
  • 网络third-party certification;third-party verification;third-party authentication provider
  1. EDI中第三方认证模式研究

    Research on Third-party Certification Model in EDI

  2. 第三方认证则由绿色事业认证(GreenBusinessCertification)进行——该机构还对能源与环境先导设计(LeadershipinEnergyandEnvironmentalDesign,简称LEED)项目进行认证——包括对水和空气样本的上门审核及实验室分析。

    The third-party certification is done by Green Business Certification - which also certifies Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design , or LEED , projects - and involves in-office auditing and laboratory analysis of water and air samples .

  3. 诉讼声称,这一标签具有误导性是因为它给购买者一种产品经过第三方认证的印象,事实上它是由公司自己认证的。

    The lawsuits said that the label was misleading because it gave the impression that the products had been certified by a third party when the certification was the company 's own .

  4. 统一认证平台是基于Kerberos原理设计的,系统通过第三方认证服务器和Ticket解决了局域网内的强身份认证问题。

    The unified authentication system is based on Kerberos theory .

  5. 实例Web服务提供者应用程序配置为通过轻量级第三方认证(LightweightThirdPartyAuthentication,LTPA)令牌使用WS-Security。

    The sample Web service provider application is configured to use WS-Security with a lightweight Third Party Authentication ( LTPA ) token .

  6. PKI利用可信的第三方认证机构(CA)签发的数字证书在网络通信中建立和管理信任。

    With the digital certification enacted by CA , Public Key Infrastructure ( PKI ) provides a framework to construct and manage the trust relationship .

  7. 能够提供检测和CARB的第三方认证的服务。

    Can provide testing and CARB third party certifier services for your account compliance .

  8. 焊接程序规范(WPS)和程序检定记录(PQR)由独立第三方认证机构人员负责核准。

    Both WPS & PQR shall be approved by the independent , accredited organization personnel .

  9. 这个独立的第三方认证机构保证这些产品和材料经过正式的检测,符合ASTM和ANSI标准。

    This independent third party certifier provides assurance that products and materials are regularly tested to comply with ASTM and ANSI Standards .

  10. 该方案在Brands方案的基础上引入了一个可信的第三方认证机制,并采用了目前公认的效率高、安全性好的ECC数字签名方法,有效地提高了电子现金的效率和安全性。

    The scheme introduces a trustworthy third party authentication system on the basis of Brands , adopts high efficient and secure ECC digital signature which is widely accepted at present and improves the efficiency and security of e-cash .

  11. 想要为站点实现BrowserID,开发者不需要做什么,这个项目会通过email和第三方认证提供机构挂接到很多站点上。

    While developers have little work to do to implement BrowserID for a website , the project hangs on large scale adoption by email or secondary authority providers .

  12. SA8000是全球第一个可用于第三方认证的企业社会责任国际标准,是国际社会责任运动的产物。

    As a product of international social accountability movement , SA8000 is the first international standard of social accountability in the world that can be used in the third party attestation .

  13. 宣扬保护人类的基本权益,尤其是劳动权益的SA8000是世界上第一个可用于第三方认证的社会道德责任标准。

    SA8000 is in the world first available in the third party authentication social morals responsibility standard , it publicizes protects humanity 's basic rights and interests , works in particular the rights and interests .

  14. SA8000是社会责任国际组织(SocialAccountabililityInterentional)发布的由第三方认证的关于劳工权益保护的国际采购社会责任标准体系。

    SA8000 is a standard system of social responsibility of international stock about the protection of laborers ' rights and interests , which is released by the Social Accountability International Organization and certificated by the third party .

  15. 健康教育计划联盟和NCCA认可委员会的第三方认证机构-学术课程和认证计划的NCCACAAHEP。

    Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs and NCCA are both third-party accrediting agencies-CAAHEP for academic programs and NCCA for certification programs .

  16. SA8000作为全球第一个可用于第三方认证的社会责任国际标准,具有某些贸易壁垒的作用和特点,但更应该看到SA8000的实质是对劳工的人文关怀。

    As the world first social accountability international standards applicable to third party certification , SA8000 has the features of and plays the functions of trade barriers . But we shall also note that the essence of SA8000 is humanistic concerns for labors .

  17. 目前国际上检验企业社会责任的标准有很多,就其适用范围来说,SA8000是最广泛的,且是国际上第一个可用于第三方认证的标准,发展速度迅猛。

    At present , there are a number of international measurements for inspecting the corporations ' social responsibility . In terms of application range , SA8000 is the most wildly used and also the first universal measurement which is applicable to the third party accreditation .

  18. 基于修改过的W-B签密方案,该文设计出一种带有离线的、透明可信的第三方认证邮件协议。

    We modify existing W-B signcryption scheme so that it can be used by certified email protocols , and based on the modified scheme we propose a new certified email protocol .

  19. 基于第三方认证的公平电子商务技术体系研究

    Impartial e - business technical system based on trusted third part

  20. 一个统一的审核流程,由被授信的第三方认证公司执行。

    One harmonized evaluation process to be performed by approved certification bodies .

  21. 基于对称密码体制的第三方认证的无线局域网安全方案研究

    The WLAN Security Scheme of the Third Party Authentication Based on Symmetric Cryptosystem

  22. 建立了ISO9001:2000产品质量保证体系,并通过了第三方认证。

    The establishment of the ISO9001:2000 quality assurance system and adopted a third-party certification .

  23. 在扩展中应用了基于公开密钥体制的第三方认证框架;

    In the model , Third certification , based on public key , is applied .

  24. 其中还以淘宝网的成功为范例,分析了第三方认证的优势。

    Also to the success of Taobao for example , an analysis of the advantages of third-party certification .

  25. 对于个人网商的管理,主要介绍两种主要的模式:网站自我认证模式和第三方认证模式。

    For personal on-line management , introduces the two main modes : Web self-certification and third-party certification model mode .

  26. 你也可以考虑使用第三方认证服务或提供另外用户证明的服务。

    You may also wish to consider using a third party escrow service or services that provide additional user verification .

  27. 公司按ISO9001:2000标准要求建立和运行了质量管理体系,2005年5月通过了第三方认证。

    The company called for the establishment and operation of the ISO9001:2000 standard quality management system.May2005 through a third-party certification .

  28. 随着各种第三方认证产品和加密技术的出现,数据库用户认证在理论和实践上都有了长足的进步。

    With the development of the third-party authentication product and cryptosystems , database authentication has a great advancement both in theory and practice .

  29. 大家旺和中国银行强强联手,为您提供第三方认证担保服务,坚决打击网络诈骗。

    Da Jia Wang cooperates with Bank of China , provides a third party certification service to crack down the crime of swindling on net .

  30. 这对被审核方在取得独立第三方认证以及审核人员搞好第一阶段的审核工作是有好处的。

    This is why it is beneficial for an organization to be visited prior to its certification audit and for a1st stage audit to be conducted .