
dì sān chǎn yè
  • tertiary industry;service sector;third industry
第三产业 [dì sān chǎn yè]
  • [third industry;servica sector] 指西方现代经济学为研究经济增长对产业结构的影响而划分的国民经济三个部门之一,包括商业、金融业、信托业、提供各种劳务的服务性行业等为生产和消费服务的部门。一般认为第一产业指农业、畜牧业、渔业、林业、矿业;第二产业指制造业、建筑业

第三产业[dì sān chǎn yè]
  1. 加入WTO对民族地区第三产业的影响

    Influence of Joining WTO on the Tertiary Industry in Ethnic Areas

  2. 第三产业发展迅速,与GDP的关联度紧跟在第二产业之后。

    Tertiary industry grows rapidly and its relation degree GDP closely follows secondary industry .

  3. 基于超效率DEA方法的第三产业竞争力评价

    Evaluating Competitiveness of Tertiary Industry Based on Super-Efficiency DEA Model

  4. 利用GM(1,1)模型预测河南省国民经济第三产业产值

    Forecasting Production of the Tertiary Industry of Henan Province by Use of GM ( 1,1 ) Model

  5. 对我国第三产业发展而言,FDI的投资效率最低,具有负的边际产出。

    To tertiary industry , the efficiency of FDI is lowest compared with previous industry . The marginal product of it is negative .

  6. 发展高级服务业不仅在于应对WTO带来的挑战,而且可以利用它在GDP的高增长与第三产业发展之间建立一种互促共进的关系。

    The development of advanced industry can not only enable China to meet the challenges of WTO , but also establish a mutual-beneficial relationship between its rapid growth in GDP and the development of the third industry .

  7. 由广东省第三产业对全省GDP增长的贡献及第三产业各主要行业对GDP增长贡献大小可以看出,随着工业化的发展,第三产业将成为国民经济的主要推动力。

    The paper analyses the contribution of the tertiary industry to the growth of GDP in Guangdong Province . With the development of industrialization , the tertiary industry will become the main driving force for national economy .

  8. 基于Panel-data的地区第三产业就业效应影响因素分析

    Factor Analysis on Effect of Tertiary Industry on Employment in Regions Based on Panel-data Model

  9. 继而运用SWOT分析法对开放型经济条件下我国西部地区第三产业发展所具备的优势、劣势,所面对的机遇与威胁进行详尽的分析,并构建指标评价体系。

    Then the method of SWOT is used in the detailed analysis of the strengths 、 weaknesses 、 opportunities and threats of the western tertiary industry under the open economy and to construct an evaluation index system .

  10. 结果表明,影响全部城市用水效率差异的主要因素有四个,其中,人均GDP、第三产业比重与用水效率呈正相关,而人均水资源量、人均生活用水量呈负相关。

    The result shows that there are four main factors influencing water use efficiency . Per capita GDP and the proportion of the third industry are directly proportional to the efficiency while per capita water resource and residential use water are inversely proportional .

  11. 运用超效率DEA的两阶段法,对我国一些省、市、地区第三产业、传统服务业和新兴服务业的发展状况进行了评价,进一步分析了影响服务业发展的深层因素。

    The two-stage method of super-efficient DEA was applied to evaluating the competing ability of provincial service industry and the factors influencing the development of service industry and the factors influencing the development of service industry were also analyzed .

  12. 利用一种自适应遗传BP神经网络模型对第三产业的产值比重和就业比重同时进行预测,实验结果表明该方法有很高的预测精度,具有一定的实用价值。

    We applied the method of adaptive genetic BP neural network model to predict the production value proportion and employ - ment proportion the third industry , The experimental result indicated this method has the very high prediction precision , Has the cer - tain practical value .

  13. 经济因素中人均GDP、经济收入和市场潜力与劳动力迁移正相关,而迁入地第三产业占GDP比重、失业率和职工平均工资与劳动力迁移负相关;

    Where economy factors are concerned , per capita GDP 、 income and market potentiality are positive correlation with labor migration while the ratio of third industry to GDP in the ingoing areas 、 unemployment rate and average wage are negative correlation with labor migration .

  14. ABC税务师事务所在哈尔滨税收征管改革不断深化,市场经济体制不断完善,第三产业发展较快的背景下,顺应市场经济的客观需求而成立起来的。

    ABC Certified Tax Agent firm was established to conform to the objective needs of the market economy , when the tax administration reform was deepened in Harbin , the market economy was further improved and the third industry developed rapidly .

  15. 新型工业化发展道路要求工业的发展带动其他产业的发展,本文通过回归模型分析(SAS软件)论证了我国制造业促进第一、第三产业的发展。

    New-style industrialization development road requires that industry development drives other industries . This paper uses regression model analysis ( SAS Software ) to discuss that China 's manufacture drives industrial development of the first industry and secondary industry .

  16. 各影响因素分析可知,人均GDP、人均第三产业增加值、城市化水平与第二产业增加值比重,均对服务业发展的贡献较大。

    From the analysis of many factors , we can see that the contribution of the proportion of per capita GDP , the added value of the third industry , the urbanization level and the added value of the second industry to the service industry were relatively large .

  17. 新疆各地区(州、市)第三产业发展水平综合评价

    Comprehensive Evaluation on Development Level of the Tertiary Industry in Xinjiang

  18. 济南市第三产业区域优势分析与结构调整

    Regional advantage analysis and structure adjustment of tertiary industry in Jinan

  19. 加快发展第三产业促进城市现代化

    Speed up Development of Tertiary Industry and Promote Urban Modernization

  20. 长春市第三产业发展状况分析及对策研究

    On the Analysis and Countermeasure to the Service Sector Development of Changchun

  21. 云南省城市第三产业发展与就业吸纳力研究

    Research on the Third Industry Development and Employment Capacity in Yunnan Province

  22. 云南省城市第三产业经济效益分析

    The analysis of profit for urban service industry enterprises in Yunnan province

  23. 论我国第三产业最具活力经营模式:连锁经营

    Chain Business : the Most Vigorous Mode in China 's Tertiary Sector

  24. 我国城市第三产业清洁生产的几个问题

    Some problems with clean production in tertiary industry in cities of China

  25. WTO:对我国第三产业的影响与发展对策

    WTO : Influence on Chinese Tertiary Industry and Our Countermeasures

  26. 河南省第三产业结构变动及其原因分析

    Structural Change of the Third Industry and Causes Analysis in Henan Province

  27. 加快农村第三产业发展的战略思考

    Strategic Thinking on Accelerating the Development of Rural Tertiary Industry

  28. 第三产业发展与三产人才培养模式探索

    An Exploration of Talent-cultivation Mode in the Tertiary Industry

  29. 发展生态第三产业是生态城区建设的必然要求。

    Developing ecological third industry is the requirement of ecological urban area construction .

  30. 甘肃省第三产业发展的特征与趋势分析

    Analysis on the developing characteristic and tendency of tertiary industry in Gansu Province