
māo yǎn
  • cat's eye;cat eye
猫眼 [māo yǎn]
  • (1) [cat's-eye]

  • (2) 一种作用独特的小型反光镜(如背面被抛光的厚透镜),经常安置在高速公路上作标记,以便从汽车前灯反光

  • (3) 安装在门上用来窥视门外来人的小凸透镜

  • (4) 即猫睛(宝石名)

猫眼[māo yǎn]
  1. 写完了具有未来色彩的《女仆的故事》之后,玛格丽特·阿特伍德的第七部小说《猫眼》回归到了人们较熟悉的题材上。

    Following the futuristic The Handmaid 's Tale , Margaret Atwood 's seventh novel , Cat 's Eye , returns to more familiar territory

  2. 高稳定及免调试猫眼谐振腔He-Ne激光器的研究

    Ultra stable and adjustment-free " cat 's eye " cavity He-Ne laser

  3. 猫眼光栏的方形光孔成像太大。

    The quadratic aperture of the cat 's-eye diaphragm is imaged too large .

  4. 考德威尔建议椭圆脸的人这一季选择猫眼太阳镜或经典的徒步旅行者太阳镜。

    Caldwell loves the cat-eye or classic wayfarer style for an oval face this season .

  5. 四川软玉(透闪石玉)猫眼热相变的Raman光谱研究

    Raman Spectra Study of Thermal Transformation of Nephrite Cat 's Eye from Sichuan Province

  6. 猫眼草水提物对Lewis肺癌组织Caspase-3表达的影响

    The study of the effects of crescent euphorbia on the expression for caspase-3 in lewis lung cancer

  7. 对几类典型光学观瞄窗口的“猫眼”效应指标RC进行了定量分析。

    Using a quantitative analysis method for valuing the RC indicators of the " Cat 's Eye " effect in typical optical observation windows quantitatively .

  8. 通过对四川软玉猫眼进行X射线粉晶衍射(XRD)、傅立叶变换红外光谱(FTIR)分析,结果表明:四川软玉猫眼主要由透闪石矿物组成。

    The nephrite cat 's eye from Sichuan province has been studied by XRD and FTIR . The results indicate that the nephrite cat 's eye mainly consists of tremolites .

  9. 绰号猫眼的空军上尉JohnCunningham击落敌机能力极强,他特别爱吃胡萝卜。

    Flight Lieutenant John Cunningham , nicknamed Cats Eyes for his incredible ability to shoot down enemy planes , had a natural love for carrots .

  10. 采用流式细胞技术发现,猫眼草黄酮类粗提物兔血清可明显阻滞肺癌细胞株A549于G1期,并出现明显的细胞凋亡。

    Flow cytometry assay showed that A549 cells were arrested in G1 phase by Euphorbia lunulata Bge extract rabbit serum , and showed significant apoptosis .

  11. Fe3+的dd电子跃迁是蛇纹石猫眼致色的主要因素。

    The dd electrons transition of Fe ~ ( 3 + ) is the major cause for the coloration of serpentine cat 's eyes from Sichuan province .

  12. 用Fourier变换红外光谱、激光Raman光谱、紫外可见吸收光谱和电子顺磁共振吸收谱对四川蛇纹石猫眼进行了研究。

    Fourier transform infrared ( FTIR ) spectroscopy , absorption spectra , Raman spectra , ultraviolet-visible light absorption spectra and electron paramagnetic resonance ( EPR ) were used to study serpentine cat 's eye from Sichuan province .

  13. 用差热分析(DTA)、Fourier变换红外吸收光谱(FTIR)和X射线粉晶衍射(XRD)测试方法对四川软玉猫眼的热相变产物和相变机制进行了研究。

    Nephrite cat 's eye from Sichuan province and its mechanism of thermal transformation were discussed by differential thermal analysis ( DTA ), Fourier-transformation infrared absorption spectra ( FTIR ) and X-ray powder diffraction ( XRD ) .

  14. 结果表明:加热至900℃时,软玉猫眼中透闪石完全脱OH基,结构被破坏,出现新物相671cm-1的特征强单峰。

    The results indicate that upon being heated till 900 ℃, tremolite in the nephrite cat 's eye is dehydrated completely and the appearance of a new characteristic band near 671 cm ~ ( - 1 ) indicates the form of a new product .

  15. Kelvin-stuart猫眼流的次谐分支与浑沌解

    Subharmonic Bifurcations and Chaos of Kelvin-stuart Cat 's Eye Flow

  16. 因此,非线性临界层产生的Kelvin猫眼有可能是位于纬向东西风交界面附近的副热带高压形成的一种新的物理机制。

    It is then possible that " Kelvin cat 's eyes " produced by the nonlinear critical layer is a new physical mechanism generating the subtropical high in the vicinity of the interface betWeen zonal easterlies and westerlies .

  17. 发明猫眼的PercyShaw成了大富翁,Min-KyuChoi也会像他那样,赢得自己的财富。

    Just as the inventor of'cat 's eyes'for the road , Percy Shaw , became a multi-millionaire on the back of his idea , Mr Choi is also likely to win his own riches .

  18. 猫眼星云(NGC6543)是个典型的行星星云,它代表了类似太阳的恒星的生命中的最后短暂但又光辉的一段时光。

    A classic planetary nebula , the Cat 's Eye ( NGC6543 ) represents a final , brief yet glorious phase in the life of a sun-like star .

  19. 由双面增透的凸透镜和凹面全反镜组成的猫眼逆反器(CER),替代传统平凹腔中的平面腔镜可构成一具有较佳失调特性的猫眼腔(CEC)。

    Replacing the plane cavity mirror in a traditional plane-concave cavity by a cat ′ s eye retroreflector ( CER ), which consists of a convex lens and a concave reflective mirror , the cavity forms a cat ′ s eye cavity ( CEC ) with a higher misalignment tolerance .

  20. 在讨论LRCS一般计算方法的基础上,重点针对镜面反射目标,提出了一种简便的LRCS工程估算方法,并应用于激光角反射器目标和猫眼目标,得到了相应的LRCS估算公式;

    The general method for calculating LRCS was derived and discussed . A very simple method for calculating the LRCS for direct reflection targets was proposed and applied to the optical corner reflector and " cat-eye " target respectively , with the formulas for estimating their LRCS .

  21. 基于猫眼效应的激光侦察技术及其在军事上的应用

    Technique of active laser reconnaissance and the applications in the military

  22. 探测激光入射角对猫眼效应反射特性的影响

    Effect of incidence angle on reflecting characteristics of cat eye effect

  23. 典型猫眼是绿色或黄色,而不是蓝色。

    Cat eyes are typically green or yellow , not blue .

  24. 公司主要生产经营:猫眼合成宝石;

    We mainly deal with : Synthetic Cat 's Eye gemstones ;

  25. 猫眼谐振腔在全外腔长氦氖激光器中的应用

    Application of Cat ′ s Eye Resonator in Long Full-External He-Ne Lasers

  26. 猫眼谐振腔氦氖激光器理论分析

    Theoretic analysis of the cat 's eye cavity He-Ne laser

  27. 我国软玉猫眼的发现及商业开发

    Discoveries of nephrite cat 's eye and its commercial exploitation

  28. 基于猫眼效应激光成像的目标探测

    Target detection based on laser imaging with " cat eye effect "

  29. 星光-猫眼宝石的光学效应与加工工艺

    Optical effect and cutting technology of star and cat 's eye gemstone

  30. 罗甸石英猫眼的矿物学特征

    Mineralogical Characteristics of Quartz Chatoyant in Luodian County , Guizhou