
dì sān zhài wù rén
  • garnishee
第三债务人[dì sān zhài wù rén]
  1. 论债权质权中第三债务人的保护

    On the Protection of Third Debtor in Pledge of Credit

  2. 法院发出的让第三债务人向判定债权人付还债务的命令

    Court order , making a garnishee pay money to a judgment creditor

  3. 质权对第三债务人的效力主要体现在对其清偿行为的约束上。

    The right of pledge mainly takes effect in restricting the repayment act of the third debtor .

  4. 文章还对第三债务人主张抵销权的方式及相关问题进行了论述。

    This chapter also discusses the way the third debtor claims for right of set-off and other relevant questions .

  5. 银行核押在性质上属于第三债务人对存单质押不保留异议的承诺。

    Bank 's acceptance , in nature , is the obligor 's acceptance of the pledge of deposit without defense .

  6. 指名债权质权如果未通知第三债务人且未得到第三债务人的承诺,对第三债务人不生效力。

    The pledge of common obligatory right , before noticed to or accepted by the obligor , doesn 't take effect to the obligor .

  7. 对于部分应收账款,为了防止第三债务人的地位受到实质性削弱及使其避免处于多头诉讼的风险中,对其融资的效力在实体和程序上都要作出一定限制。

    Although the parts of accounts receivable are allowed to be used to finance , its effects should be limited in order to prevent the third debtors ' benefit from materially being undermined .

  8. 大陆法系对其公示主要有通知第三债务人、交付债权证书和登记三种方式,英美法系则主要是声明性登记。

    The civil law system confirms three kinds of forms of publicity , e.g. informing the third debtor , delivering document of obligation and registering . But the Anglo-American law system adopts mainly registering of declaration .

  9. 对通知第三债务人的效力,无论采通知成立要件主义立法例还是采通知对抗要件主义立法例,都存在重大缺陷。

    To the notice of the effect to the third debtor , the great defect exists whether adopt the legislative example of the notice establish the important item doctrine or adopt the legislative example of the notice resist the important item doctrine .

  10. 同时,第三债务人在符合条件时,亦可针对出质债权主张抵销权,不过为寻求利益平衡,对第三债务人的抵销权应作适当限制。

    At the same time , in accordance with the conditions , the third debtor may claim for right of set-off in respect to the pledged obligatory right , which , of course , should be put into proper limitation for the sake of interest balance .

  11. 在担保制度中,一般债权质押担保的地位越来越重要,第三债务人(入质债权出质人的债务人)权利与义务与一般债权质押设立存在重要的关系。

    In the security system , the standing of the pledge of general obligation is more and more important . The right and duty of the third obligor ( the pledgor 's obligor ) remains the important relationship with the establishing of the pledge of general obligation .

  12. 债权出资包括以公司为债务人的债权出资和以第三人为债务人的债权出资两种。

    Funded claims including the claims of the debtor after the company and the third party debtor of the debt-funded in two ways .

  13. 如果中介机构破产,或用证券抵押贷款,就会引发第三方债务人与证券实际持有的矛盾。

    If bankruptcy had befallen the intermediary institutions , or securities being used as mortagage loans , this would solicit conflicts between the third debtors and the actual security holders .

  14. 第三人为债务人请求和解提供担保的,债务人应当提交有关该第三人提供的担保说明和有关有效担保文件。

    Where a third person provides security for the debtors application for conciliation , the debtor shall present explanations on the security provided by the third person and relevant valid security documents .

  15. 二是第三人与债务人承担连带责任;

    Second , the third party and debtor bear joint liability ;

  16. 第三是解除债务人的债务并使其能东山再起。

    The third purpose is discharge the debtor from his liabilities and enable him to start afresh .

  17. 从学理解释和司法实践的角度来看,《合同法》实际上给予了第三人向债务人的履行请求权。

    In the respect of academic interpretation and judicial practice , the third party essentially has the performing claim to debtor according to contract law .

  18. 法律的原则是,债权的自由让与必须在不损害第三人尤其是债务人现存利益的前提下进行,他们不应因债权的让与而增加自己的负担或者丧失应有的权利。

    The principia of law , is the premiss of assignment at liberty , can not damage the third person and debtor existent advantage , also can not increase their burden or forfeit their right because of assignment .

  19. 第三阶段限制战略武器条约有限的第三债务人扣押令

    SALT III Treaty limited garnishee order

  20. 登记的公示性很强,它足以向所有第三人彰显债权质权的存在,可以弥补交付债权证书和通知第三债务人作为公示方式的不足。

    The effectiveness of registration is very strong , and it can reveal the pledge of accounts receivables to any third party . It can make up for the delivery of creditor certificate and the notification to the third debtor .