
  1. Fire的定价是200美元,这算是业内标准售价,却跟亚马逊公司长期坚持的低价战略背道而驰。

    Selling the Fire for $ 200 , the industry standard , ran contrary to Amazon 's long-held , company-wide strategy of undercutting the competition .

  2. 公司竞争对手的主要战略是品牌战略或低价战略。

    The main marketing strategy of the rival of the company is the strategy of brand or lower price strategy .

  3. 李宁,在多年集中精力于低价战略后,像很多中国公司一样,最近两年开始学到品牌是有价值的。

    After years of focusing on cheap prices , Li-Ning , like many Chinese companies , has spent the past two years learning that branding pays .

  4. 小米这一简单的优质低价战略,已威胁到了几家业界大佬的商业模式,比如:

    Xiaomi 's simple strategy of high-quality gadgets at lower prices is threatening the business models of some of the biggest names in technology , including :

  5. 简析低价竞争战略的成功模式

    A Successful Pattern of Low Cost Competitive Strategies

  6. 第四,我国农产品出口企业竞争秩序混乱,以低价出口战略抢占市场,这容易引起两国之间的贸易摩擦。

    Fourth , the disordered competitive behavior of export enterprises with an export strategy of low prices could easily cause agricultural trade frictions .

  7. 自20世纪80年代中期始,欧佩克实行的主要是低价扩额战略。

    Since the middle of 1980s , OPEC has mainly taken a strategy of enlarging the market share on the basis of relatively low oil price .