
  1. 根据特许经营关系的本质,特许人与受许人是地位平等、互相独立的市场主体。

    According to the nature of the franchise relationship , the franchisor and the franchisee are equal and independent market participants .

  2. 在特许经营关系中被特许人如果想要开展特许经营业务就必须得到特许人的授权和支持,正是由于这种天然的地位差异,使得特许人在面对诸多被特许人时具有天然的强势地位。

    Relations in the franchise franchisee franchising if you want to conduct business must be licensed to the authorization and support , precisely because of this difference in natural position , resulting in a strong franchisor .

  3. 摘要中餐特许经营关系表层表现为契约关系,反映特许经营模式中授权者与经营者之间法律关系内涵;其深层则反映双方智力交换的成果。

    As for authorized management of Chinese food its surface layer expression is a contractual relation , which reflects the connotation of the relationship in law between authorizers and managers in the mode of authorized management , hut the deeper layer reflects the fruits of the structure of intelligence transaction .

  4. 本案围绕特许经营法律关系的认定、如何认定特许人应承担替代责任及替代责任应如何承担三个争议焦点展开讨论。

    The case law surrounding the franchise relationship identification , how to identify the franchisee should bear vicarious liability and vicarious liability should be the focus of how to take three controversial discussions .

  5. 特许连锁经营法律关系初探

    Legal Matter of Franchise

  6. 文章重在分析和研究特许连锁经营法律关系的性质,以及作为这一法律关系客体的特许经营权的法律属性。

    This analysis and research on the legal nature of the licensing chain operations , as well as the legal relationship of the objects franchising legal identity .

  7. 本文围绕特许经营项目融资模式下的污水处理厂风险关系研究,通过文献综述、数据搜集、模型匹配等步骤量化了特许经营项目风险关系,为污水处理的特许经营的风险管理提供了借鉴。

    By the way of literature review , data collection and model matching etc. the risk relationship of sewage treatment plants can be quantified , which provide a reference for the risk management of the projects .

  8. 当前我国商业特许经营市场的现状不容乐观,主要表现在:特许经营市场主体的不成熟性、特许经营市场主体关系的不对等性、商业特许经营的表面化、市场中欺诈现象严重。

    The current franchise market in China is still not optimistic , mainly reflected in : the immaturity of the principal ; The relationship between the main bodies is unequal . ; The superficiality of commercial franchise . The serious fraud in market .