
xiá ài
  • narrow;parochial;narrow and limited
狭隘 [xiá ài]
  • (1) [narrow]∶狭窄

  • 一条狭隘的小巷

  • (2) [narrow and limited;parochial]∶(指气量、见识等)狭小

  • 不要跟他这种狭隘的人打交道

狭隘[xiá ài]
  1. 她对世界的认识是非常狭隘的。

    She has a very narrow view of the world .

  2. 这实质上是一种狭隘的、因循守旧的照顾孩子的方法。

    It is essentially a narrow and conservative approach to child care .

  3. 他的态度显示他的思想有些狭隘。

    His attitudes show a certain narrowness of mind .

  4. 我们犯了狭隘的错误,抵制变革。

    We have been guilty of parochialism , of resistance to change .

  5. 他指责他们像中产阶级一样目光狭隘。

    He 's accusing them of having a bourgeois and limited vision .

  6. 她从未遭遇过如此恶毒和狭隘的事情。

    Never had she met such spite and pettiness .

  7. 对他狭隘扭曲的心灵来说,他的行为当然是可以原谅的。

    His actions , to his small perverted mind , were surely forgivable .

  8. 他们的人生观非常狭隘。

    They 've got a very blinkered view of life

  9. 那些渴望改革的人声称现有的体制过于狭隘。

    Those anxious for reform say that the present system is too narrow .

  10. 该地居民紧密抱团,狭隘排外。

    Its inhabitants are a close and incestuous lot

  11. 狭隘自私的行为最终会自拆台脚。

    Narrowly self-interested behaviour is ultimately self-defeating .

  12. 视野狭隘的人通常会提出类似于这些的陈腐做法。

    Archaic practices such as these are usually put forward by people of limited outlook .

  13. 我会更倾向于一个思路开阔些的人,他的想法太狭隘了。

    I would have preferred somebody who had wider ideas , and he was rather narrow .

  14. 她的父母观念狭隘而僵化,对她管束很严。

    Her parents had kept her on a tight rein with their narrow and inflexible views .

  15. 他心胸如此狭隘,对周遭之事完全不了解。

    He seems to be so blinkered that he cannot see what is happening around him .

  16. 医院是非常狭隘排外的地方。

    Hospitals are very incestuous places .

  17. 他的观点非常狭隘。

    His views are markedly illiberal .

  18. 她可能会借机声讨一番那些心胸狭隘的保守党成员。

    She might take this opportunity to berate the narrow-minded conservative members .

  19. 他见地狭隘。

    He is narrow in opinion .

  20. 哥伦比亚大学的心理学家沙穆斯·汗认为,目前流行的折衷主义("我爱巴赫、Abba和JayZ")是中产阶级将自己与社会等级较低的人的狭隘品味区分开的一种新方式。

    Today 's fashion for eclecticism " I love Bach , Abba and Jay Z " - is , Shamus Khan , a Columbia University psychologist , argues , a new way for the middle class to distinguish themselves from what they perceive to be the narrow tastes of those beneath them in the social hierarchy .

  21. 他一辈子住在一个地方,所以思想狭隘。

    Having lived in one place all his life , his views are insular .

  22. 我的狭隘思想局限在人类世俗之中,不会

    My small mind contained in earthly human limits , not lost in vertiginous space and elements unknown .

  23. 以自由看待发展(DevelopmentasFreedom)的发展观与以往流行的狭隘的发展观(追求GDP的增长、人均收入的提高、实现现代化等等)恰成鲜明的对照。

    The concept of Development as Freedom is in sharp contrast with the prevalent narrow concept of development ( pursuing the growth of GDP , increasing the per-capita income , realizing the modernization , etc ) .

  24. 经济学家指出,在太多情况下,人们常常把对市场表现的狭隘衡量比如国内生产总值(GDP)与更广泛的福祉衡量指标混淆起来。

    Too often , the economists note , a narrow measure of market performance , such as gross domestic product , has been confused with broader measures of welfare .

  25. 她写道,“merit”这个词已经成了“学习成绩优秀”的意思,“被狭隘地定义为”评级和考分。

    The word " merit , " she writes , has come to mean " academic excellence , narrowly defined " as grades and test scores .

  26. 回想IBM狭隘保守的文化,最初帮助公司迅速成功,之后几乎毁掉公司,直到1993年新的CEOL.G的到来才挽救了公司。

    Recall how IBM 's insular , conservative culture first helped the company soar to success & and then nearly destroyed it before a new CEO , Louis Gerstner , arrived in1993 and saved the company .

  27. 当迈克尔•杰克逊的去世让我们意识到如今能够超越狭隘音乐类型的新星已经少之又少的时候,Gaga便在一年的时间内横扫各大媒体。

    She then stormed the media in a year when Michael Jackson 's death reminded us how few new music stars transcend narrow genres anymore .

  28. 一些人曾认为Ferrero-Waldner是更强有力的候选人,但是亚洲外交人士特别提到过,她拥有一个“狭隘的欧洲世界观”。

    Some had expected Ferrero-Waldner to be a stronger candidate but Asian diplomats in particular said she had taken a " narrow European view of the world " .

  29. 逐渐,人们对娱乐的理解也越来越片面狭隘。

    Gradually , people are increasingly one-sided understanding of entertainment narrow .

  30. 因此,他们学会了以狭隘的视角看问题。

    Thus , they learn to think in a narrow view .