
dú zhàn xǔ kě
  • exclusive license;sole license
  1. 平行进口法律规制的再思考&以知识产权独占许可为视角

    Rethinking on the Legal Regulation of Parallel Imports & from the perspective of exclusive license of intellectual property rights

  2. 其共享方式主要有独占许可、部分独占许可、普通许可、分许可和交叉许可;

    The co operation style includes exclusive license , partial license , simple license , several license and cross license .

  3. 甲方授予乙方独占许可证,利用上述专利证书中的发明专利制造产品。

    Party A grants Party B an exclusive license to manufacture products by using the invention of the said letter of Patent .

  4. 商标独占许可&依据本协议的专利许可协议,用乙方商标销售许可产品。

    An exclusive license to use Trademark in marketing Licensed Product according to the terms and conditions of the Trademark License Agreement attached hereto .

  5. 滥用市场支配力的知识产权许可行为主要有独占许可、标准化许可、拒绝许可、歧视性许可和掠夺性许可等。

    The behavior of abusing market domination licensing primarily contain monopoly licenses and standardize to license , refusal to license , discrimination licenses and predatory licenses .

  6. 如《劲舞团》游戏当前授权提前终止,那么第九城市所获得的独占运营许可的生效时间亦将相应提前。

    If the game is available for licensing prior to the current license 's expiration date , the effective date of The9 's exclusive license will be advanced to an earlier date .

  7. 专利平行进口是近年来活跃在知识产权领域和国际贸易领域的热点,它指的是专利权人或独占被许可人有无权利禁止合法生产的产品从国外进口的问题。

    Patent Parallel Imports is a heated topic which belongs to intellectual property rights and international trade . It refers to the issue that whether the patentee or licensor have the right to forbid the patented products which manufactured legally imported from a foreign country .

  8. 贵方刚才谈到独占性的许可证问题,请你将卖方或第三者不能在该地区再次使用该项目技术的含义解释得更确切一些好吗?

    You just mentioned the executive license , could you explain more explicitly about the implication that the seller and a third party can not refuse this technique within this area ?

  9. 行为主体必须是专利权人或独占实施的被许可人;专利权人在不对称信息下的技术授权策略选择

    Performer is the patentee or the granted ; Fees versus Royalties Licensing under Asymmetric Information

  10. 但是,这种平行进口的合法进入取决于在国外的首次销售得到了美国的独占权利人(独占被许可人)的授权。

    The lawful entry of such parallel imports , however , depends upon a first sale abroad that is authorized by the holder of exclusive rights in the United States .