
  • 网络third choice;third option;The Third Alternative
  1. 除了安东尼-戴维斯和近期得到的德马库斯-考辛斯,霍乐迪是球队的第三选择。

    The third option for New Orleans behind Anthony Davis and the recently-acquired DeMarcus Cousins , Holiday holds a rare amount of leverage over the Pelicans .

  2. 约翰-沃尔突破篮下时,身旁的比尔可以为他拉开空间,而两人之外的波特则是队内可靠的第三选择。

    The Wizards now have a quality third option alongside John Wall and Bradley Beal who can spread the floor for Wall 's drives to the rim .

  3. 而且小麦是喂养动物的第三选择。

    And it comes in a distant third as an animal feed .

  4. 这或许是次好选择,但远好于推迟和无效监管的第三选择。

    It may be second best but far better than the third-best alternative of delayed and ineffective regulation .

  5. 是的,拜纳姆在拥有众多火力点的湖人也算是球队进攻的第三选择,而来自奥登的进攻在赛季的前半段可能将是可有可无的。

    Yes , Bynum is at best the third option on a stacked Lakers front line , but Oden probably will be an offensive afterthought the first half of the season .

  6. 在雷霆,他一直都是球队的第三选择,天赋异禀的大胡子甘愿为球队做出牺牲担任第六人,却没有打动雷霆管理层用一份大合同把他留下。

    He was always the Thunder 's third option , the star who had to sacrifice to serve as a sixth man , the one management wasn 't willing to give a maximum contract to keep .

  7. 请依志愿选择最多三项课程/主修科目,在适当空格内填写1为首选,2为次选及3为第三选择。

    Please select a maximum of any 3 programmes / streams from the list , and indicate your preferences by putting 1 in the box as your first choice , 2 as your second choice and 3 as your third choice in the appropriate boxes below .

  8. 所以第三种选择就是将Rhino/E4X部署为一个servlet容器中的servlet。

    So the third option would be to deploy Rhino / E4X as a servlet in a servlet container .

  9. 除了使用客户端XSLT之外,还有第三种选择,那就是在服务器检测用户代理,并根据用户代理的功能提供不同的内容。

    A third option , rather than using client side XSLT , is to detect the user agent at the server and to provide different content depending on the user agent 's capabilities .

  10. ESB提供了第三种选择,承诺在支持使用者动态地一次性绑定到服务代理的同时,仍然能够通过代理使用多个提供者和选择新的提供者。

    An ESB offers a third choice , a compromise enabling a consumer to dynamically bind to a service proxy just once and yet still be able to use multiple and future providers using the proxy .

  11. 随着面向对象分布式处理模型的出现,我们多了第三种选择,CORBA,虽然它不特别以管理任务作为其目标,但在许多方面适合局域网和广域网的管理。

    The advent of object-oriented distributed processing models has brought forward a third candidate , CORBA , originally not targeted specifically at management tasks , but in many respects nevertheless suitable for managing both local and wide area networks .

  12. SwingBuilder让我们很容易调用这两个方法,还提供了第三个选择:可以简便地生成新线程以执行处理时间长的操作。

    SwingBuilder makes it easy to call either of these two methods , and it gives you a third option : the ability to spin up a new thread effortlessly to perform potentially expensive actions .

  13. 第三个选择是向一个紧密得多的联盟迈进。

    The third option is to move toward far closer union .

  14. 但我们来看看第三个选择会怎样?

    But let 's see what number three has to offer .

  15. 所以我在想,有没有第三种选择?

    So I wondered , might there be a third solution ?

  16. 第三种选择是上调企业税率。

    The third option is a rise in corporate tax rates .

  17. 第三个选择是如何推动竞争力的改善。

    The third is how to facilitate changes in competitiveness .

  18. 那片新大陆给了我们第三种选择。

    The main land presents us with a third option .

  19. 或者还有第三种选择,就是你要学会不再介意。

    Or , third , you learn to stop minding .

  20. 如果一个国家入不敷出,它还有第三种选择,那就是印钞票。

    A country has a third option , which is to print money .

  21. 第三个选择看上去像一个圈套。

    The third option looks like a trick .

  22. 所以留给我们的就是第三种选择。

    Which leaves us with option number three .

  23. 谁认为还有第三种选择?

    Who thinks there 's a third option ?

  24. 第三,选择适用主义;第四,反致和转致。

    Thirdly , the principle of choice ;

  25. 第三种选择包括两部分。

    A third choice has two parts .

  26. 第三种选择使水手明显地激动起来。

    Neither choice obviously thrilled the mariner .

  27. 通缩是第三种选择,但这也会伴随着持续不断的衰退。

    Deflation is a third option , but this is also associated with persistent recession .

  28. 第三要选择恰当的学习时机;

    3 , choosing proper learning opportunity ;

  29. 我们可以有第三种选择

    I think there is an alternative .

  30. 第三,选择好资金投入的最佳方向,发挥投入的最佳效益。

    Thirdly , to select the optimum direction of input is related to the maximum benefit .