
  • 网络low carbon industry;low-carbon industry
  1. 发挥企业在发展低碳产业中的主体作用,鼓励企业加大投入力度,研发和转化低碳技术,掌握自主知识产权。

    Play enterprises is in the main role of low carbon industry , encourage enterprises to increase investment , development and transformation of low carbon technologies , grasps the independent intellectual property rights .

  2. 在本部分中我们根据我们的研究在政府参与下对碳金融支持低碳产业提供政策设计建议,加快我国低碳产业的发展。

    In this part take the reference of our research with government joining and provide policy design suggestions for carbon finance supporting low carbon industry , to accelerate our low carbon industry development .

  3. 电动自行车产业是我国的原创产业、低碳产业。

    The industry of Electrical Bicycle is a creative industry and low-carbon production .

  4. 这些挑战也带来了巨大的商机-低碳产业将成为新的经济发动机。

    These combined challenges also bring to us a great opportunity – low carbon business as a new economy engine .

  5. 出口产业向低碳产业发展,需要我们制定并完善国内减排制度,中国发展低碳经济之路任重而道远。

    We need to set and perfect the system of our emissions reductions , and have heavy responsibilities in the rode of our low-carbon economy development .

  6. 现代会展业素有城市面包、绿色产业、无烟产业等美称,其实质是一种低碳产业。

    The modern exhibition industry is famously known as a sunrise industry , the green industry , and smoke-free industry , which is essentially a low-carbon industry .

  7. 并从广东产业结构调整升级:经济增长与产业结构的互动关系,以及构建低碳产业园区两个方面进行实证检验。

    And from the Guangdong industrial restructuring and upgrading : Economic growth and industrial structure interaction , and building a low-carbon industrial park two aspects of empirical testing .

  8. 推动能源生产和消费革命,支持节能低碳产业和新能源、可再生能源发展,确保国家能源安全,建设节约型社会。

    Promote energy production and consumption revolution , support for low-carbon energy industry and new energy , renewable energy development and ensure national energy security , and building a conservation-minded society .

  9. 伴随着煤炭、石油等化石燃料的快速消耗和低碳产业的持续发展,风力发电作为一种可再生的清洁能源,受到了世界的广泛关注。

    Along with the rapid consumption of coal , oil and other fossil fuels and the sustained development of low-carbon industry , wind power receives extensive attention from all over the world as a renewable clean energy .

  10. 在全球气候变暖、能源危机和国际温室气体减排压力与日俱增的今天,走低碳化发展之路已被世界各国普遍认可,低碳产业在此基础上应运而生。

    With the rapid growth of the pressure under the global warming , energy crisis and greenhouse gas emission , the low-carbon development model has been recognized worldwide and the low-carbon industry emerges at the times require .

  11. 世界最大的两个污染国中国和美国已经达成了一系列协议,以遏制排放,并为低碳产业政策建立国内政治支持,目的是帮助两国履行去年末在巴黎做出的承诺。

    China and the US , the world 's two biggest polluters , have reached a series of deals to curb emissions and build domestic political support for lower-carbon industrial policies to help meet commitments made late last year in Paris .

  12. 加强培训与教育,先行试点、分布推广低碳产业,以在经济发展与低碳转型中寻求最佳结合点以保持经济的持续增长和稳定就业。

    The way to establish pilot projects first , then to promote the distribution of low-carbon industries is recommended , so that the best combination point between economic development and low-carbon transition can be caught , in order to maintain sustained economic growth and stable employment .

  13. 长株潭城市群正面临着中部崛起和两型社会综合配套改革实验区发展的重大战略机遇,调整经济结构,构建低碳产业体系成为其发展方向与重要着力点。

    Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan urban agglomeration was facing " the rise of central China " and " two society " experimental area of major strategic opportunities for the development of comprehensive reform , readjust the economic structure , building a low-carbon industrial system as its development direction and should focus .

  14. 用回归分析论证了金融支持低碳产业的有效性,对商业银行支持低碳经济进行实证研究,同时尝试构建低碳融资指标体系,为后续研究提供相应的思路和方法。

    The regression is used to analyze the effectiveness of financial support for low-carbon industries and empirical study is used to analyze the support of commercial banks for low-carbon economy , meanwhile low-carbon finance index system is tried to be built to provide ideas and methods for further study .

  15. 低碳经济产业园与产业集群建设研究初探

    Low Carbon Economy Industry Park with the Study of the Construction of Industrial Clusters

  16. 作为农村区域经济发展的一个重要方向,旅游产业尤其是新兴低碳旅游产业发展问题的研究已经成为当前我们迫切需要完成的主要任务之一。

    As an important direction of development of regional economy in rural areas , the study on the development of tourism industry , particularly of new emerging low carbon tourism industry , has become one of the main tasks which we urgently need to complete at the present .

  17. 低碳科技服务产业分为低碳实体产业和低碳虚拟产业两类。

    Both the low-carbon entity industry and low-carbon virtual industry are two forms of low-carbon technology service industry .

  18. 养殖业中家庭养殖场、中小规模养殖专业户成为生猪养殖的主体,但是规模养殖产生废弃物污染对农业生态系统造成的危害已不容忽视,影响低碳与生态产业发展。

    In breeding family breeding and middle and small scale breeding professionals are pig breeding subject . But waste pollution from scale breeding is not ignored to agriculture eco-system , even low carbon and eco-agriculture development .

  19. 简单分析了财政政策的选择问题,做到加大财政投入力度、合理调整政府收购体制以及加大财政补贴以鼓励低碳经济相关产业的崛起与发展。

    It simply analyzes the fiscal policy choice problem to increase financial investment , rationally adjust the government purchase system and increase financial subsidies to encourage a low carbon economy development and rise the relevant industries .

  20. 再次,通过透视吉林省产业结构现状,深入分析出吉林省发展低碳经济中产业结构存在的问题,并进一步研究剖析了导致问题存在的根源。

    Third , this article summarizes the present situation of industrial structure of Jilin province , deeply analyzes the development of Jilin province in a low carbon economy industrial structure of existence , and the restriction factors .

  21. 旅游业、低碳能源、创意产业、高科技和知识产业如今享受着非常有利的竞争条件。

    Tourism , low carbon energy , the creative sector , high-tech and knowledge industries now enjoy competitive conditions .

  22. 低碳和新能源产业正在成为中国经济的新亮点,许多英国公司也在与中国开展清洁能源项目的合作。

    Low-carbon and energy conservation have become new growth sectors in China . Many British companies are actively involved in clean development projects in China .

  23. 江西除了良好的生态环境外,还具备发展低碳经济坚实的产业基础,但仍存在很多技术和政策上的不足。

    Except for a good ecological environment and a solid industrial base for the development of low-carbon economy , there are still many technical and policy deficiencies of Jiangxi .

  24. 旅游产业低碳、环保,产业链长,对于拉动就业、促进增长、转变发展方式等具有特别意义。

    Tourism is low-carbon and environmentally-friendly , has a long industry chain , and is of special significance to stimulating employment , promoting growth , and transforming the mode of development .

  25. 文化创意产业以文化内容为基础,以创意为核心,以现代科技为手段,是一种高附加值和低碳消耗的绿色产业,在全球迅速崛起。

    Cultural and Creative Industries are high value-added and low carbon consumption green industries which are based on the cultural contents and cored around the creativity by the means of modern technology .

  26. 文章视角新颖,分析全面且系统性强,运用了制度经济学的相关理论进行分析,填补了低碳经济研究与产业转型研究之间的空白,为产业低碳化的理论研究开辟了新途径。

    It takes the related economic theories of institution economic for analysis , fills the gaps between the low carbon economy research and the industry transformation study , open up new ways for the theory of how industry transform to a low-carbon mode .

  27. 大力发展低碳经济、循环经济、低碳产业等建议被提上各国政府的议事日程。

    To develop low-carbon economy , recycling economy and low-carbon industry and also some other low-carbon proposal was put on the agenda of governments .

  28. 与此同时,低碳产品、低碳企业、低碳产业也正朝着主流方向迅速发展。

    At the same time , low-carbon products , low carbon businesses , low-carbon industries are rapidly moving towards the mainstream direction .

  29. 建立区域财政的环境基金货循环经济发展基金,用于低碳技术的研究与应用、低碳产业项目和环境保护项目。

    The establishment of regional financial environment fund goods circulation economy development fund for low carbon technology research and application , low carbon industry project and environmental protection projects .

  30. 税收激励机制是从能源消费主体角度出发,通过降低与节能减排相关的成本来促进低碳经济发展,制定包括促进低碳产业发展和促进低碳消费两个方面的税收激励政策。

    Tax incentives are the main energy consumption from the perspective of energy saving by reducing the costs associated with the promotion of low-carbon economy , including the promotion of low carbon industry to develop and promote low carbon consumption of two tax incentives .