
  1. 操作在一个小规模,但是需要资本注入:低价和低风险。

    Operated in a small scale but needs more capital injection : low price and low risk .

  2. 我们俩其实想说的是,上述策略或是类似的办法或许能解释,为什么很多贷款人显然巴不得以低价向看来风险颇高的戴尔收购案提供融资。

    What he and I are saying is that this strategy or something similar might be the hidden factor explaining why so many lenders are apparently eager to provide cheap financing to a high-risk-seeming Dell buyout .

  3. 本文论述了实施最低价竞标主要是对价格的竞争,根据现状说明最低价竞标的特点及面临的问题,提出了最低价竞标的风险和采取的措施。

    Elaborates the best price bid is mainly to the competition of the price , explains its characteristics and problems , puts forward the risk and treatment measures of the best price bid .