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  • third;third party
  1. 由于第三人的过错造成损害的,第三人应当承担民事责任。

    if the harm occurs through the fault of a third party , the third party shall bear civil liability .

  2. 夫妻对婚姻关系存续期间所得的财产约定归各自所有的,夫或妻一方对外所负的债务,第三人知道该约定的,以夫或妻一方所有的财产清偿。

    If husband and wife agree , as is known to the third party , to separately possess their property acquired during their marriage life , the debt owed by the husband or the wife to any other person , shall be paid off out of the property separately possessed by him or her .

  3. 内锋,这是你在禁区内的第三人,这名球员需要有内切的能力,并且在禁区内充当第三前锋的角色,ST或者AMC球员在必要的时候也可以打这个位置。

    AML-Inside Forward : This is your third man in the box , they will look to cut inside and get into the box as a third striker , a striker or an AMC can also play here if needs must .

  4. 附保护第三人作用的契约,是对契约相对性原则的突破。

    It is the incidentally-third-party-protecting contract beyond the privity of contract .

  5. 第三人侵害债权的责任问题研究

    Study On Liability of Third Party 's Infringing On Obligatory Right

  6. 行政处罚第三人研究&对一个行政处罚案件的展开

    Studies on Administrative Sanction On the third party of administrative sanction

  7. 如果你希望成功,请你首先请教第三人。

    If you wish to succeed , consult three people first .

  8. 《合同法》应当明确规定第三人利益合同

    The Contract Act Should Expressly Describe the Third Party Interests Contract

  9. 董事对第三人责任三论

    On Three Issues about Director 's Liability for the Third Party

  10. 以及是否应当仿效《1969年国际油污损害民事责任公约》的规定,在海上旅客运输中实行第三人责任强制保险制度三个方面。

    And whether to built the third party liability compulsory insurance .

  11. 首先介绍了第三人利益合同的概念及功能。

    Firstly , the thesis introduces the conception and function .

  12. 第三人利益合同法律规制研究

    Study of Law Rules and Regulations about the Third Party Beneficiary Contract

  13. 仲裁中应设立第三人制度

    The Need of Establishing a Third-party Participation Rule in Arbitration

  14. 论合同履行中违背债务人意思的第三人清偿

    Discharge By The Third Party Which Breach The Will Of The Debtor

  15. 传统的精神损害赔偿主要是针对侵权行为的直接受害人,而并不承认对第三人的精神损害赔偿。

    Conventional inspirit injury amends mostly aim at the direct tortious victims .

  16. 除此以外,还有授权第三人和半强制性规范。

    In addition , there are singular third party and semi-mandatory norms .

  17. 乘客是否应纳入第三人范围?

    Passengers should be incorporated into the scope of the third party ?

  18. 试论合伙企业与第三人之关系

    Analysis on Relationship between A Partnership and a Third Party

  19. 物权变动中第三人保护的基本规则

    Basic Rules for Third Party Protection in the Changes of Real Rights

  20. 固定向第三人转售商品的价格;

    Fixing the price of commodities for resale to a third party ;

  21. 我的兄弟是被接见的第三人。

    My brother was the third person to be received .

  22. 向第三人给付之契约的分析

    Analysis of the Contract of Paying the Third Party

  23. 董事对第三人承担民事责任的合理性分析

    An Analysis on the Director 's Taking Civil Liability for a Third Party

  24. 仲裁条款对第三人的效力

    The Effect of Arbitration Clauses on the Third Party

  25. 保护投保人利益。论第三人利益合同

    Protect the benefits of customs . On the beneficial contract for the third man

  26. 第三人效应理论:传播效果研究的新视角

    The Third-person effect Theory : a New Angle of View in Communication Effect Research

  27. 行政诉讼第三人原理探究

    Study of Third Party Theory in Administrative Suit

  28. 浅析合同相对性原则的例外&合同第三人

    On the Exception of the Contract Privity Principle : the Third Party of Contract

  29. 代表人对第三人侵权损害赔偿责任的范围包括直接损害和间接损害。

    Representatives to the third party infringement damages include direct damages and consequential damages .

  30. 赋予工伤保险机构向第三人的追偿权。

    Giving the Industrial injury insurance agencies right of recovery to the third party .