
  • 网络regulation pricing
  1. 规制定价研究

    The Study of Regulation Pricing

  2. 由于参与规制博弈的各方的目标函数不一致,并且由于参与方之间固有的信息不对称,传统的规制定价方法不能给被规制者提供足够的激励使其提高自身绩效。

    Just as the object function belonging to the players are different and the information is asymmetric , the classic regulation pricing cannot provide the regulated enough incentive to improve their performance .

  3. 基于纵向垄断市场结构的规制定价研究

    Study on Price-Regulation Based on Successive Monopolistic Upstream and Downstream Firms

  4. 自然垄断行业政府规制定价与效率分析

    Efficiency Analysis and Regulate Price of Natural Monopoly Industry

  5. 再次,本文对投资回报率、价格上限和收入上限规制定价方式进行介绍与分析比较,根据我国电信价格规制现状并结合价格上限规制模型,尝试着设计了我国电信行业的价格上限规制模型。

    Thirdly , this paper introduces and analyzes the three methods of pricing of regulation & Return on Investment , Price Cap and Revenue Cap .

  6. 从政府规制定价的角度,在信息不对称情况下分析了政府对自然垄断行业的规制定价与效率损失,比较了政府规制和未进行规制时的价格、消费者剩余和社会福利变化。

    Based on the asymmetric information , this paper analyzed the price-regulation and efficiency lose of natural monopoly industry , and also compared the changing of consumer surplus and social welfare between regulation and unregulation .

  7. 国际社会在税收公平原则和税收效率原则的基础上确立了规制转移定价的基本法律原则,包括正常交易原则,总利润原则和最优化原则。

    Based on the principle of fairness in taxation and tax efficiency established the basic legal principles of transfer pricing , including the Arms Length principle , the principle of total profits and optimization principles .

  8. 首先从历史角度回顾了规制掠夺性定价行为的立法历程,分别解析了具体法律法规存在的不足。

    Firstly , this paper reviews the history of legislation on avoiding predatory pricing behavior , and explains existed shortcomings of specific laws and regulations .

  9. 并在此基础上给出了农村电信市场价格规制和运营商定价的建议。

    And some suggestions in pricing in rural telecom market are given .

  10. 分析规制无形资产转让定价的税法理论基础&税收公平原则、税收法定原则、税收中性原则和税收管辖权。

    And it emphasis theories on the fairness taxation principle , the statutory taxation principle , the neutral taxation principle and tax jurisdictions as the tax law theoretical basis of intangible assets transfer pricing .

  11. 其主要的干预方式有:对网络游戏虚拟物交易法律关系主体的规制,税收规制,定价机制的规制,其他影响交易市场的行为的规制。

    The main regulate ways of government include : the regulation for the subjects in the law relation of the online game fictitious res trade , the revenue administration system , the system of pricing and other behaviors which influence on the trade market .

  12. 自然垄断产业中,由于规制机构与被规制企业之间存在着信息不对称,价格规制政策的实施效果受到制约,而制度背景和经济发展程度是设计一个适合国情的规制定价机制必须考虑的前提因素。

    Because of information asymmetry between the regulatory agencies and the regulated enterprises in natural monopoly industries , price regulation policies have simply attained limited effects . Institution background and economic development level should be considered as premises of a reasonable regulatory pricing mechanism .