健康生活质量相关的体力活动符合成本效益。

    A3-year lifestyle intervention for adults at moderate to high risk of cardiovascular disease is cost effective when added to standard care and improves physical health-related quality of life .

  5. 顾客成本由货币成本、时间成本、体力和精神成本构成,与顾客购买成反比。

    This consumer cost consists of monetary cost , time cost , physical and mental cost . Then what is appropriate between these two , is being discussed is this paper .

  6. 传统方法中,手动生成测试用例对于软件测试人员而言是一个极其复杂和繁琐的体力劳动,不仅成本高且容易出错。

    In traditional methods , producing test data by hand is tedious , laborious , expensive and error-prone for tester .

  7. 特别是在成本方面,文章又依据顾客让渡价值理论,提出本土超市应从消费者购买的货币、时间、精力和体力四方面降低成本。

    We propose that native supermarkets ' proprietors should reduce consumer 's cost from four aspects , integrating customer delivered value theory .