
  1. 价格规制合同设计中信息租金与配置效率的协调方式

    Coordination Modes Between Information Rent and Allocation Efficiency in the Design of Incentive Regulation Contracts

  2. 由于click-wrapcontract集电子合同与格式合同的特点于一身,所以如何规制这种合同成为人们所共同关心的问题。

    As a result , how to regulate click-wrap contract has become the subject of people 's common concern .

  3. 规制格式合同。

    Rules and regulations form contract .

  4. 保护相对人利益是规制格式合同的基本出发点。

    Conflict of Interest in Human Trials Protect the counter part 's interests is the fundamental principle to control standard form contract .

  5. 格式合同广泛应用于现代社会,因此规制格式合同显得非常重要。

    Form contracts are widely used in modem economic life . So it is very important for us to standardize and restrict form contracts .

  6. 格式合同的采用有积极作用,但也存在一些不足,我国应借鉴国外有关格式合同制度的先进经验,运用法律手段规制格式合同,以实现格式合同的公平、效率、安全的价值目标。

    The format contract has a certain active role , but there are some inadequacies , China should learn from the advanced experience of foreign countries , make format contract to achieve the value target like fairness , efficiency , and safety .

  7. 劳务派遣及其法律规制&兼论劳动合同法有关条款的完善

    Labor Dispatching and Its Legal Regulation

  8. 当前我国对包价旅游合同的规制主要依据是合同法,以及参照国家旅游局制定的合同范本。

    Chinese current contract for package travel regulations is mainly based on contract law , and the reference to the National Tourism Administration developed the model contracts .

  9. 但国内的研究焦点集中海上保险法中的保证制度,对非由海商法规制的普通保险合同的保证制度研究却不是很多。

    But the focus of domestic research marine insurance law in the warranty system for non-maritime laws and regulations by the system of general insurance contracts to ensure the system is not a lot of research .

  10. 但我国人口众多,劳动力供过于求,加之资方的天然强势地位,劳动者与用人单位之间的关系亟须新的法律制度来规制,《劳动合同法》在社会的期盼中应运而生。

    But China has a large population , labor force supply exceeds demand , and employers have more power naturally , the relationship between employees and employers urgently need for new legal regulation to regulate , so " Labor Contract Law " was constituted .

  11. 激励规制理论认为,消除规制与被规制机构之间的信息不对称问题,关键是激励规制合同的建立要使两者的目标尽可能保持一致。

    The incentive regulatory theory holds that to eliminate the information asymmetry between regulator and the regulated institutions , the most important thing is to build the contract that will bring the two institutes ' targets merging together .