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  • soloist
  1. 早期的爵士乐以新奥尔良为中心,并有出色的首席独奏者小号手路易斯·阿姆斯特朗。

    Early jazz was centered in New Orleans and had trumpeter Louis Armstrong as its first great soloist .

  2. 演奏结束后,我竟然出乎意料地获得了“最悦耳独奏者”奖。

    At the end of the performance , to my astonishment , I won the prize for best sweet soloist .

  3. 两位独奏者和唱诗班的齐唱搭配自始至终都很和谐动听。

    The two soloists2 and the choir3 sang beautifully in unison throughout .

  4. 在夏季举行的各音乐节,有著名的交响乐团、独唱和独奏者及歌剧团表演。

    Summer music festivals feature leading orchestras , soloists and opera companies .

  5. 乐队指挥请独奏者上前谢幕。

    The conductor had the soloists take a curtain .

  6. 他们给了我们一份独奏者名单。

    They supplied us with a roster of soloists .

  7. 这首小提琴协奏曲的独奏者是梅纽因。勃拉姆斯《d小调第一钢琴协奏曲》创作研究

    A Creation Research into Brahms 's " d Minor Piano Concerto No.1 "

  8. 在过去35个赛季里,戴维斯和罗宾逊是完成此杰作的独奏者;

    Davis and Robinson are the only individuals to accomplish this in the past 35 seasons ;

  9. 乐队指挥请独奏者上前谢幕。女演员正在一次又一次地谢幕。

    The conductor had the soloists take a curtain . The actress was bowing her thanks again and again .

  10. 同时,他还是一名钢琴演奏家,以独奏者的身份出现在海湾地区等地的交响乐团。

    He leads a parallel life as a concert pianist , appearing as soloist with symphony orchestras in the Bay Area and beyond .

  11. 独奏者的第一次加入最不寻常,他演奏的不是快板的主题,而是一个柔板的引子,这就展开了一个优美的新音乐理念。

    It has the most unusual first solo entrance , not with the allegro main theme , but with an adagio introduction , unfolding a lovely new musical idea .

  12. 期间,文氏以独奏者的身份与多个管弦乐团合作演出,如捷克爱乐管弦乐团、斯洛伐克的茜莲娜管弦乐团以及埃及的开罗交响乐团。

    During this time she performed as soloist with the Jan á cek Orchestra in the Czech Republic , the Zilina Orchestra in Slovakia and the Cairo Symphony in Egypt .

  13. 学业评价范式发生转型,从心理测量学范式转向促进学习的评价范式,需要教师成为评价的生产者和协奏者,而不是评价的消费者和独奏者。

    The paradigm of achievement assessment is changing from a psychometric paradigm to paradigm of assessment for learning , in which the teacher should be the producer and accompanist of the assessment , not the consumer and soloist .