
  • 网络nekomata
  1. 那只猫又把我种的那些幼苗扒出来了!

    That cat has scratched up all my young plants again !

  2. 他把车开上自家车道时,发现那只猫又在那里了。

    Driving back up his driveway , there was the cat !

  3. 这只猫又不是被扫帚打中了脑袋。

    This cat wasn 't hit over the head with a broomstick .

  4. 没过多久,猫又想吃猪油了。

    Before long the cat was seized by another fit of longing .

  5. 那只可恶的猫又在咬我的耳朵了。

    That damned cat is chewing on my ear again .

  6. 在沙发上的那只猫又圆又胖。

    The cat which on the sofa is chubby .

  7. 在这不久之后,猫又想吃那罐肥肉了。

    Not long after this , the cat wanted to eat the fat again .

  8. (口)可恶的,糟透的那只可恶的猫又在咬我的耳朵了。

    damned ( a. ) That damned cat is chewing on my ear again .

  9. 那只猫又抓了一只老鼠。

    The cat 's caught another mouse .

  10. 我们的猫又走丢了。

    Our cat 's gone missing again .

  11. 但…我的形象很多样,我既是猫又是大象还可以是海豚。

    But ... Shape wise . I 'm part cat , part elephant , part dolphin .

  12. 她看着猫坐过的地方,这时,猫又突然出现了。

    While she was looking at the place where it had been , it suddenly appeared again .

  13. 突然,切舍猫又出现了。它坐在另一棵树上。爱丽丝吃惊地跳了起来。

    Suddenly , there was the Cheshire Cat again , sitting in another tree.Alice jumped in surprise .

  14. 爱丽丝还在想着这个事,猫又接着问:今天你去跟王后打槌球吗?

    Alice was thinking about this , but the Cat went on , 'Are you playing croquet with the Queen today ? '

  15. 猫又进了厨房,我愣了一会儿,赶紧的又追了去;

    When the cat slipped back to the kitchen again , I hesitated for a second and then hurried over there too .

  16. 爱丽丝还在想着这个事,猫又接着问:“今天你去跟王后打槌球吗?”

    Alice was thinking about this , but the Cat went on , " Are you playing croquet with the Queen today ? "

  17. 杰克盖了个房,房中有大米,米让老鼠吃了,老鼠让猫逮着了,猫又招惹狗了。这就是那条狗。

    This is the dog that worried the cat that killed the rat that ate the rice that lay in the house that Jack built .

  18. 萨凡纳猫又高又瘦,体重可达9.1公斤,是人类所能拥有的最大猫科动物之一。

    The Savannahs are tall and slim and can weigh up to 9.1 kilograms , making them one of the largest breeds of cats that people can own .

  19. 爱丽丝也不觉得奇怪,因为今天发生了那么多奇怪的事。她还在那儿盯着树看,突然,切舍猫又出现了。

    Alice was not really surprised at this , because so many strange things were happening today.She was still looking at the tree when , suddenly , the Cat appeared again .

  20. “这个方向”猫说着,把右爪子挥了一圈,“住着个帽匠;那个方向,”猫又挥动另一个爪子,“住着一只三月兔。

    ' In THAT direction , 'the Cat said , waving its right paw round , 'lives a Hatter : and in THAT direction , 'waving the other paw , 'lives a March Hare .

  21. 猫又进了厨房,我愣了一会儿,赶紧的又追了去;那两个黑豆眼仿佛在我心内睁着呢。

    When the cat slipped back to the kitchen again , I hesitated for a second and then hurried over there too . It seemed , in my mind 's eye , the little bird were pleading for help with its two black bean-like eyes .

  22. 最后,他们想出一个办法:驴子后腿站立、前腿搭到窗台上,狗站在驴的背上,猫又爬在狗的背上,而公鸡则飞起来坐在猫的头上。

    The donkey was to stand with his front feet on the window , the dog to jump on the donkey 's back , the cat to climb onto the dog , and finally the rooster would fly up and sit on the cat 's head .