
  • 网络grass industry;prataculture
  1. 试论宁夏草产业发展的机遇和对策

    Discussion on opportunities and Countermeasures of Prataculture Development in Ningxia

  2. 广阔的市场前景是东营市发展草产业的重要保证。

    Wide market foreground provide important guarantee for the grass industry .

  3. 机遇和挑战并存的新世纪中国草产业

    The Opportunity and Challenge : Grassland Farming of China in 21st Century

  4. 滇池湖滨带生态恢复中草产业发展的思考与建议

    Development of Grass Industry about Ecological Restoration in Dianchi Lakeside

  5. 东营市面临的经济环境、技术环境、政策环境等为草产业的发展提供了良好的外部环境;

    Economy circumstance , technology circumstance and policy circumstance provide favorable exterior circumstance .

  6. 发展草产业关系西部大开发的命运

    The significance of developing grassland industry in west-area-development

  7. 黄河三角洲发展草产业对策分析。

    The countermeasure analyse of grass industry development .

  8. 宁南山区苜蓿草产业化发展的可行性初探

    A preliminary studies on the feasibility analysis of alfalfa industrialization in the south of Ningxia

  9. 大西北和黄河流域生态治理与经济发展新方略&以草产业为基础,草林牧农工商结合,综合治理发展

    Strategy for environmental management and economical development of North west China and Yellow River region

  10. 新疆草产业发展的传统思维定式转变分析

    Thoughts on the Transformation of Traditional Thinking Set in the Development of Grass Industry in Xinjiang

  11. 我国目前正在进行农业产业结构调整和实施西部大开发政策,草产业正成为这一发展过程中的亮点。

    Hay industry is now becoming the focus in processes of agricultural structure adjustment and implementation of West Development strategy .

  12. 实施国家草地生态安全战略和促进现代化畜牧业发展,必须要有一个强大的草产业予以支撑。

    To implement the national grassland ecological security strategy and promote the modern animal husbandry development , support from a strong grass planting industry is necessary .

  13. 发展草产业是发展草食畜牧业和节粮型畜牧业的必然要求,直接关系到我国的粮食安全,也是贯彻西部大开发政策的重要体现。

    Development of hay industry is the inner demand of food-saving animal husbandry , which concerns not only food safety but also West Development policy in our country .

  14. 2002年和2003年在内蒙古锡林郭勒盟苏尼特右旗“冰草产业化生产技术试验示范基地”上进行了冰草生态生物学特性的动态研究。

    The study was conducted on the experimental demonstrative base for industrialized production technique of wheat grasses in west Sunite banner , Xilingol county , Inner Mongolia in2002 and2003 .

  15. 陕北发展草产业,是由该地区落后的经济状况、历史发展和特殊的气候及地理环境所导致的必然举措。

    According to the undeveloped situation of economy , history development , special weather and geographical conditions in Northen Shaanxi , to develop grass industry is the reasonable choice .

  16. 牧草收割是草产业生产中的重要环节,提高牧草收割机械化水平和生产率,对于确保草产业丰收极为重要。

    Grazing harvesting is an important part of the production of grass industry , improving forage harvesting mechanization level and productivity is vital to ensure the grass industry abundant harvest .

  17. 在整治与开发西部草地建设中应运用生态学原理,避免过去的失误重蹈覆辙,以保护草地生态环境,维护草产业的可持续发展。

    In this paper some ecological principles being paid attention to in the development and construction of grassland were put forward to protect the environment and induce sustainable development of the grassland farming .

  18. 在过去的5年,中央政府为内蒙古扶贫攻坚拨款230亿元,其中70%用于扶持类似乳制品、肉制品、饲料草产业以及旅游产业。

    Over the past five years , the central government has allocated 23 billion yuan for poverty alleviation in Inner Mongolia , 70 percent of which went to industries such as dairy , meat , forage grass , and tourism .

  19. 草业开发应走生态和经济相结合的知识密集型草产业开发道路,文中对其内涵及市场前景作了深入阐释,并提出草业优先发展需要制度创新和政策扶持。

    The knowledge-intensive grass industry is a exploiting path that combines ecosystem and economy , and we explain its denotation and bright prospect profoundly and put forward that the prior development of grass industry needs institution innovation and policy support in this thesis .

  20. 分析种草在退耕还林工程中的重要地位和作用,提出退耕种草的草种选择和种植模式,并探讨发展草产业的途径和方向。

    Analyze the important station and role of cultivating grass in returning farmland to forest project , put forward how to choose grass species and cultivating pattern during the course of returning farmland to pasture , and discuss the approach and direction of developing grass industry .

  21. 宁夏南部山区退耕还林还草后续产业发展的初步研究

    Study on Following Industry of Converting Slope Cropland to Woodland and Grassland in Southern Mountain in Ningxia

  22. 英国的草科技产业主要集中在以下三个地区:(1)伦敦和南威尔士之间的地区,(2)东英吉利的剑桥地区,(3)苏格兰格拉斯哥和爱丁堡之间的地区。

    There are three areas in Britain which have seen some high-tech industrial growth : ( 1 ) the area between London and South Wales , ( 2 ) the Cambridge area of East Anglia and ( 3 ) the area between Glasgow and Edinburgh in Scotland .

  23. 借助退耕还草发展草畜产业,走草地生态经济农业发展模式是西北地区农业可持续发展的战略选择。

    By the way of grass and livestock production , developing the Eco-economic Agriculture is the strategy choice of sustainable agriculture in the Northwest .

  24. 在三峡库区大力发展草食家畜产业,符合退耕还林还草和农村产业结构调整的政篆。

    Developing the Grass - feeding Livestock industry in the Three - Gorges Reservoir Area is consistent with the policy that farmland return to meadow or forest and adjust village industrial structure .

  25. 目的:探讨新型中草药膏治疗外阴上皮内非瘤样病变的有效性和安全性,为中草药膏的产业化提供实验依据。

    Objective To explore the clinical efficacy and safety of new chinese traditional proved recipe ointment which was used to treat nonneoplastic epithelial disorders of vulva and for the further purpose of providing experimental evidence of industrialization .

  26. 关于发展优质豆科草粉新技术产业的若干问题

    Several problems of developing the technical industry of fine leguminous herbage powder

  27. 退耕还林(草)对农业产业结构调整影响研究&以陕西省吴起县为例

    Study on Effects of Returning Land for Farming to Forestry ( Grass ) on Agricultural Industrial Structure Adjustment