
  1. 诗人在世上的牺牲所带来的回报,不单是长久以来那个特权印象:百世流芳。

    And the reward for the poet 's sacrifice here on earth is not simply eternal fame that had long been a privileged image .

  2. 对于船舶所有人主动防止或减轻油污损害因而引起的合理费用或所作的合理牺牲所提出的索赔,就基金来说,应与其他索赔处于等同地位。

    Claims in respect of expenses reasonably incurred or sacrifices reasonably made by the owner voluntarily to prevent or minimize pollution damage shall rank equally with other claims against the fund .

  3. 为了祖国的利益他乐于牺牲个人所好。

    He is ready to sacrifice inclination to his country .

  4. Fried的计算表明,可以削减成本,同时不牺牲学生所珍视的那些东西。

    Mr Fried 's calculations suggest that one can slash costs without sacrificing much that students value .

  5. 即使是生活在更加安全的近代的政治家也被崇高的承诺和牺牲精神所驱动。

    Even politicians in more recent , safer ages were driven by grand commitments and sacrifice .

  6. 快乐可以被定义成,至少是可以被部分定义成:为了最终所欲牺牲当前所求的意愿和能力的果实。

    Happiness can be defined , in part at least , as the fruit of the desire and ability to sacrifice what we want now for what we want eventually .

  7. 牺牲销售恐所难免,但维持最起参政的交易,在目前还是必要的。

    Afraid our sale at sacrifice inevitable maintain minimum business presently imperative .

  8. 被一阵恶意所驱使,混乱之龙用爪子深深地击穿了她的心脏,但是随后却被纯粹的秩序和牺牲的魔力所击倒。

    Animated by a spasm of malevolence , the Dragon of Chaos clawed her deeply through the heart , but was suddenly overwhelmed by the pure magic of order and sacrifice .

  9. 他接着写道:这种做法对我们名声的损害非常重大。他列出了5宗交易,以及在交易完成后的几个月内,高盛通过牺牲客户利益所赚得的数亿美元收入。

    The damage this has done to our franchise is very significant , he added , before listing five trades and the hundreds of millions Goldman had collected from them at the expense of clients within months of their closing .

  10. 珍妮弗•温斯洛(JenniferWinslow)希望能在不牺牲做兼职工作所拥有的自由度的前提下赚点额外收入。

    Ennifer Winslow wanted to earn some extra cash without giving up the flexibility of working part time .

  11. 我曾经认为,为了我的成功,我父母为我做出的牺牲都是理所应当的。

    Taking for granted the huge sacrifices my parents made , so that I could succeed .

  12. 你必须经常地,也一定要牺牲你自己的所需或向别人谋求利益。

    You often must sacrifice your own needs or desires for the benefit of the other person .