
dú bái
  • monologue;soliloquy
独白 [dú bái]
  • (1) [soliloquy]∶无人在场的自言自语

  • (2) [monologue]∶戏剧、电影中角色独自抒发感情或表达个人愿望的话

  • 像第二场开始时的独白那样的段子

独白[dú bái]
  1. 马修・麦康纳(MatthewMcConaughey)在自慰和需要放松时的狂妄独白也很搞笑。

    So is Matthew McConaughey in a madcap soliloquy on masturbation and the need to stay relaxed .

  2. 对话与独白:《离骚》抒情方式的重新解读

    Dialogue & Soliloquy : Analysis on Lyrical Way of Li Sao

  3. 你什么时候开始表演独白喜剧的?

    When did you start doing stand-up ?

  4. 他的行动伴随着一串冗长含糊的独白。

    His actions were accompanied by a rambling monologue

  5. 听众倾听他的独白。

    The audience lapped up his monologue .

  6. 新研究发现,那些可能无法将自己内心独白深埋于心的人实际上更有可能完成任务,注意力更集中,并表现出较高的认知能力。

    New research says that those who can 't seem to keep their inner monologues in are actually more likely to stay on task , remain focused better and show improved perception capabilities .

  7. “神烦狗”的独白通常包含两个词,第一个词基本上会是so,such,many,much和very当中的一个,与标准英语不同的是,神烦狗通常会用这些词来形容那些它们不应该形容的词。

    Doge uses two-word phrases in which the first word is almost always one of five modifiers ( " so " , " such " , " many " , " much " , and " very " ) , and the departure from correct English is to use the modifier with a word that it cannot properly modify .

  8. 这些文字被认为是图中柴犬的内心独白,通常都用一些蹩脚的英语来表示,比如,suchdignified,或者amaze之类的。

    The text , representing a kind of internal monologue1 of the dog , is deliberately2 written in a form of broken English , such as ' such dignified3 ' or ' amaze . '

  9. 电影中既有真人讲的真事,也有演员的独白

    That film combines real testimonials with monologues read by actors .

  10. 她的独白可以帮助她让她一天的感觉

    Her monologues may help her make sense of her day .

  11. 在第一幕结尾的独白中,克利奥帕格拉在追悔她年轻时与尤利乌斯·恺撒嬉戏调情的时光,她说:“…我的年轻时光,那时候判断能力不佳又冷酷无情…”

    In the speech at the end of Act One in which Cleopatra is regretting her youthful dalliances with Julius Caesar , she says : " ... My salad days , / When I was green in judgment , cold in blood ... "

  12. ELENA独白:亲爱的日记,今天将会不同以往,必须这样。

    Dear diary , today will be different . It has to be .

  13. 怎么记住那些Sheldon的经典独白?还有那些你们不得不说的复杂的科学术语?

    How do you memorize the special sheldon monologues or complicated science terminology that you have to have ?

  14. 他既不认可克里斯·凯尔(ChrisKyle)用独白的方式陈述美国的伟大,对于用一篇严厉的评论文章来抨击那些独白也不感兴趣。

    He neither endorses Chris Kyle 's monologues about American greatness nor is he particularly interested in subjecting them to a scathing critique ;

  15. 戏曲艺术的代言体有独白与对话两种最基本的表现形式。

    Dialogue and monologue are two forms of expression in drama .

  16. 我就记不住那段开场的独白。

    I just * I can 't get that opening monologue .

  17. 与其说这是一场辩论,不如说是一场独白。

    It was not so much an argument as a monologue .

  18. 但是我在“日起日落”那段有大片独白

    But I have a big soloin " sunrise sunset . "

  19. 戏剧独白是勃朗宁诗歌的一大重要特色。

    Dramatic monologue is a major feature of Browning 's poems .

  20. 不要演那个有独白的。

    Don 't do the one with the monologue in it .

  21. 欧阳峰(独白):后来,我再也没有再见过那个女人。

    Since then , I 've never seen the girl again .

  22. 丽兹(独白):为什么他们不像我?

    Liz : [ monologue ] why not people like me ?

  23. 独白:请听一名学生和教授的对话。

    Listen to a conversation between a student and her professor .

  24. 独白,还是对话?&民族志叙述声音分析

    Monologue or Dialogue : Analysis on Narrative Voice of Ethnography

  25. 哈姆雷特的独白在英国戏剧中大概是最出名的了。

    Hamlet 's soliloquy is probably the most famous in English drama .

  26. 独白:听下面一段关于商学的讲座。

    Narrator : Listen to part of a lecture in a Business Class

  27. 独白:请听下面学生和图书管理员之间的对话.

    Listen to a conversation between a student and a librarian employee .

  28. 试论《独白与手势》的电影化叙事形式

    On the Film-like Narration in the Novel Monologue and Gesture

  29. 从独白到对话:传统道德教化的现代性转向

    From Monologue to Dialogue : A Modernity Transition of Traditional Moral Cultivation

  30. 从独白到对话&迈向法律论证理论

    From Monologue to Dialogue : Towards Theory of Legal Argumentation