
  • 网络dog;Cats And Dogs;dog and cat;cat&dog
  1. 然而,他们最喜欢的是猫和狗。

    However , their favorites are cats and dogs .

  2. 但它们是和人类一样聪明,还是更像猫和狗?

    But are they as smart as humans , or are they more like cats and dogs ?

  3. 很多人喜爱的宠物,如猫和狗

    popular pets , e.g. cats and dogs

  4. 他不但不养猫和狗,而且不准仆人打老鼠。

    He not only didn 't keep cats and dogs , but also wouldn 't allow his servants to kill rats .

  5. 许多人有猫和狗在他们家里。

    Numerous people have cats and dogs in their houses .

  6. 如果让我养宠物的话,我很喜欢猫和狗。

    If my pets , I like cats and dogs .

  7. 于是他开始向猫和狗发动追求攻势。

    He then started making advances on cats and dogs .

  8. 上次我检查,猫和狗并不是鱼。

    Last time I checked , cats and dogs are not fish .

  9. 为灌输这些概念,《如果》创建了一个以猫和狗为主人公的虚构宇宙。

    Introduces these concepts through a fictional universe featuring cats and dogs .

  10. “猫和狗能提供慰藉和关爱”

    " Dogs and cats provide solace and affection . "

  11. 猫和狗属于热血动物。

    The cat and dog belong to the warm - blooded animals .

  12. 居住区里十分拥挤,到处都可看到老鼠、猫和狗。

    The neighborhood swarmed with rats , cats and dogs .

  13. 不过大多数人喜欢猫和狗。

    But the all-time favorites are cats and dogs .

  14. 为什么猫和狗水火不容?

    Why do cats and dogs hate each other ?

  15. 猫和狗不伤害婴儿。

    Cats and dogs do no harm to babies .

  16. 它提供了更多有用比想象的猫和狗这种规模。

    It offers more usefulness than thought possible in a pocketknife this size .

  17. 猫和狗是最受欢迎的宠物。

    Dogs and cats are the most popular pets .

  18. 猫和狗的视力都不是很好。

    Cats and dogs do not have strong vision .

  19. 是,这些产品是可以安全使用在猫和狗上的。

    Yes , these products are safe to use on cats and dogs .

  20. 请把猫和狗赶出去。

    Please put out the cat and the dog .

  21. 我的猫和狗相处得十分和睦。

    My cat and dog live in perfect harmony .

  22. 我的猫和狗从不打架,他们完全和睦地生活在一起。

    My cat and dog never fight ; they live together in perfect harmony .

  23. 你不是说猫和狗的晚宴吧?

    Dont you mean cat and dog dinner ?

  24. 我养的猫和狗从来不打架&它们相处得非常和睦。

    My cat and dog never fight & they live together in perfect harmony .

  25. 猫和狗的习性迥异&狗喜欢有伴,猫爱独来独往。

    Cats and dogs have quite different natures dogs like company , cats are independent .

  26. 猫和狗之中我更喜好猫。

    I much prefer cats to dogs .

  27. 猫和狗很少能和睦相处。

    Cats and dogs are seldom compatible .

  28. 不过,一直广受欢迎的是猫和狗,连白宫也不例外。

    But the all-time favorites are cats and dogs , even at the White House .

  29. 城市的猫和狗这两个都不是。

    Neither cat and dog of city .

  30. 猫和狗都不会说话!

    Cats and dogs don 't speak !