
dī xī dài kuǎn
  • low-interest loan
  1. 学生们可以获得最高六百元的一个低息贷款用于购书。

    Students can get a low-interest loan of up to six hundred dollars to buy books .

  2. 所以正确政策引导和政策支持是当务之急,例如可以给予劳动力密集型出口导向型的加工贸易小型企业科研投入的税收优惠和进口国外先进技术和设备的外汇低息贷款。

    As a result the right policy guide and support to Export oriented enterprise is urgent issue . For example to offer tax favorable term and low-interest loan to small Labor intensive and Export oriented enterprise who want to import high-tec equipment form foreign market .

  3. 一些人以低息贷款的形式得到了有力的职业援助。

    Some received substantial occupational assistance in the form of low-interest loans .

  4. 今年,宾夕法尼亚州创立了1.5亿美元的基金为那些想要进入“农家乐”产业的农民提供低息贷款。

    For example : This year Pennsylvania created a $ 150 million fund to provide low-interest loans and grants to farmers hoping to go into agritainment .

  5. 这种转变也使得朝鲜能够通过世界银行(worldbank)和其他国际机构来申请低息贷款。

    The changes also enable North Korea to apply for low-interest loans through the world bank and other international agencies .

  6. 之前,该公司曾获得约5.40亿美元融资以及美国能源部(DepartmentofEnergy)提供的5.28亿美元低息贷款。

    It previously raised around $ 540 million , plus a $ 528 million low-cost loan from the Department of energy .

  7. 现在大多数政府通过金融市场就可以拿到低息贷款,那adb还有存在的必要吗?

    Most governments can now borrow cheaply on financial markets . So is the ADB still needed ?

  8. 分析表明,通过Stars交易,巴克莱至少获得了英国政府8亿美元的税收减免,该行随后通过低息贷款与美国的银行分享这些好处。

    Analysis shows that Barclays realised at least $ 800m in tax benefits from the UK government through Stars deals , savings it then shared with US banks through low-cost loans .

  9. 在逆转psi决定的同时,可以向希腊提供30年期低息贷款,以让希腊政府的融资成本保持在与目前预期一样低的水平。

    A 30-year low interest-rate loan to Greece could accompany the reversal of psi to keep the financing cost on the Greek government as low as presently contemplated .

  10. 看看不久前美联储的低息贷款、房利美(FannieMae)和房地美(FreddieMac),以及那些次级抵押贷款给我们造成的苦果吧。那几乎导致整个经济崩溃。

    Just look at what the Fed 's easy money , Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and all those subprime mortgages did to us not too long ago . It almost killed us .

  11. 不过,银行曾利用上一回的1年期LTRO从事利润丰厚的套利交易&利用欧洲央行的低息贷款去购买收益率更高的政府债券。

    But banks used previous one-year LTROs to engage in a profitable carry trade – taking the cheap ECB loans to buy higher-yielding government bonds .

  12. 美国政府将向福特(ford)、日产(nissan)以及加州电动汽车制造商tesla提供数十亿美元的低息贷款,帮助它们重新装备工厂,以生产新一代电动汽车和其它低能耗车辆。

    The US is to make billions of dollars in cheap loans available to Ford , Nissan and Tesla , the California electric carmaker , so they can re-equip their plants to build a new generation of electric and other fuel-efficient vehicles .

  13. 公司决定筹集低息贷款。

    The company decided to float a loan at lower interest rates .

  14. 初创公司的创始人还可以向银行申请特殊的低息贷款。

    Startup founders also can apply for special low-interest loans from banks .

  15. 提供个人低息贷款。

    Look out our lowest rate loans on personal .

  16. 其他方式的资助则有长期低息贷款和校内工作。

    Other forms of aid are long-term , low-interest loans and campus jobs .

  17. 日产可能会在日本申请低息贷款。

    Nissan may apply in Japan for low-interest loans .

  18. 公司近些年来也获得大量低息贷款。

    Companies , too , have gorged on cheap credit in recent years .

  19. 政府引导给予当地龙头企业低息贷款。

    It steers cheap credit to local champions .

  20. 胡说试图用长期低息贷款帮助那些经济窘困的职员。

    The company tried to help the poor member of staff with soft loan .

  21. 英国与葡萄牙政府也为其提供了低息贷款和其它激励措施。

    The British and Portuguese governments also have offered low-interest loans and other incentives .

  22. 低息贷款刺激了消费

    cheap credit creates a boom in consumers .

  23. 例:他从银行获得低息贷款。

    He obtained cheap loans from the bank .

  24. 外国提供低息贷款推销其设备。

    In order to sell its equipments , a foreign country provides low interest loan .

  25. 在中海油竞购尤尼科期间,批评集中在中国银行提供的低息贷款上。

    During the CNOOC bid for Unocal , criticism focused on cheap loans from Chinese banks .

  26. 不是因为吹入空气,资产泡沫的膨胀源自于低息贷款和不理智的投资期望。

    Instead of oxygen , asset bubbles grow because of easy money and unreasonable investor expectations .

  27. 有些国家的政府试图提供低息贷款或是补助,来让企业能为更多的员工支付工资。

    Governments have tried providing cheap loans or grants to pay the wages of an extra employee .

  28. 答案似乎是丰盈的低息贷款让投资者于诱惑下变得扬扬自得。

    The answer seems to be an abundance of cheap money , which lured investors into complacency .

  29. 此外,欧盟官员们正在采取措施充实一项基金,以便向麻烦缠身的成员国提供低息贷款。

    Officials are also working to beef up a fund that facilitates low-cost loans for struggling EU countries .

  30. 然而,政府正通过发放低息贷款和提供贷款担保,加强对初创企业的扶持力度。

    However , the government has become more supportive of start-ups , providing low-interest loans and loan guarantees .