
  • 网络Narwhal;narwhale;Monodon monoceros
  1. 这些是独角鲸,它们全是雄性。

    These are narwhals , and they are all males .

  2. (寿命:独角鲸的最大寿命大约为50年。)

    Narwhals maximum life span is about 50 years .

  3. 或者更正确地说,是站在你的那只巨大的独角鲸上。

    Or in other words , on our gigantic narwhale .

  4. 那就是独角鲸这些北极的独角兽正在执行一项任务

    The unicorns of the North are on a mission

  5. 我现在明白那种所谓独角鲸的磷光现象了,它真叫学者们迷离惊叹!

    That explains the phosphorescent glow from this so-called narwhale that so puzzled us scientists !

  6. 的确,我们哪能在这狭窄的海峡里碰到那条独角鲸呢?

    Indeed , were we likely to encounter the narwhale in such a cramped strait ?

  7. 普通常见的独角鲸,或海麒麟,身长常常达到六十英尺,

    The common narwhale , or sea unicorn , often reaches a length of sixty feet .

  8. 不是法拉古舰长杀死独角鲸,就是独角鲸弄死法拉古舰长,

    Either Commander Farragut would slay the narwhale , or the narwhale would slay Commander Farragut .

  9. 这只巨大的独角鲸到洋面上来呼吸的时候,

    Seemingly , the moment this enormous narwhale came up to breathe at the surface of the ocean ,

  10. 其实这怪物并非什么独角鲸,而是一艘构造奇妙的潜水船。

    In fact , this monster is not a step whale , but a tectonic wonderful diving vessel .

  11. 没有疑惑了,先生,明明白白,这是一条巨大的独角鲸,同时又是一条带电的独角鲸。

    No , sir , it 's apparently a gigantic narwhale , and an electric one to boot .

  12. 朋友,你知道,这是关于那个怪物的问题…那条有名的独角鲸的问题…

    You see , my friend , it 's an issue of the monster , the notorious narwhale .

  13. 好人长寿,坏人短命。(寿命:独角鲸的最大寿命大约为50年。)

    The good live long , the bad die early . Narwhals maximum life span is about 50 years .

  14. 大型水生食肉哺乳动物,前肢象鳍、无后肢,包括:;鲸;海豚;鼠海豚;独角鲸。

    Large aquatic carnivorous mammal with fin-like forelimbs no hind limbs , including : whales ; dolphins ; porpoises ; narwhals .

  15. 坚硬的长牙,有人曾经在鲸鱼身上发现过独角鲸的牙齿,。独角鲸用牙齿攻击鲸鱼总是成功的。

    Some of these teeth have been found buried in the bodies of baleen whales , which the narwhale attacks with invariable success .

  16. 六点,天亮起来了,晨曦的微光把独角鲸的电光俺没了。

    At six o'clock day began to break , and with the dawn 's early light , the narwhale 's electric glow disappeared .

  17. 他说,这就完全说明了我们在林肯号上看到这条所谓独角鲸的时候所听到的那种吼声了。

    he said . That explains perfectly all that bellowing we heard , when our so-called narwhale lay in sight of the Abraham Lincoln .

  18. 他一定相信,消灭这类潜水艇和打击巨大的独角鲸,同样是他的职责。

    He would have seen it as his sworn duty to destroy a contrivance of this kind just as promptly as a gigantic narwhale .

  19. 诚然,这条独角鲸,如某些生物学家所说,是具有一把:骨质的剑或一把骨质的乾,

    In essence , the narwhale is armed with a sort of ivory sword , or lance , as certain naturalists have expressed it .

  20. 不过,对于事情的成功,还没有人加以怀疑,船上没有一名水手敢打赌,说没有独角鲸,说它不会出现。

    Yet everyone still felt confident of success , and not a sailor on board would have bet against the narwhale appearing , and soon .

  21. 据说包括具有盘旋长牙的独角鲸等其它的哺乳动物和独角兽之说也有关。

    Other mammals are believed to contribute to the myth of the unicorn , including the narwhal , a whale with a long , spiraling tusk .

  22. 我承认,他并不相信有什么海麒麟、独角鲸:船上的人,只有他不同意大家的看法。他甚至于避免讨论这件事情。

    I must admit that he flatly didn 't believe in the unicorn , and alone on board , he didn 't share the general conviction .

  23. 而独角鲸也模仿战舰,在波涛上随意摆动者,好象还不打算离开这个比武场。

    For its part , the narwhale mimicked the frigate , simply rode with the waves , and seemed determined not to forsake the field of battle .

  24. 所以,在没有真凭实据之前,我不能承认长须鲸、大头鲸、独角鲸可以穿透钢板。

    So till I have proof to the contrary , I 'll deny that baleen whales , sperm whales , or unicorns can do any such thing .

  25. 鲸鱼目有三科:长须鲸,大头鲸和海豚,独角鲸是归在最后一科。

    The order Cetacea consists of three families , baleen whales , sperm whales , dolphins , and it 's in this last group that narwhales are placed .

  26. 至于什么巨大的独角鲸、潜在水中的海岛,沉没的破船、飞走的暗礁,以及什么神秘的东西,却都没有看见!

    Nothing remotely resembling a gigantic narwhale , or an underwater islet , or a derelict shipwreck , or a runaway reef , or anything the least bit unearthly !

  27. 6月30日,在马露因海面上,林肯号向美国的捕鲸船打听那条独角鲸的消息,这些捕鲸船都说役碰见。

    Off the Falkland Islands on June 30 , the frigate came in contact with a fleet of American whalers , and we learned that they hadn 't seen the narwhale .

  28. 但是,自从那次碰见后,两个月已经过去了,要是根据您的这条独角鲸的怪脾气来看,它决不愿意长久停在这一带海上!

    but two months have already gone by since then , and judging by your narwhale 's personality , it hates growing moldy from hanging out too long in the same waterways ! It 's blessed with a terrific gift for getting around .

  29. 海洋中传奇的独角兽–独角鲸和伟大的冰海鲸鱼–弓头鲸,在那里兴旺发展,而在地球的任何其他地方都找不到。

    Narwhals , the legendary unicorns of the sea , and bowheads , the great ice whales , thrive there and nowhere else on Earth .