
  • 网络risk-aversion;Risk Averse;Avoid Risk;risk avoidance;risk off
  1. 但是,就像投行规避风险的策略一样,这个你投入一切的地方绝不是个全无风险的地方。

    But , like the risk avoidance strategies of investment banks , where you invest your heart and your soul can never be risk free .

  2. 稳健财政政策是我国在特定环境下采取的一种中性财政政策,其主要特征是规模适度、规避风险和分配的公平性。

    Steady financial policy is one kind of neutral fiscal policy that is adopted under the special background . Its main characteristic is the moderate scale , risk avoidance and fair assignment .

  3. 霍克·西德利试图通过在其他领域进行多样化发展来规避风险。

    Hawker Siddeley tried to hedge its bets by diversifying into other fields

  4. 对项目时间成本管理通过MSproject管理工具做了优化,突出设计院项目在立项之前的项目风险控制作为规避风险的首要选择。

    Time cost of the project management through MS Project management tool optimized for the program . project risk control as a hedge against the risk of first choice before execute projects .

  5. 基于上述目的,从保险行业分析型CRM的基本设计原理、关键技术以及规避风险等方面进行了研究和论述,并对保险行业分析型CRM具备的功能进行了描述。

    So the paper researches on the principium , key technology and evading risk of the analyzing CRM in insurance , and defines the functions of analyzing CRM in insurance .

  6. 战略的制定能突出企业的竞争优势,规避风险。

    Determining strategy can extend enterprise advantage , evade the risk .

  7. 可转换债券是一种兼顾收益和风险的金融工具,股市经过长期的深幅调整,许多投资者亏损严重,投资可转换债券可以规避风险,同时在股市出现转机时又不失盈利机会。

    Convertible bond is a financial tool with risk and income .

  8. 本文主要研究了规避风险的重要手段&投资组合。

    This dissertation mostly studies the most important means-Investment Portfolio .

  9. 加强企业管理、提高规避风险意识

    Strengthen the enterprise management and administration Raise the realization of avoiding risks

  10. 这种情形不太可能出现,因为这些基金要规避风险。

    This is unlikely , as these funds are risk-averse .

  11. 这使医生产生了一种规避风险的自卫医学行为。

    Doctors begin to evade risks with defensive medicine under the stress .

  12. 说明组合证券保险如何在不限制盈利的同时规避风险。

    The result shows portfolio insurance can avoid risk without restriction on profit .

  13. 经济学要研究的是尽最大可能规避风险,取得盈利。

    What economics studies is how to avoid risk as most as possible .

  14. 事实基本证明,通过规避风险,这种模式对危机是有抵抗力的。

    By eschewing risk , this model has largely proved resistant to the crisis .

  15. 规避风险不是对风险采取被动的行为,而是在意识到风险存在的前提下,主动迎接风险,富于挑战。

    Avoiding risk is not passive but active .

  16. 不会出现要求我们为银行规避风险的情况。

    There would be no pretence that somehow we banish risks for the markets .

  17. 应用衍生金融工具规避风险;

    Minimize risks by using financial derivatives ;

  18. 同时,我国投资者也可利用股指期货更好地规避风险、进行套期保值。

    Our investors can use stock index futures to avoid risk and hedge their assets .

  19. 借鉴行为金融的研究成果,我们试图使投资者发现优秀的公司并长期持有,在股价的异常波动中规避风险。

    We study Behavior Finance in order to avoid the risk in the abnormal fluctuation .

  20. 供应者和用户之间主要依靠长期合同规避风险。天然气的运输和销售捆绑式经营是这一阶段最为明显的特点(如我国目前的状况)。

    Long-term contract is the main way for suppler and user to avoid the risk .

  21. 银行可以继续购买并出售证券以规避风险并服务客户。

    Banks can continue to buy and sell securities to hedge risk and serve clients .

  22. 对此,企业应采取相应的措施规避风险以降低不必要的损失。

    At last explains that enterprises may take available measures of defending risk to reduce loss .

  23. 为了更好地占有市场,获取利润,规避风险。

    In order to occupy the market better , obtain more profits , evade the risk .

  24. 选择合适的时机难度太大,所以还是规避风险、让别人去享受这波繁荣吧。

    Timing is too difficult , and staying out risks letting someone else enjoy the boom .

  25. 对政府投资项目财政评审管理中规避风险的思考

    To Think on the Dodging of Risk for Financial Assessing in Managing of Government Investing Projects

  26. 每一小组列出一份风险清单并且针对清单中的每一项设计出减轻或规避风险的策略。

    Each team develops a risk list and designs mitigation strategies for each item on the list .

  27. 同时分析了现阶段转移、规避风险的两种途径:工程担保和工程保险。

    It analyses two ways to branch and free the risk : construction guarantee and construction insurance .

  28. 其结果是采取了规避风险的政策和正统的财政措施,甚至比国际货币基金组织现在鼓吹的还要严格。

    The result is risk-averse policies and a fiscal orthodoxy stricter even than the IMF now preaches .

  29. 规避风险、预防和消除危机是各国政府理所当然的责任。

    It is duty-bound for the government to avoid risks , prevent and eliminate crises is in every country .

  30. 期货作为良好的规避风险的金融工具在我国越来越多的受到关注。

    Futures as a good financial instrument to avoid the risk , has been great important in our state .