
  • 网络Third Place;the third space;thirdspace
  1. 从星巴克看高校图书馆营造第三空间

    Building the Third Space of Readers in the University Library Through the Experience of Starbucks

  2. 建立翻译中的第三空间&论霍米·巴巴之杂合概念在翻译中的运用

    Building the Third Space in Translation & On Application of Homi Bhabha 's Hybridity in Translation

  3. 在列斐伏尔思想的启示下,苏贾提出了自己的第三空间的概念。

    Soja advanced his conception about " thirdspace " under the illumination of Lefebvre .

  4. 其中第一节发现第三空间部分重点对索雅第三空间概念的演变和理论内涵进行解读。

    One of section I focus on Soja third space concept of evolution and theoretical interpretations connotation .

  5. 第三空间的出现是当代艺术活动中业已存在的现实。

    The emergence of a " Third Space " has become a reality in contemporary artistic activities .

  6. 偶像文本所具有的移情功能,能让粉丝沉浸其中,成为他们到达第三空间的主要途径。

    Idol has the text " transference " function , which allows fans immersed as they reach the " third space " .

  7. 他们应该在中国传统文化和美国主流文化中吸取精华,在第三空间下确立自己的文化身份。

    They should take advantage of both Chinese traditional culture and American mainstream culture and locate their identities in the Third Space .

  8. 空间理论是近年后现代学术中的一个热点,特别是爱德华·索雅的第三空间理论。

    Space Theory , especially that of Edward Soja 's theory of ″ the third space ' , is a hot issue among postmodern space theories .

  9. 作家们跨越民族、文化、语言边界的游走体验通过写作表现出来,为读者构建出一个杂糅型的民族和文化的第三空间。

    The cross ethnic groups , cultures and languages experiences of the writers are expressed via writing , which compose a complex ethnical and cultural " third space " for the readers .

  10. 随着社会的进步,物质文化水平的提高,现代厨房&家庭第三空间已逐步成为新居室设计的重心之一。

    With the development of society and material and cultural level , the modern kitchen , the third space of the family , has been the important place in the new room design .

  11. 经验让华人悟出二元对立不利于他们在澳的生存和发展,而经过中澳文化商讨,在超出两种文化的第三空间建构杂合的文化身份才是他们的正确选择。

    Learning from the experiences , they understand that opposition is not good for their living and development , and the only right choice for them is to build a hybridized cultural identity in the third space beyond the two cultures through the interaction between Chinese culture and Australian culture .

  12. 在魔幻现实主义中营造第三度空间

    Building " the Third Space " with Magical Realism

  13. 除了在第三度空间的心智,这些不同的层面是不存在。

    These different levels do not exist other than in a third-dimensional mind .

  14. 岛内第三势力空间的存在;

    The exist of the space of " The Third Force " in Taiwan ;

  15. 第三,空间数据查询语言,空间数据查询语言提供了空间数据的访问和操作方法。

    Thirdly , spatial data query language provides the calling and operating method to spatial data .

  16. 第三种空间的无根体验是囚徒困境。在这些体验下,人们对无根命运予以反抗。

    The third resource of rootless is prisoner dilemma . People struggled against to the space experience .

  17. 这是零的地域,从第三度空间转移到第四度空间的标记。

    This is the null zone , and marks the shift from the third Dimension into the Fourth Dimension .

  18. 你将藉由光子能量参与进来而真正地离开第三度空间追上第四度空间。

    You will literally be leaving the Third Dimension and caught up in the Fourth Dimensions , with the Photon Energy mixing in .

  19. 现将各部分内容概述如下:导论:对本论文题目当中关键词语第三度空间进行概念上的阐述。

    The whole content is as follows : Introduction : The key word the third space in the title will be explained as a concept .

  20. 合成过程是在两个输入心理空间的基础之上进行运演产生第三个空间,即合成空间。

    Blending . On the basis of two input mental spaces , the blending runs and produces the third space , i.e. the blended space .

  21. 重点发展小城镇、小城市,拓宽农村第三产业空间;

    Laying emphasis on the development of small towns and small cities as well as expanding the developing space for the tertiary industry in rural areas ;

  22. 当你已经在转移之后离开第三度空间的时候,将会是那些光的存有移动你进入光的身体的系统之内。

    When you have left the third Dimension after the Shift , the Light Beings will be the ones who will move you into the light-bodied system .

  23. 进入零地域那儿是两种你能运作的能源:声音和光,因为你的第三度空间的身体也是由光组成的分子的结构。

    There are two energies that you can work with entering the null : sound and light , because your third-dimensional body is a molecular structure also composed of light .

  24. 利用元胞自动机模型,模拟研究物种迁移、物种在被破坏的生境上的死亡率、第三类空间关联性和生境破坏对集合种群生存力和最优斑块数的影响。

    Cellular Automata simulation is used to investigate the effect of migration , species mortality in unsuitable patches , the third type of spatial correlation and habitat destruction pattern on the viability of a metapopulation and its optimal number of patches .

  25. 第三章从空间域与时间域两个方面分析了有限元法与Newmark法求解双曲型热传导方程的理论公式与迭代求解。

    In chapter 3 , the Finite Element method in space field and the Newmark method in time field are employed to solve the hyperbolic heat transfer equations .

  26. 第三章研究空间系统的子系统。

    Chapter 3 studied the sub-systems of the " Spatial System " .

  27. 第三,影像空间的形象也发生了变化。

    Thirdly , the image of space correspondingly change .

  28. 最后,序列和类图,或者类似的交付产品,从而构成了第三个工作空间的建议。

    Finally , sequence and class diagrams , or similar deliverables , make up the third workshop recommendation .

  29. 第三部分介绍空间点模式分析方法在城市事件叙事空间研究过程分析。

    The third section describes the research process of the spatial point pattern analysis method in the City event of narrative space .

  30. 第三,赛博空间对传统审美观念形成了冲击,传统的审美与非审美的界限变得模糊。

    Thirdly , the traditional aesthetic ideas are challenged by cyberspace so that the boundary between the traditional aesthetics and the non-aesthetics has become thickened .